Month: October 2012

Solar System

The activities with the professors had occurred at night, of following way: ) Reception and briefing explanation concerning the programming. b) Exhibition of the film ' ' History of the Astronomia' ' , with the duration of 10 minutes. After the film, had referring quarrels to Astronomy. c) Communications on the rejoinders and models in scale displayed: celestial sphere, globe of the Land, miniplanetarium (Orrery), Mars globe, investigates of the mission of exploration of Mars, globe of Venus, globe of the Moon, ship of the Apollo mission, space bus and others. d) Recognition of the nocturnal sky, with the localization of constellations and planets by rough estimate naked. e) Comment of the planet Saturn to the telescope. f) Presentation of the intitled session of planetarium ' ' Csmica&#039 trip; ' , with the duration of 45 minutes.

This session approaches the sky of a typical night of winter. After the identification of the main constellations of the station, the spectator is taken to a trip simulated for the Solar System and is of the galaxy. This programming had as objective to extend the contact with the professors, so that these if became divulgadores of the project in classroom, being stimulated the pupils to participate. The activities with the pupils had occurred in the matutino, vespertine and nocturnal period, of the following form: ) Reception and explanation of the relation between the Astronomical Polar region and the college for the construction of the project. b) Communications concerning the structure, instrumentation and function of an astronomical astroroof. The groups that had appeared at night also had been able to make comments. c) Presentation of the planetarium session ' ' Csmica&#039 trip; '. The visits had had as objective to awake the interest of the pupils for Science and to stimulate them to develop it projects in group it Cultural Week to become fullfilled itself in days 10, 11 and 12 of November of 20101.

Microsoft SQL Server

The language of the servant executes in the Web server. In the last years the programming of the side of the servant has become more popular than the programming from the side of the client, since he is independent of the type of navigator who this using navigator. The programmers they refer to this like the platform – cross. Perl, PHP, ASP and JSP are the popular programming languages of the side of the client. The data bases have been developed to allow to the dynamics of the Web sites. The dynamic pages Web allow to a high level of personalisation when recovering the information. Whenever Web is written with the values of a form in a page – if those S-values for an identifier of user and password, the characteristics of its ideal pair or an author name – we are speaking of a dynamic Web site.

This is only one way to say that there is a data base that is used to execute the Web site. But the popular used data bases include MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle. The objective of the WC3 is to obtain coherent norms between all the companies that use technologies Web such as HTML, CSS and XML. Before the creation of the detailed norms by the WC3, the companies they used different standards, that it gave rise to possible incompatibilidades. The WC3 I copy this by means of the creation of an open forum – it allows the companies to reach an agreement on the fundamental norms of the WWW technologies. The future of the influence of Berners-Read in modern computer science it is in the context of the Semantic Web. Semantic meaning is understood.

A semantic Web is a Web where the elements that appear in a document have some sense and can process be automatically by a machine in some form of data summary. At present, the documents of the WWW warehouse written in HTML make no sense since they are based only on the presentation. Tim Berners-Read established the conceptual bases for the World Wide Web. It was his initial idea to create a way where the information can free and be interchanged with facility. The norms of the same and the lack of confidence in a central servant, gave to an advantage of the Web and the independence him of the crossed platform, which took to its meteoric ascent in popularity. As well, it gave rise to his popularity, I popularize many programming languages, data bases, norms of marked, servants – as well as – virus and worms. Nevertheless, whereas Tim Berners-Read is the father ” of Internet, its evolution throughout the years is the result of the efforts of an extraordinary number of the people. There is no doubt that 500 or 1,000 years from now on, the historians spoke of the invention of Internet like one of those historical events – like the press of Gutenberg.