Tag: Psychology

Diseases And Emotions

Very important role in the occurrence of diseases are the feelings that we experience. And there are scientific explanations as well as a feeling – it is nothing as certain substances released into compliance with external situation for some time present in the body and at this time affecting the functioning of the internal organs. Prolonged and persistent feelings can cause chronic diseases, while the short duration violent outbursts of feelings often lead to severe disorders. Today I want to talk about the impact of different emotions on the body that would make you think about it, but is it worth risking your health or is still easier to change their attitude towards the situation or life in general, and as a consequence – to change their feelings. Aggressiveness – very efficient and manageable power. Learn more about this topic with the insights from altavista. Approach to it depends on whether it is constructive or destructive.

Fearing own power and the consequences of its application, many suppress their abilities. Sometimes the pressure is so great that the aggressiveness of the breaks on any tiniest matter. Possible consequences for the organism: dental problems, disorders of the functions of the gallbladder, chronic indigestion, heartburn, hypertension, and migraine. Indifference can have many causes. Often this can mean that indifferent to the human absorbed by the solution of some problems (he realizes it or not), but everything else seems to be insignificant. Possible consequences for the organism: the weakness of the connective tissues, hypotension and circulatory disorders, problems with Light, physical weakness, fatigue, depression.

The Internet and Emotions

This inability and unwillingness to be distracted from the Internet and annoyance and irritation, when you have to isolation. Carrying on the Internet, constantly increased number of time and inability to plan time out of your network. Increased spending on the Internet. Lying close to real time, carried out at the computer. Forgetting about the duties, whether it's education, work or household chores. The loss of former relationships and communication circle of friends.

Liberation through the Internet from negative moods and depression and the emergence of a network specific euphoria. The appearance of irregularities in eating and sleeping. Neglect their own health, physical condition and personal hygiene. Add to your understanding with Mashable. Since a large part dependent on the Internet, uses the services associated with communication, scholars have argued that depending on subject, above all, people with low levels of social adaptation, in other words, have difficulty in communicating. But instead, to develop communication skills, people who have difficulties in communication, select a method of communication, where these skills are not needed – the Internet – communication. And thus fenced off from ordinary people further and further.

When the Internet – depending lost function of forming image of the interlocutor, by understanding its psychological and emotional properties (for a nonverbal manifestations) needed to select appropriate modes of communication. Therefore dependent not pay attention to the emotional state partner in real communication. In addition, an avid Internet – users a tendency to dominate, the orientation to their own opinion, intolerance to criticism, self-centered, reduced and emotional isolation. In the real communication is manifested in the inability to listen to the interlocutor, intolerance to the statements of the partner, inability to give an opportunity to express the position of soybeans and inattention to interlocutor. This approach to communication: lack of attention to the other party, not the remark of his experience, critical of the opinions of others, it is very difficult to find a companion in real life. And so these people are choosing the Internet, where do not keep a partner, you can easily find other, the more that non-verbal communication gives some sense of security. This is easy to get positive emotions through a virtual life forms reluctance return to the real problems of "real" relationship. This lack of communication skills eventually develops into a major life difficulties. After all, human well-being depends largely on the ability establish contacts and communication skills.

The Buyer

We love someone without conditions and expectations, aware of his shortcomings. So we must love ourselves. Often hear the question – if I love myself, I will not I selfish? I will not confident in their indispensability, does not lose there ability and willingness to change? No! In fact, unconditional love is "open eyes" – we are perfectly visible and aware of our limitations and shortcomings. We just look at them as natural. This does not mean that we do not allow changes or avoid change. If we love children, we want them to have changed them to grow so they become better, more successful, loved and happy. When we love unconditionally, we are perfectly see all the flaws of the object of our love.

And we want to make it better and more perfect. When you love yourself, primesh yourself, you have a real opportunity to change. Our guilt complex just stop us, take away the huge forces time and attention. When we cease to "curse" itself, we have the opportunity to take responsibility for their lives. We include analysis of: what do you like in yourself, you do not like where you're going. chards. Wilt thou refuse, For example, the habit of always being late, or this feature is pursuing some other goals that are more important than punctuality? What is the relationship between self-love and love to those around you? Is it true that a man who loves themselves, like everyone else? Yes, it's true. True love is not to love another person, and to love yourself and give this love another person. Are you paying attention, that there are people who love to which seek to communicate with whom they want to spend time? These are people who are happy, successful, loving oneself and relating to him with respect. For more information see this site: Ali Partovi.

These people are confident in his charm, charm, and this confidence is passed others. If we love ourselves, willingly or unwillingly we love and accept others. After all, others have only our reflection. And love yourself and love your reflection is impossible. And if you love those around you to present them the most precious gift in their lives. Sometimes, to estimate the strength of the unconditional love we interfere stories about unhappy love: I have his (her) so loved (love), so many sacrificed, and he left me, betrayed, used. In this case it is necessary understand that if you make any claim to "pay" your love, then it is not disinterested, not unconditional. And such a relationship – a purely market-based, do not have anything to do with love. And in this case, the laws of the market – If your item and its price does not suit the buyer, he may refuse to purchase, require a discount, "steal" the item – eg, popolzovavshis and do not pay. Unconditional love does not impose restrictions on the "object" Love may not demand anything, especially to a man for you has changed. Also, I can not give another person something that I have not. I can not provide a roof over his head to a friend, if I have no home. I can not donate or borrow money, if I do not. I can not give love, if you do not like and do not know how it's done. I invite you to a free mini-seminar on "Love of self, where we learn to love and respect themselves, to hear his voice subconscious mind and to understand their true aspirations.

