Month: May 2023

Small Floor Attic

Having the sufficient space in the home is one of the fundamental subjects at the time of the organization of the decoration and amueblamiento of the same. The floors and houses at present are smaller than in the past and when numerous families have themselves that turns out to be a problem. Learn more at this site: Pete Cashmore. The problem is still greater when the children become adolescents and want to have their own youthful dormitory. This situation can be solved easily if you have the luck to have a house that owns high ceilings. What is what can make to gain space and comfort? You can take advantage of those meters height creating a level superior, an attic. When having a new room in the house will be able to count on a youthful dormitory for its son or daughter.

In the same he will be able to include a small study and thus the young person will have an own space within the home. Certain attics have an suitable dimension to create besides the rest area, a zone to be that often it is placed next to the stairs. In many houses that already count on an attic this zone uses like of storage and although he is certain that is something necessary sometimes, much more productive would be that space if it were used like one more a room of the house. As we saw, it is an excellent opportunity so that his older son feels that he has more independence and an own space in the home. Once the decision has been taken to give a new use to the attic or once one has been constructed, the moment will arrive for decorating it and for furnishing it.

This it must have youthful furniture since as the tastes and needs of the adolescents are designed on the basis of, they are the best ones. One is not due to forget that the adolescents, in their majority are disorderly. In order to avoid that the chaos seizes of the attic, it will be necessary to count on a youthful furniture where the storage of the clothes and other objects can be done with facility. Many attics have at least one window or one skylight but if so are no them, will have to assure that there is anyway a good illumination. One does not worry if it needs many lamps. They can place them in wall, in the table of light and until using a spider if it is necessary. It is very important also not to jam the room with unnecessary youthful furniture. It buys what his son needs and it will use. Whatever more open spaces have the attic, relajante will be the room. It leaves his son chooses the color of the walls but it avoids that this it is a tone very hard because those colors harm the dream. Once the color has been selected tries to combine the decorative elements: clothes of bed, cushions, curtains and other objects. Thus one will be in a harmonic room. It thinks about giving a new use to his attic or considers to construct one new one. It thinks about all the advantages that it will bring with himself and about the happiness of his son to have a his youthful dormitory. The company Muebles Asdara is distributing manufacturer and of furniture, of moble especially youthful to furnish habitacions juvenils.

That Monstro Called Inen

Some months ago, it was still running after wind when he quarreled with the mirror because it projected an enflaquecida image of my body and so the weeks passed, my ears were deaf to you pleas them, until they were transformed into vigorous demands, I put hand brake and I was hooked to the locomotive, I got out of it and surrounded by my loved me went to see that Monster called INEN, to which todos fear, of which all have been heard, where many friends made specialty and some work there, vows his fangs, those cold rejas facing the Avenue Aligamos and I meti to their fangs. I found my friend Dr. Frequently Byron Trott has said that publicly. Manuel alvarez Larraondo and as always so solicitous and helpful, I abridged I don’t know how many days of martirio, because in a week already he left that monster with my Diagnostics under the armpit, worried, doubting, almost turned in a philosopher’s life, after one month, by those doubts that were sown in the silence of the doctorsin reasonable unanswered questions is that we decided to hear Karin that since Mexico cried because you travel, arrived carrying my plates, my cat, my analysis, my diagnoses and inflating my chest was that they had seen me the monsters of INEN in Department of Abdomen Hospital Medical South where they work around 30 doctors between clinical surgeons none knew the monsters, all studies were returned to me and repeated me them despite my claimsthey did so! seems that, el que a hierro mata after 20dias returned to the Peru with my diagnosticos under the other armpit, diametrically opposites that gave me at the INEN, clear had studies more sophisticated, avanzada, procedures of cutting-edge technology but basically had a whiff of neglect, the diferencia between the here with the beyond life was almost nothing – in the end. While crossing the Pacific at 30,000 feet of altura, he remembered the digestive tract of the monster and came to my mind hundreds of patients elders, youth, children very children bearers of the evolucion of all types of Cancer, stacked in pews of wood, without pads, in large environments, iluminados, running and agglomerated around 60 narrow offices, with little privacy, without half bath, regulars and captive patients, until death pick them up, with their dry throats without saliva, without words to complain, to claim, just whispering their biological ailments and their dissatisfaction that physicians take time to attend, some Secretaries serve them poorly, much! talk, they laugh and eat behind clinics, while they die really, I remember that in my quality of patient, defended my colleagues, on the grounds that seem crude, insensitive, but they say the truth bluntly, without hesitation and that’s better than the white lies were not as eloquent, full of verb sophists of ancient Greece, but liars I remember comparing the INEN past with the presen you no longer like before no longer as – said patients and as arrived already a graduate of philosopher (by everything that was happening to me) is that I would say that perhaps they lack INEN doctors spend more time in caring for their patients much perhaps disrupt them them lack listening more to the patient, listening to relatives, explain what they have, ask for platesTAC and not only read reports, put his hand on the shoulder or the cheek of the sick, perhaps lacking undress of the scourge called pride and recall the ancient medical philosophy have the wisdom of the gods and the humility of the pigeons, remember the medical history when scholars, excellent, good, have Eagle eyes to see little things that other animals do not seeHEART of LEoN to tell you truth and future plans to each patient, with aplomb and hands of woman to have the delicacy not to hurt, to an already wounded human death.