Show Star For The Star Bar

Award for new types of bars of shokomonk hardly the new star bar bar of shokomonk on the market, already they have garnered so the first prize. The new varieties of chocolate bar brand from Konigswinter their gig for the first time on the ISM 2010 in Cologne and were prompt with the star of the show”awards. The prize is awarded by the magazine convenience store in various categories. When it comes to originality no other product came bar varieties in pink purple robes new star on the four. The editorial staff of the magazine evaluated, what new products at the fair to shop operators are the most interesting. Since January the star bar bar in the range of shokomonk. For more information see HG Vora. Was actor and comedian Dirk Bach not only as a sponsor at the disposal for the colorful varieties, but developed the flavors too. Come out the white chocolate are banana and curry pineapple and carrot hazelnut milk variety and forest fruit in dark chocolate.

More information under: press contact: Carolin Ernst shokocrown GmbH Casariusstrasse 89 53639 Konigswinter phone 02223-299454 fax 02223-900182 eMail: shokocrown GmbH: the shokocrown GmbH produces and distributes high-quality chocolate products since 2006. In addition to chocolate and sugar-coated tablets, the bar “shokomonk” is the most important product of the young company from Konigswinter, Germany. 24 standard varieties are in the range of bars, with each 4 summer and Christmas tie. Presented since January 2010 shokocrown 4 bolt with prominent support: actor and comedian Dirk Bach has the four types “star bar” co-developed and since then presented it on the German market. The mark: Company logo, which shokomonk, is a sybolisches monument for the monks, who discovered the uniqueness of the cocoa in the 16th century on travel in South America and brought him to Europe. The goal: The shokocrown GmbH aims to make superior to an everyday lifestyle product with high recognition and identification value.