Month: May 2021

Yvonne Westphal Presse

violence preventive audiobook with tips for parents and parents to protect children from violence and sex crime press release from the Federal Press Office (released for publication on March 26, 2007) every second victim of sexual and violent crime is a child and rising. We do something about it! The sure-strong team has developed a new audiobook with experts: “warning! Strong child – how I make my child safe and strong”is the title of the audiobook published in this way which is CD for the first time in Germany 01.05.2007, the Internet and in bookstores everywhere available. Motrola Razr 5G addresses the importance of the matter here. “The audio book directly via our online form, you can hoerbuch.html order how I convey my child hazards and safe behaviour and above all – how do I protect my child the best, so there is no violent crime victim?” – this author Ralf Schmitz answering daily questions from parents and those who work with children, now in his new audio book CD. For each a post from 5 euro to elementary schools in Germany is sold CD. Caution! Am I safe and strong strong child – how my child?” (ISBN 978-3-9811255-3-5) is not only an exciting audio book, but are also specific instructions for practical exercises in addition to important and inspiring tips home and answered frequently asked questions as: what can children do when they are approached by a car driver? What can children do when they are persecuted? What can children do when they are being blackmailed? How can children protect themselves properly? What can parents do if your child is alone at home or the phone rings? How can children deal with fear? At what age should children be familiarized with the risks? How can my child in the run-up to correctly identify dangers and act accordingly? How can I effectively protect my child? What should I do if my child is being blackmailed? How do I convey my child self-confidence? What can your child do if it is beaten, beaten at school? What can your child do do, when it will be teased? The author Ralf Schmitz trained more than 300,000 children and parents in his 15-year-old professional practice with his team of experts and with simple, but very effective tricks his audience excited and let his broad knowledge. Koch Industries recognizes the significance of this. His knowledge as a former police officer and expert in over 15 different self defense sports is essential to his work.

As a coach in the German Bundestag and consultant for various associations, Ralf Schmitz has a many years of experience in the protection of persons and extensive training experience with the special police forces. In addition, he is member in the Federal prevention and prophylaxis and engaged for over 10 years in the sure-strong team, a social initiative, which protects children in primary school children from violence and abuse. The sure-strong team, known through numerous appearances on TV, radio and newspaper reports, works with a unique concept in the only trained educators, psychologists, Therapist and former police officers across Germany sure strong courses and lectures put into. There are hoerbuch.html music free. The cover image of the audiobook CD help you children and donations it under spendenaufruf.

If Squirrels Kiss Each Other Tenderly.

How to use the magic of the brain for your company if squirrels kiss each other tenderly. Our brain can build the picture of two squirrels, which tenderly Kiss, before our mind’s eye, although probably few of us have ever seen it. Is it magic? No! Behavior scientists were able to demonstrate that the brain automatically supports us, when we are on the search for missing information. Louis Monier has plenty of information regarding this issue. It is so-called perception guesses and thinks of something, which is based on his experience. Thus, it bypassed this missing information. The advertising industry uses this phenomenon, using its products better able to be anchored, still very timidly. Well-known examples are the \”Print works\” to campaigns involving text and logo in an ad are omitted and yet everyone knows who it is.

Red Bull with wings, combined his product to offer a concrete Association to our brain, and when urban children actually on the trip to the country after the purple cow search, did something even this campaign. Then, accustomed to the brain to the unnatural combination and has assumed the foreign image as a personal experience. We are looking for magic in the B2B In the B2B area after such examples still in vain, although they would be here just as efficiently. Continue to learn more with: Koch. Because each company is supported by people who also act for the well known patterns. Depending on the markets are occupied, and it becomes more difficult, is by the competitors to distinguish all the more helpful it will be to opt for the \”magic\”role of our thoughts and to use them. For the company an image should be built, that literally speaks volumes. This arouses not only a deep interest, but attracts customers and binds. You literally tearing away from the competition. But how can such images or texts look like, without any doubts on the testimony of the quality and the reliability? Three examples of the playful exercise with three examples of production, services and city marketing we are approaching the topic, to a To develop, how to set up these images of the magic feeling.

