Month: June 2020

Industrial Revolution

We are living deeply today in our planet the effect of the Industrial Revolution, of the growth of agro I negotiate, the deforested ones and the race for industrialization. This fits some questionings here who aims at the profit worried about the welfare of the other? It will be that they respect the cultures in which they are inserted? The modeling of the standards taxes for the profit respects the cultural and social diversity of a society? Perhaps these questions have an only reply, but that I prefer to answer with one I break up of a song of the Cazuza poet ' ' They had not chosen by lot me the girl of the fantastic one, had not bribed me will be that it is my end, to see TV the colors in taba of an indian, programmed pra to only say yes, sim' ' I perceive a dichotomy between the enterprise culture and the conscientious consumption. Because if I want to vender I eat I go to educate my consumer to be conscientious in its purchase? If I am aiming at to empty my supply of products, as I do not go to flood the media with a false necessity to have? Parallel to this enterprise usury has of the other side of the situation, that one that could give one is enough to this vicious cycle and to become the companies most conscientious of its social paper: the consumer. But as? Despertando to make conscientious use of its bigger power against the companies who are the purchase. In recent months, altavista has been very successful. But this education of the consumption conscientious it passes inside for a change of attitude of its proper environment of convivncia, we consume wildly what the media imposes in them, products, services, behaviors. We buy for the necessity not to have, but for the impulse. If to possess an electronic equipment, we want one more modern. .

CFC Form

Availability of logic that allows to manually set the timings purge steaming and cooling. As well as configuring for data operations. Thus, For example, selecting a program providing for the operator to do not purge in time and by the value of the gauge. The presence of alerting the operator. For example, if during an automatic cycle, the accident occurred, it is necessary inform the operator about it. Then the operator takes the installation in manual mode and completes the cycle under his own control. Find a Solution: The first step is to replace manual ball valves to supply pair in block form for automatically operated ball valves. Were selected ball valves are equipped with pneumatic actuators and limit switches in order to tap in the event of failure or for some reason neotkryvaniya it was able to identify this automation problem and inform the operator about the accident.

To drive the door lock and load valve in block form of cylinders were used, also equipped with position sensors or end- breakers – to identify emergency situations in case of failure or lock nezakryvaniya door. Control of pneumatic actuators was taken to using the terminal systems. On task required that the operation of steaming and cooling systems have the ability to control the pressure in block form. Namely: the completion of the operation should take place steaming and cooling to achieve some particular pressures. That is, as soon as the required pressure is reached, the operation is completed. For this purpose very well come contact gauges. The choice of automation Aries As the controller was chosen OWEN PLC 100 with two expansion modules MDVV. This equipment is ideal for automation unit form as all the input signals arriving at the controller input and output signals from the controller are discrete.

Also a big plus for the selection of the controller was that included with the controller is supplied free software for PLC programming and detailed instructions with a description and examples. Program PLC has been written with CoDeSys SFC and CFC. The program consists of a sequence of steps. In each step the analysis of the input signals from limit switches valves, cylinders and pin gauges. If input signals satisfy the condition, the output signal to control pneumatic and magnetic starters. At the end of the cycle of forming the foam block the program returns to the first step and stands in the standby mode as long as the operator presses the "Start" button. Also, for visualization and human-machine communication has been selected operator panel FE-320. This panel is used to display information about the sintering the block of foam and input time intervals for the operation of "blowing", "Steaming", "cool" and "push" as well as to select the configuration "Steaming" and "cool." For example, you can choose before starting the cycle of "cooling" is not on time, as indicated by the gauge. Changing these parameters allows to achieve better performance shop and product quality. Video of the block form can be look at the site of industrial automation VyatkStroyDetal GP.

