Nor the Bial nor the sender whom the awful spectacle offers, to the Brazilian family, in the hour it supper, can be the only one made responsible for the bizarrice of the program of bigger hearing of the Brazilian television. Its endorsement comes of the hearing that the people confers to it. This is a simple mathematics. To express, to spread out and to interchange ideas had always been intrinsic necessities to the society. The liberty of speech is a right preceituado for the Universal Declaration of the Right of the Man (1948).
Our Constitution (1988) cultivates to be ' ' it exempts the expression of the intellectual, artistic, scientific activity and of communication, independent of censorship or licena' '. Under these two principles attribute the media in general to it e, in particular, to the press – the paper and the socioeducativo duty to intermediate the flow of the informacionais messages so that, freely, it can the man form its judgment of value, ahead of the facts. The press – word whose meant it comes of ' ' it presses mvel' ' – it appeared has many millenia as a device to supply the necessity information human being. The establishment of a social function to the press was given from three great revolutionary and paradigmticos movements: in Germany, for return of the 1495, with Gutemberg, subsidizing Reformation Luterana and popularizao of the Bible; in century XVIII, during the Industrial Revolution; e, in fact, under a libertarian license, for occasion of the French Revolution (1879), with the emerso of the revolutionary and opinativa press next to the bourgeoisie, at that moment. The last century saw to appear a new and powerful diversification of the informacionais canals brought by the radio and the television. In attendance to a rising consuming market, the propaganda and the marketing had started to influence, ideological and economically, in the miditicos apparatuses, inaugurating a culture (and a consumption) of mass, in which consumption and consumer had become white of its messages. .