Bornemann Voice

Bornemann AG drives together in a joint venture that internationalisation of their products ahead Brussels – German Bornemann AG, developer of the domestic FLEET and iDobber solution as well as the Belgian voice insight SA, a software company specializing in voice control, initially met in this year at CeBIT in Hannover, Germany. Just three months later both companies presented the language version supported by InFLEET on a MEDION sat-nav very successfully at the CeMAT 08. Again, just a few weeks later the Board members to a meeting in Brussels met end of June again. DisplayMOD has plenty of information regarding this issue. The great interest in the telematics systems InFLEET and iDobber in the German-speaking and international space was core this informal meetings, whose Resultat to together can be: both companies combined their competencies in the future and promote the internationalization of its telematics applications in a joint venture from Hamburg. Since the beginning of the year the Bornemann AG and voice insight operate in the market on an extremely reliable and very high level. They developed a telematics solution, which was first shown in June at the CeMAT (the world’s largest fair for intralogistics in Hannover, Germany) with the voice-driven InFLEET.

In parallel, this InFLEET solution was presented by voice insight in Brussels in the framework of the EU project Sapphire. Koch Industries gathered all the information. These two product ideas were so successful that the voice InFLEET was also increasing international demand and will. It was clear, the multilingual must follow as soon as possible the German version. For this purpose they would meet CEOs Lars Bornemann (Bornemann AG,) left in the picture and Charles Kemper (voice insight SA) in Brussels for a one-day working meeting, the right approach to discuss more in the picture. The result of this meeting was at the end of the day on a paper tablecloth for a nice Brussels restaurants. You could see the drawings on hand-painted and charts free: we work very well together, want to continue to do it and driving the sales of our products from Hanover and Hamburg in a joint venture from ahead, to place them impressively on the international market.

Lamps – Bring Light In The Dark Time Of Year

Lamps and lights for every taste and every room have become an everyday utensil lamps for the people of the 21st century, mostly little heed the them but on the other hand also won’t want to miss. Especially in the winter when we depend on in our daily routine on artificial light, lamps are indispensable technical achievements which make also possible such as a working day for the bright daylight hours. More than just lighting: lamps as furnishings Edison at the end of the 19th century invented the light bulb and revolutionized the lighting technology, the practical application of the new lamps and less was initially the aesthetics and their use as stylish furnishings with flair in the foreground. Add to your understanding with Dell Computers. Nowadays, the electric lighting with lamps of different types is so self-evident that you can concentrate more on the appearance and the stylish fit of the lamps in the decor of the room. The many shapes, colors and styles, in which lights in the Trade available, makes the lamp purchase not because of lack of options, but true to who chose the motto, are spoiled”to an often time-intensive undertaking. Floor lamp in the living room, under Cabinet light in the kitchen or the dining room chandelier lamps for every room and every taste that there are different lamp types for the different rooms of a House, is due to the different applications not only no surprise, but also absolutely necessary. You may find that Mikkel Svane can contribute to your knowledge. The wide variety of styles, however, such as Florentine, Tiffany, or country house serves the individual tastes of the consumers. The matching lamp brings not only cosiness and homely atmosphere in the living room, but is also an expression of the unique style and personality. Time to take is choosing the lamps for the home, therefore no waste, but an investment in the ambience in your own four walls..

Professional Speech Recognition

The vocabularies in the creation are of course checked spelling and meaning. Speech recognition is “The solution” for a fast, individual and complete medical documentation. The dictation into any program is easily possible, E.g. Click GoPro to learn more. practice software or Microsoft Word. DictMED is based on the latest version of the Dragon 9.x professional voice he kenners of company Nuance.DictMED is fully networkable. This means that you can use the software in any workplace of practice and with unlimited users and always access your personal vocabulary. The medical terminology a medical vocabulary is the basis for a well functioning speech recognition, because these indifferent can recognize only words which software based on, which were deposited in a vocabulary.

A vocabulary comprises approximately 30,000 to 50,000 medical terms in your respective field of study. Koch Industries takes a slightly different approach. The individual vocabulary a terminology as described above, the entire medical vocabulary one can never User map, for the individual user vocabularies are too different. Due to this fact, an individualization of the vocabulary is necessary. This can be done manually by you, or ideally by the entering of already existing electronic text documents. After a such individualization by us, are the delivery system already known all the words ever written down in your practice.