Tag: education

The Internet

And the teacher is not physically have time to keep track of all my mistakes and corrected in time. Especially, vocabulary was not so much to train spoken language in a large company. Advantages of the method: low cost; Discipline – tasks that must be met on time and lessons that need to go; live communication. Disadvantages of the method: focus teachers absent for the whole group. Private lessons with tutor seemed to me that attendance rates low for a successful and quickly learn Czech, and I came up with a way out – became involved with a private tutor. FinnLOL does not necessarily agree.

To save money find like-minded. Together we trained spoken language in the classroom and talked in Czech out the lessons to give enough knowledge and attention from the teacher. By the same author: Dave Clark Flexport. But, after all these lessons were quite expensive for me. Advantages of the method: teacher works only with you, accordingly, the quality of learning increases; assignments and lessons are oriented specifically for you, take into account the level of knowledge, speed of memory and other factors. Disadvantages of the method: a sufficiently high price.

Self-taught Czech on-line when I was a little accustomed to the language, she decided to study independently. The Internet provided an extensive library of books and online courses in the Czech language. Very difficult to choose methodology and not get lost in the abundance of sources of useful information. This method has a major advantage – it is absolutely free.

Federal University

Federal university of Mato Grosso of the South Navira Campus referring Critical Text disciplines it of Practical Research and Pedagogical I Teacher: Michelle Milhorana Moreira Academic Schneider: Ana Caroline Da Silva Sales- 2 Semester of Pedagogia Of who is the guilt Currently she has argued yourself very regarding the education, this that is of utmost importance for the development of a country. Some facts see happening that it is harming it. Many people alone know to criticize, to give palpites, but solutions nobody finds, on account leaves everything of the government that alone does not decide nothing. Of who it will be the guilt of the education to be thus, it will be of the parents who want that the school is ' ' a thousand and one coisas' ' , as: doctor’s office, social, local assistance of entertainment; of the school that does not have resources to take care of the population; of the government that does not come these resources. Whenever Ali Partovi listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Very it does not have this reply, but I believe that they would have main the interested ones of this history acted together stops to decide the situation. To each day that passes the families are more distant, parents do not participate of the life of its children, leaving them devoid and wanting to call attention, she does not have time to educate them and want that the professor next to the school makes this.

therefore is found in the right of them to charge why its children to go badly in the school, and they blame the professor for this, instead of more than participating the life of the children and seeing what he really happens with them. The great problem is that these children who are devoid want one total attention, and makes of everything to have it, does not respect more the professors, arrives until the agrediz them, the professor cannot act, therefore the Law practically does not exist for it, if something occurs is the word of the pupil against the one of it, being that of the pupil it prevails. The professor inside does not have more authority of the room and still he has that to answer therefore. the children are not alone who disrespect the professor, but also the parents of them, they only follow the model that those practise. The parents children deal with the professor negative way in the front them who also feel themselves in the right to remake the act. The school does not possess ways to take care of to all the necessities of the children, does not receive support and mounts of money the sufficient, cannot play a role that is not of them, and exactly thus the people always blame do not understand it.

I believe that they had a consensus everything would decide itself, the government must each time more invest in the education, what also it can be a return for later. The school next to the family must follow the development of the child, but each one in its had place, together adding for the growth of it. When everything what it harms the good course of the education will be decided this will be perfect.

New International School EF English First

Traditionally, the most popular country among willing to learn from abroad has remained the UK. And this trend is manifested both in the field of English language courses, and so in higher education. But this year Russians are suddenly together drew attention to the countries of the New World – have rushed for knowledge of the ocean – in the United States and Canada. Companies involved in youth tourism, mark an unprecedented demand for education in the U.S. and Canada.

The flow of students in the U.S. increased by 4 times, and in Canada grew more than tenfold. And this despite the fact that earlier education in Canada was virtually no demand by Russians. What is the reason for the rapid 'discovery' of America? In the first all, this is because the dollar has fallen markedly, respectively, and studying in the U.S. has become more affordable. Others including App Store, offer their opinions as well.

