Month: January 2021

New International School EF English First

Traditionally, the most popular country among willing to learn from abroad has remained the UK. And this trend is manifested both in the field of English language courses, and so in higher education. But this year Russians are suddenly together drew attention to the countries of the New World – have rushed for knowledge of the ocean – in the United States and Canada. Companies involved in youth tourism, mark an unprecedented demand for education in the U.S. and Canada.

The flow of students in the U.S. increased by 4 times, and in Canada grew more than tenfold. And this despite the fact that earlier education in Canada was virtually no demand by Russians. What is the reason for the rapid 'discovery' of America? In the first all, this is because the dollar has fallen markedly, respectively, and studying in the U.S. has become more affordable. Others including App Store, offer their opinions as well.

Furthermore, we know that the American and Canadian universities are renowned for their prestige and give a quality education. Not surprising that many young people (and their parents), focus has shifted from Albion to another continent. Of course, in America or London to study, you choose. And our part, we want to give you a little information on various language courses, which we hope will be useful. Courses 'language + career' – New International School EF English First (). They are intended primarily for those who want to get on the linguistic courses all at once: the language to learn, and take another step up the career ladder. The program is called "International career," she several options – choose according to your professional interests. Marketing and business (at EF in Cambridge). Students will expand vocabulary, business vocabulary, study skills of business communication. In addition, out of 26 English lessons per week four will be devoted to specialized topics – jurisprudence, international relations and public policy. The development of an international career (in EF schools in London and Chicago). Here the focus – on the job search and career development in international companies. Many emphasis on business vocabulary, preparing for interviews in English, the study of international law resume writing, corporate culture. English and Law (EF schools in London and Chicago). Familiarity with legal vocabulary. English and IT (at an EF school in Cambridge.) You fill up your vocabulary in computer science and software, information security and other professional topics. Even with Computer Slang acquainted. On all these courses you can go to any initial level of English – even the very beginners. Classes begin year-round every Monday. Course duration – from 1 to 4 weeks. If for any reasons, study abroad for you a problem, do not despair – there is a solution. However, in the first place, this information will be interesting to residents of Moscow and Moscow region. In Moscow Club Native speakers, where you can improve in foreign languages, with experienced teachers, native speakers. Visit the club's official website and read the information you need.


To do this, just: 1. Turn to their liking. 2. Love yourself. 3. Exit on the way to their goal. At the same time change not only their personal qualities, but even the body will become an attractive, likable person, and a charming smile. Details can be found by clicking GoPro or emailing the administrator.

But how hard to do it! Our world is cruel, and no one denies that. Every day most of us are fighting for their existence. Struggling! Sullen face, forced smiles, biting words. "Drinks stronger, shorter words," Well and so on. Even women are hard as stone! The world of mutual competition at work, at home, too, the struggle for power! On the street ever pushed, cheated in shops, in general, everything, absolutely everything you are trying to use it! Where do we get this peace of mind where to get the strength to love even himself? Lovely women, girls, girls. Naplyuyte at all! Be quite charming and attractive, very easy! We only need to perform several simple rules. 1.

The joy of life is determined by the joyful attitude to life itself! Paradoxically, it's a fact! It's not as incredible as it may seem. If you do not believe me, look at the photos that were made in a time when you had a black stripe in life. Here is a mug! And now, on the contrary, look at the photos that were made at a time when you had a bright, joyous phase in the life. Is this really me! 2. Engage your health! There will be no health – there will be nothing! No money and a magic bullet that will not come back, that the coffin for decades! No excuses are not accepted! If absolutely no time or money – select half-hour daily walk outside.


The Symbolism in ' ' The Son of the Trader of Cavalos' ' Clearly we observe that the concern of Lawrence was to display thematic on the question of the sexuality a human being. Clearly that this idea cannot only be argued in this story, requires more reading of on workmanships this author. However we will try to argue this point relating mainly the problematic one of sexual the momentary desire of the man, who stops Lawrence, many times, this does not mean much thing. With this I begin we will approach the symbolism for detrs of ' ' The Son of the Trader of Cavalos' '. For Lawrence the Modern civilization is castradora, where to live in this place repleto of technology something is negative, becoming the imprisoned man between the civilization and the nature. This means that the man of this society does not obtain to be natural because the civilization blocks this capacity. The feminine sexuality is also seen as something castrador, come back only as social factor, providing only status.

The consequence of this is to also become the man a castrated being, therefore castrated sexuality is an illness, that passes of the mother for the son. Such castration of the man, by itself, goes to be represented by the modern rationality, mainly at the time mechanics, where the mechanized inventions would be a perverted necessity of the man. Soon at the beginning of the story we come across in them with the family of the main personage. These the all time are compared the animals, brutalized beings. Mabel is seen as a bulldog or a intratvel cow, Joe is compared with a horse. We can say that of the same skill that the last horses are taken for it are of the farm, of certain direction also Joe is being leading for a destination that it does not dominate.