Tag: philosophy

Diseases And Emotions

Very important role in the occurrence of diseases are the feelings that we experience. And there are scientific explanations as well as a feeling – it is nothing as certain substances released into compliance with external situation for some time present in the body and at this time affecting the functioning of the internal organs. Prolonged and persistent feelings can cause chronic diseases, while the short duration violent outbursts of feelings often lead to severe disorders. Today I want to talk about the impact of different emotions on the body that would make you think about it, but is it worth risking your health or is still easier to change their attitude towards the situation or life in general, and as a consequence – to change their feelings. Aggressiveness – very efficient and manageable power. Learn more about this topic with the insights from altavista. Approach to it depends on whether it is constructive or destructive.

Fearing own power and the consequences of its application, many suppress their abilities. Sometimes the pressure is so great that the aggressiveness of the breaks on any tiniest matter. Possible consequences for the organism: dental problems, disorders of the functions of the gallbladder, chronic indigestion, heartburn, hypertension, and migraine. Indifference can have many causes. Often this can mean that indifferent to the human absorbed by the solution of some problems (he realizes it or not), but everything else seems to be insignificant. Possible consequences for the organism: the weakness of the connective tissues, hypotension and circulatory disorders, problems with Light, physical weakness, fatigue, depression.

Filipe Aristotle

For the adepts of this theory, it must itself be maximized what the value is considered highest, therefore the more will be dispersed in the world, better will be the convivncia human being. Thus being, we must emanate the good to the possible maximum of people. Ali Partovi brings even more insight to the discussion. Inside of this perspective we have the ethical theory of Jeremy Benthan, that created the Utilitarismo, where affirms three ethical principles that guarantee the harmony between the people: the hedonism, the maximizao and the consequencialismo. Perhaps check out Charles Koch for more information. However, the theory of the utilitarismo was improved by other philosophers, for example Stuart Mill, for who the morality of the actions has relation with what it is desirable, as well as the fact of that the happiness (that it is desirable in itself) must be maximized. Moore also has an utilitarian ethical conception, and adds to this consequencialista perspective that has two same good things in itself in high degree: the appreciation of the beauty and the personal affection. Still improving utilitarismo, we have Hare, with its principle of the prescritivismo, and Singer substituting the concept of? pleasure? for the one of interests. ETHICS PERFECCIONISTA: ' ' Happiness is to have what to make, to have something that to love, and something that esperar.' ' (Aristotle) Also it could be called ethical of the virtues (Blackburn), therefore understands the notion of virtue as primary, instead of a perspective of the good or the duty. The paradigm of the perfeccionista ethics is generally of Aristotle, however, will also deal with MacIntyre and Nietszche.

First, Aristotle wrote in Ethics the Nicmaco (being that Nicmaco was its father, doctor of the cut of king Filipe), that well higher it human being he is ' eudaimonia' (happiness). It is the happiness for being the only thing that we want in same itself. We must understand that the happiness of Aristotle is different of the Utilitarian, therefore it is based on the accomplishment of determined activities, in the update of the power human being, is action and not feeling.


All the things (alive and not-alive) would have to serve to an intention? We would have that to be ahead of the life imiscudos of the assertive ones of the society, humanity and qui of the nature (in the direction imanente of essence)? We not only need ends (goals, objectives) and of ways? Our mental perspective only knows the process (PRINCIPLE, WAY and END). The perenidade terrifies in, and believes them more? to play of data? theory of the probabilities of Pierre Simon Laplace – of the universe that in the eternity of an event. Destarte perhaps the experience decoded of ' ' lan' ' vital it will be moved in ' ' flamigeros' ' ' ' insight' ' , of where we would have the life human being as ' ' o' ' formal aspect. Peter Asaro is often quoted on this topic. Transiting second? which and without? which is would have an end in itself exactly? Porventura, to the fashion Greek what we search is to? well in itself? being the end in which all human being inhales? we use of a perception of desvelamento and unfolding ' ' I give birth passu' ' with the excellency of the virtue? In the Aristotelian vision to Ethics would fit some categories in analogy with the logic: Deed of division. Efficient and Final. I ask: As one something that would have to be the esteio of conduction of the life human being, and in this unisonous direction, will be divided in three other aspects. Porventura we search to sole the ways with Ethics or we only make playful aluses with the mestria of the term?