Furthermore, we know that the American and Canadian universities are renowned for their prestige and give a quality education. Not surprising that many young people (and their parents), focus has shifted from Albion to another continent. Of course, in America or London to study, you choose. And our part, we want to give you a little information on various language courses, which we hope will be useful. Courses 'language + career' – New International School EF English First (). They are intended primarily for those who want to get on the linguistic courses all at once: the language to learn, and take another step up the career ladder. The program is called "International career," she several options – choose according to your professional interests. Marketing and business (at EF in Cambridge). Students will expand vocabulary, business vocabulary, study skills of business communication. In addition, out of 26 English lessons per week four will be devoted to specialized topics – jurisprudence, international relations and public policy. The development of an international career (in EF schools in London and Chicago). Here the focus – on the job search and career development in international companies. Many emphasis on business vocabulary, preparing for interviews in English, the study of international law resume writing, corporate culture. English and Law (EF schools in London and Chicago). Familiarity with legal vocabulary. English and IT (at an EF school in Cambridge.) You fill up your vocabulary in computer science and software, information security and other professional topics. Even with Computer Slang acquainted. On all these courses you can go to any initial level of English – even the very beginners. Classes begin year-round every Monday. Course duration – from 1 to 4 weeks. If for any reasons, study abroad for you a problem, do not despair – there is a solution. However, in the first place, this information will be interesting to residents of Moscow and Moscow region. In Moscow Club Native speakers, where you can improve in foreign languages, with experienced teachers, native speakers. Visit the club's official website and read the information you need.

Virtual Reading

To reflect on the virtual reading and the formation of the modern reader, one was about the concept of reading as well as of the reading in the Internet, also was mentioned the paper of the reader while (reverse speed) creative of directions. Read additional details here: Ali Partovi. At as a moment, the analysis on the text reader was made printed matter (book), virtual reader and described the behavior of both in terms of reading strategies. Finally one discoursed on practical abilities of reading and the involved ones in this process. At last, the profile of the imersivo reader with the goal was traced to consider changes assist that it in a bigger relation, reflection and criticidade ahead of the rude amount of information offered for the virtual nets that if it multiplies and if it speeds up. 2 CONCEPTION OF READING The written text is produced by an sender for a receiver, being its objective the communication and a positioning of the reader ahead of read, when this does not occur, the act to read does not happen. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Castle Harlan on most websites. The reading, while intellectual, essential ability to the pensante and agent being of the space where it lives must constantly be developed and be cultivated, since she is not innate to the being.

A moment of great amount is lived and agility of the information, where those that had been reading will only obtain to insert themselves and to participate of the construction of the knowledge. As Foucambert observes (1994, P. 05): To read means to be questioned by the world and by itself, it means that certain answers can be found in the writing, means to be able to have access to this writing, means to construct a reply that integrates part of the new information what already it is. The reading is understood of this form as capacity to understand what it is read joining to the new information what already they have in mind, constructing a new idea, from its practical abilities and.


It will take too much work time, and do not settle the conflict itself. For assistance, try visiting Viacom. The main challenge facing policy makers is not only to resolve the conflict, but also the ability to manage conflict and to address its causes. Charles Koch is a great source of information. As a rule, the causes of conflict reflect inadequate production and management, and their elimination is essential for the solution to the conflict. Necessary to translate the conflict in a constructive direction, in order to neutralize its negative effects. Analyze the situation from all sides, determine its structure and dynamics of development, consider the impact and assess the implications of each option. The warring parties should also understand the reasons for their contradictions and differences, and the head should be of interest for each of the participants of the need to resolve disagreements. Look for any possible solution to the conflict, allow employees to choose the optimal solution, at different stages. Invite the parties to the joint search and use the available methods, rules and methods of conflict resolution.

Each conflict is unique. In every conflict has its reasons, its prehistory, the actors also individuals, and in each case there is any particular details that must be considered. Therefore, in each case use a variety of styles behavior: avoidance (the desire to avoid conflict), the adaptation (a way to smooth and soften the situation), confrontation (use more aggressive means to achieve their goals), cooperation (joint search settle disputes), compromise (the desire of all parties to resolve the conflict). The choice of styles of behavior determined by the type of conflict. For example, if you have a conflict situation, but it is unimportant itself, and not worthy of wasting time and effort, the best way to escape from this conflict, in order to use work time to deal with cases that do not require delay. But, confrontation, and sometimes even necessary, especially if the problem is of vital importance. In a situation of strong passions, you need a quiet fixture in order to reduce and pay off the controversy. And of course a compromise, very often it saves power and gain time to reach an agreement between opponents.

"We always go for a compromise – instead of" desired "agree on" possible "(Akutagawa Ryunosuke). And another important tip: sometimes, in order to prevent the looming conflict, it is enough time to pause, smile, a compliment the other party, or offer to walk, move an important conversation for another time. In the organization of its management consider the rights of delegation of authority and responsibility to create favorable conditions for the life of workers in the organization, timely inform them about all the changes in the team, Check the balance of rights and responsibilities in carrying out official duties, use a flexible form of remuneration of its employees. The head is worth remembering that the conflict is settled, if to him more do not return, while its members remained grievances. The author of the article: Circus A.