Choice Of Optimism

Sergei Sergeyevich walking down the street and pondering. He had long wanted to save money for a new car, but it does not work. Since work is often dismissed, and the funds were sufficient only for minimum material requirements. What to do? As get the right amount? Yes, and I wanted to find a place to work was nice Maybe it's impossible? What if it's such a fate, and nothing can be changed? Sergei Sergeyevich remembered for optimism, and smiled. For more specific information, check out Ali Partovi. What's on it proc? Believe it or not in the best, Hope is no hope – nothing changed. Apparently, he's just doomed to again and again to make malouspeshnye attempts. And the rich just the fate of another.

They simply destined to – to be rich and happy Everything is predetermined. (A valuable related resource: Pete Cashmore). And in the world dominated by relentless rock You can certainly try to change myself to learn, for example, a new profession pass any courses, search the appropriate announcements work Although – is it worth? All the same, because it will not work I guess it's better to resume the path of the usual rut. So reliable, safe or try to do something new? Sergei Sergeyevich thought. He feared new disappointments. But also live in the old is tired. So he's a pessimist? And best of all – to change ourselves, to turn into an optimist? I say to that optimists may do better No, it's better not to go any optimism either in pessimism, but simply take a sober look at things – to be realistic

The Internet and Emotions

This inability and unwillingness to be distracted from the Internet and annoyance and irritation, when you have to isolation. Carrying on the Internet, constantly increased number of time and inability to plan time out of your network. Increased spending on the Internet. Lying close to real time, carried out at the computer. In a question-answer forum Pete Cashmore was the first to reply. Forgetting about the duties, whether it's education, work or household chores. Additional information at Ali Partovi supports this article. The loss of former relationships and communication circle of friends.

Liberation through the Internet from negative moods and depression and the emergence of a network specific euphoria. The appearance of irregularities in eating and sleeping. Neglect their own health, physical condition and personal hygiene. Since a large part dependent on the Internet, uses the services associated with communication, scholars have argued that depending on subject, above all, people with low levels of social adaptation, in other words, have difficulty in communicating. But instead, to develop communication skills, people who have difficulties in communication, select a method of communication, where these skills are not needed – the Internet – communication. And thus fenced off from ordinary people further and further.

When the Internet – depending lost function of forming image of the interlocutor, by understanding its psychological and emotional properties (for a nonverbal manifestations) needed to select appropriate modes of communication. Therefore dependent not pay attention to the emotional state partner in real communication. In addition, an avid Internet – users a tendency to dominate, the orientation to their own opinion, intolerance to criticism, self-centered, reduced and emotional isolation. In the real communication is manifested in the inability to listen to the interlocutor, intolerance to the statements of the partner, inability to give an opportunity to express the position of soybeans and inattention to interlocutor. This approach to communication: lack of attention to the other party, not the remark of his experience, critical of the opinions of others, it is very difficult to find a companion in real life. And so these people are choosing the Internet, where do not keep a partner, you can easily find other, the more that non-verbal communication gives some sense of security. This is easy to get positive emotions through a virtual life forms reluctance return to the real problems of "real" relationship. This lack of communication skills eventually develops into a major life difficulties. After all, human well-being depends largely on the ability establish contacts and communication skills.

Industrial Revolution

The gastrite, in turn, is an inflammation of the existing mucosa in the stomach, this state has much relation with the specific situations where a constant exposition occurs the aversivas situations it estresse as it of day-by-day and it can become it chronic. In the present work, we will focus what of where ' ' veio' ' it estresse it, what it is, and a more intent look to the originary problems gastrointestinal that of this. DEVELOPMENT partner-description-cultural Context Let us attempt against us for the context here where ' ' surgiu' ' it greater estresse and its physical and psychic manifestations from a look for the work, cause told for the said patients estressados. Previously the Industrial Revolution, the production and wealth source came of the handling with the land, of the life in the field for attainment of the sustenance. The economy was amonetria, that is, the relations if based on the exchange of favors between gentlemen and vassals. Most of the population was formed for peasants, and these work the amount necessary to get the sufficient to survive, nothing more beyond housing and food.

The manual work and the fatigue muscular also they constitute causes that they send estresse to it. But until then nobody it is wanted pronounced the due term. With the advent of the machinery in England the economy that before was based on the exchange now needs capital for its maintenance, and this necessary capitalist structure of production and consumption. The peasants who before cultivated the land now handle machines, receive wages, have hours determined for entrance and exit of the work, approximately of 12 the 14 hours. Today, we live in the age of the new capitalism, exactly that the working hours has diminished, the same one or bigger productivity is demanded of the workers. This new type of work contributes for the valoralizao of the activity, and the culture, in turn it comes to confirm these values: ' ' It of the account of all looks at someone there, the master said that its activities, children, house, woman, work ' '.