Republic Industry

Colombia is currently (2009-2010) a rate of change that will end with the country’s productivity and its value-added exports, as well as with the production that must compete with imports. It has origins in the foreign investment in mining and hydrocarbons and the neoliberal dogma that the Government and the Bank of the Republic assume the problem. We must not get married with a wrong principle, we follow a basis which is not true: spread the idea that the free market would be the absolute panacea to the difficulties of economies in developing. But the reality showed that economies that did not follow this pattern; they achieved greater levels of development is a chimera say or ensure that a nation like Colombia is not feasible without free trade, the classic example is Mexico because I sign a treaty with United States, convinced of its opportunity to deal with china and the effect was unrealizable competition, the indisputable result occur enclosures of the Mexican productive complexes to be transferred to Beijing. (China does not have a free trade agreement). It is now recognized that Colombian production suffers a franc decline, precisely because of its inability to protect against imports in the previous Government of alvaro Uribe Velez went from 6.0 to 9.8 million tonnes between 2002 and 2008. Adding to this that exports are stagnant.

Special mention deserve the treatment that was read to the coffee: that despite having affordable prices in the coffee year which ends in September 2009 in Colombia production fell 12. 5 to 8.6 million sacks and its exports fell 11. 6 to 8.7 million bags this genre reduction in peasant production producing pauperizo of the standards of living of the peasantry poor in Colombia the year of 1990, was the starting point of the free trade generating a situation of distress and permanent crisis, the industry already for 1999, an industry that was already flimsy decreased by 13 percent, detriment to It allowed the widespread decline of the economy. For 2009 the industry under one higher than the 1999 7.3 detriment, free trade destroys national industry (small and medium industrialists). Colombia is not agenciara a development if not to protect national industry. It is urgent to resolve the problems of industrial production and the field no we cannot continue to think the investment of foreign capital in hydrocarbon and mining to pay external debt and that that money is the basis of our development while national field and industry go into Frank decay. But they think of neo-liberal recipe that does not matter that they are skipping and disappears up agricultural and industrial production because controlled the poverty gap with the royalties mining companies and the populism of subsidies. This allowed in the Government of alvaro Uribe Velez a few sectors remain stable those linked to transnational capital and the vast majority of the poor peasantry is pauperizo.

Canine Training

Asegurarte is important that the puppies have the sufficient age like being given to their new owners. You must hope to that they have at least 8 weeks, but also to that they are completely weanling. Some races require of more time, and some criadores wish to have by more time the puppies to make sure that they are healthful. It does not concern the decision that you take, is important that you continue training and sociabilizando the dog while is with you. To 8-10 weeks of life, the puppy will have a good idea than it means to make his needs outside and it will eat by itself. Then, you can sentirte frees to give it to its new home. Only cercirate of which you and the puppy are ready for this new stage.

She remembers that sometimes the mother of the puppies has things that to still teach to them to its children after being weanling, therefore you can wish to hope to that this happens. It is important to write up contracts when giving to the puppies. You must cerciorarte have a good contract with the owner to who you can be referred, in that it is detailed that the new owner must do with the dog. You can include questions like system of return of the puppy or cases in that the owner decides to reproduce it. Also, you can include a clause in which it is indicated that the puppy must be given back if the owner cannot have it. She remembers that it is not a thing that a person is buying to you, is a life therefore asegrate to clarify this in the contract well. There are several questions that you can include in a contract by the sale of a puppy: .

Return. What happens if the owner cannot have it? . Can the dog be exhibited in shows? . Castration/sterilization. How must be treated the dog? . Can the dog live outdoors or must live inside? . How much costs the puppy? . It is the responsible breeder by some question that happens in the life of the puppy? . Which are the responsibilities of the new owner? A good contract will give the knowledge tranquillity you that the puppy well will be taken care of. The contract must be signed by all the parts involved, and you must notarizar it. It remembers that it does not matter how good is the transaction, can be developed problems, reason why the contract is always a good idea. To verify the satisfaction of the puppies Something that you must always do with your puppies is to verify its well-being. Many contracts between criadores and owners include clauses that they indicate that it is due to provide information and photos with the dog to the breeder each certain amount of time. This becomes for many reasons. It allows you to have control on the puppies, and it allows asegurarte you that has a good home. In addition, it allows you to know that the contract is being respected. Also, monitoring the growth of the dogs will allow to determine you what type of dogs arose from your reproductive program. This will give an idea you if the objectives they have been fulfilled, if your program of young is successful. In addition, it discovers all the secrets to train to your dog with Canine Training in: Thanks and that you have a pretty day!