Societal Systems

Different of the interaction, the adaptation effort is bidilateral, therefore in such a way the society how much the deficient ones fight for the changes and search to adapt to the way. In the inclusive perspective it does not exist the system of special education and the system of regular education. The system of inclusive education exists only, where all the pupils are taken care of without discrimination, respecting its differences and individualities. (SASSAKI, 1997). Inclusion: a way without return Has years when not yet if it cogitated the inclusion, the children were directed not it schools, but yes the specialized centers, with educative space and a proposal of differentiated education to take care of them.

As well as one therapeutical treatment, that is, a clinical attendance. (BLACKSMITH, 2003; SASSAKI, 1997). Currently the term inclusion is in focus and the inclusive process in ascension, looking for to insert these children in the schools/regular classrooms. However, she is necessary to consider that inclusion is a process that goes beyond ' ' jogar' ' the child in the classroom, is essential to offer to it to support technician, pedagogical, affective so that she remains in the school. With the inclusive process all have to earn. The conviviality with the differences contributes for the growth of the individual as person, becoming it more ethical and sociable e, consequentemente exempts of the preconception that move away the citizens socially.

The inclusion can be the only alternative that if can have to change the current world that if finds individualistic very, therefore teaches educating to respect the next one and itself exactly, it favors the discovery of its limits and its capacity and the beginning of solidarity. The inclusive educational system is that one where the three bases of the education they work in set: family, school and community. This interaction is that it will be the support of the true inclusive education.

Solar System

The activities with the professors had occurred at night, of following way: ) Reception and briefing explanation concerning the programming. b) Exhibition of the film ' ' History of the Astronomia' ' , with the duration of 10 minutes. After the film, had referring quarrels to Astronomy. c) Communications on the rejoinders and models in scale displayed: celestial sphere, globe of the Land, miniplanetarium (Orrery), Mars globe, investigates of the mission of exploration of Mars, globe of Venus, globe of the Moon, ship of the Apollo mission, space bus and others. d) Recognition of the nocturnal sky, with the localization of constellations and planets by rough estimate naked. e) Comment of the planet Saturn to the telescope. f) Presentation of the intitled session of planetarium ' ' Csmica&#039 trip; ' , with the duration of 45 minutes.

This session approaches the sky of a typical night of winter. After the identification of the main constellations of the station, the spectator is taken to a trip simulated for the Solar System and is of the galaxy. This programming had as objective to extend the contact with the professors, so that these if became divulgadores of the project in classroom, being stimulated the pupils to participate. The activities with the pupils had occurred in the matutino, vespertine and nocturnal period, of the following form: ) Reception and explanation of the relation between the Astronomical Polar region and the college for the construction of the project. b) Communications concerning the structure, instrumentation and function of an astronomical astroroof. The groups that had appeared at night also had been able to make comments. c) Presentation of the planetarium session ' ' Csmica&#039 trip; '. The visits had had as objective to awake the interest of the pupils for Science and to stimulate them to develop it projects in group it Cultural Week to become fullfilled itself in days 10, 11 and 12 of November of 20101.

Vocational Training Center. Courses For All

Education – is the process of teacher and student transfer and learning. Now replaced traditional training, ie learning in universities and colleges, come all sorts of courses that do not require too much knowledge. Seminars, courses, training should listen for a few weeks or years. Course duration will depend on the chosen direction. Courses and seminars are designed for different audiences of students from beginners to experts. You define a course of lessons on their own. In addition, should highlight that the list of professions that are readily available at courses is steadily increasing, ie there are other kinds of specializations.

Today you have the opportunity to take courses in the following areas: training of Feng Shui, accounting, computer courses for beginners, 1C, floristry courses, accountants, design courses, etc. Design courses – this area recently. Increasingly, people began to seek the services of professional art design, to realize their country home more beautiful and modern. Design courses are divided into courses of landscape designers, sewing courses, courses of Interior Designers, etc. If you adore to rearrange things in your own apartment or concoct unusual composition various structures, it plays this course will help you get the basics in design. You will learn to competently sformirovyvat space obrazuete own individual style. After the course you will be able on their own to organize their design ideas for country home or office. In addition, be able to reconstruct and maintain the facilities, coordinating materials for decoration, household items, the right tools, color schemes.