Ussuri New Year

New Year – a new chance. And we must not miss it. And the success of our action depends on each one of us. From the fact that each of us does for his family and his country. New Year's – a favorite family holiday. Today we think of the closest people – our parents, who want above all health. About our children.

We love you very much and look forward to you. We want you to have all turned out. We want you to be happy. Dear friends! New Year's Eve – Was very close. Only a few moments. It's time to make a wish. Let come true your fondest dreams! Suppose your side will be the most expensive and most people close! Let everything be good! Be happy! With the new, 2010 Year! *** What do we see? We see not just one idea, not just two, but we see a lot of thoughts.

In vain to believe that a lot of thought – it was good. Many thoughts at all, in principle – it is certainly good. But not in the case when among them No primary. When there is no hierarchy, no primary and no secondary. There is no subordination. If one question you are trying at once to say about your grandmother, about the national team in football, about the necessity of shooting the increased disproportionately Ussuri tiger population, the use of phosphorus for the brain and the superiority of ips lcd matrices on matrices pva – you can be sure that people remain in the minds of porridge.

Motivation To Action

Sometimes difficult to decide on some action or something to take to implement some kind of plan. You walk around and round in my head full of confusion, as there is no definite plan of action. Kai-Fu Lee may not feel the same. As long as you think, postpone, think again, and every day he, personally, even though consciously slow yourself, others do and leave you behind, thus giving you less chance to become successful in their endeavors. After all, the Internet, with each day it becomes harder to borrow and find their niche and become successful, and naturally – noticeable. Need motivation, not just motivation, and motivation to act, the field you have not already stopped.

It all depends on – how much you Want to be successful? On your desire and aspirations of emerging success! Remember – Time is always against us! With every minute, every hour, every day, if you're not moving forward, moving others, and you stay on place. Mikkel Svane understood the implications. Plan your actions, bring your ideas on paper and you will immediately see how you have to do. Buy 'Diary' and in it write down all your thoughts and ideas. Tracings plan for each day, you need to do and notes the questions that you have already done. Even if one day you have made (to start) 50% of the planned, it is not too bad. But we must strive to do more, as you can imagine, the more you do, the faster the reach the desired result or goal and move forward.

Believe me – it works. It's like 'Maps Thoughts' and it's all on paper. It is only necessary to support this process a little self-discipline and a desire to become successful. If you want to 'To be on the horse', it is constantly Motivate yourself to take action. Motivation can be in the form of video lessons, articles, seminars, and find new solutions. As a result of which may appear fresh ideas. And you will succeed!

Canine Training

Once you know the amount of puppies that you have, and if they are male females or, you must make some decisions exceeds what you wish to do with them. Sometimes, you can wish quedarte with one. Many criadores remain with a female that consider good for their program, and soon bring a new machito to continue with the cycle. Also you can consider quedarte with a puppy for reasons different from the reproduction. When you know whereupon dogs you do not remain, you can begin to analyze your waiting list to determine what type of homes will be the best ones for the puppies. It is important what you determine how you will provide with puppies to your waiting list, for example: you will grant them to well-known, strangers who have completed the questionnaire, to people whom already they have acquired of your puppies, etc. After to determine who will be the chosen ones of your waiting list, you must ponerte in contact with them, and to see if still they are interested.

This it is a good moment so that the people visit your house you know, them and they know the puppies. He remembers, appearing in waiting list does not mean that the person indeed buys the puppy and that you are yourself forced to be sold it. Somebody they can see the puppies and these not like or can not gustarte that person. It remembers, these are your puppies and you must asegurarte offer the best home them. Therefore, you are not scared of being sensitive. After to approve the homes and to the people who will take the puppies, you can ask for a deposit to keep the puppy to them. Then, you can continue raising them until you sufficiently consider them developed like giving them to its new homes. In addition, it discovers all the secrets to train to your dog with Canine Training in: Thanks and that you have a pretty day!