Classic School

These three concepts that are born from class of inclinations are, as well primary and secondary. The primary ones lean directly in the mentioned tendencies, without complicated disquisitions or reflections. The secondary ones lean in those inclinations but they have had a process of reflection by means of simple reasonings. Human Laley, on the other hand, defined by Santo Toms like " that one arrangement of the reason for the communal property, promulgated by that it is the careful of comunidad" , it could not under any excuse enter contradiction with the justice concept, if it did not want to be considered like " perversion of ley". Also it maintains Santo Toms who the rules of natural right have the following characteristics: 1 – They are universal, that is to say common to all the men; 2 – They are immutable, that is to say that they do not change in the time; 3 – They are known by all despite not being writings as it is not in the nature. The natural right has a double foundation: 1 – The same nature of the man whereas to be equipped with life animal and rational; and 2 – God like creator of our nature and computer of her by means of the Eternal Law. That natural law it is the measurement of enough. To her the way is incumbent on to fulfill the due thing, to give to everyone his, to respect the rights of the others, etc.

The Classic School of the Natural Right the monopoly that the church had in all the average age on the education, science and the religion was deeply going to be attacked by the Protestantism of century XVI. The postulates were really revolutionary. It was not needed a priest or the revelation to accede to the divine reason. God, according to the protestants continued governing the universe but it granted to the men a greater option of .reason to discover by means of the reason as it could be " intentions of Dios" and, even more there, to even discover those principles according to which God regulated the things.

The Buyer

We love someone without conditions and expectations, aware of his shortcomings. So we must love ourselves. Often hear the question – if I love myself, I will not I selfish? I will not confident in their indispensability, does not lose there ability and willingness to change? No! In fact, unconditional love is "open eyes" – we are perfectly visible and aware of our limitations and shortcomings. We just look at them as natural. This does not mean that we do not allow changes or avoid change. If we love children, we want them to have changed them to grow so they become better, more successful, loved and happy. When we love unconditionally, we are perfectly see all the flaws of the object of our love.

And we want to make it better and more perfect. When you love yourself, primesh yourself, you have a real opportunity to change. Our guilt complex just stop us, take away the huge forces time and attention. When we cease to "curse" itself, we have the opportunity to take responsibility for their lives. We include analysis of: what do you like in yourself, you do not like where you're going. chards. Wilt thou refuse, For example, the habit of always being late, or this feature is pursuing some other goals that are more important than punctuality? What is the relationship between self-love and love to those around you? Is it true that a man who loves themselves, like everyone else? Yes, it's true. True love is not to love another person, and to love yourself and give this love another person. Are you paying attention, that there are people who love to which seek to communicate with whom they want to spend time? These are people who are happy, successful, loving oneself and relating to him with respect. For more information see this site: Ali Partovi.

These people are confident in his charm, charm, and this confidence is passed others. If we love ourselves, willingly or unwillingly we love and accept others. After all, others have only our reflection. And love yourself and love your reflection is impossible. And if you love those around you to present them the most precious gift in their lives. Sometimes, to estimate the strength of the unconditional love we interfere stories about unhappy love: I have his (her) so loved (love), so many sacrificed, and he left me, betrayed, used. In this case it is necessary understand that if you make any claim to "pay" your love, then it is not disinterested, not unconditional. And such a relationship – a purely market-based, do not have anything to do with love. And in this case, the laws of the market – If your item and its price does not suit the buyer, he may refuse to purchase, require a discount, "steal" the item – eg, popolzovavshis and do not pay. Unconditional love does not impose restrictions on the "object" Love may not demand anything, especially to a man for you has changed. Also, I can not give another person something that I have not. I can not provide a roof over his head to a friend, if I have no home. I can not donate or borrow money, if I do not. I can not give love, if you do not like and do not know how it's done. I invite you to a free mini-seminar on "Love of self, where we learn to love and respect themselves, to hear his voice subconscious mind and to understand their true aspirations.

Choice Of Optimism

Sergei Sergeyevich walking down the street and pondering. He had long wanted to save money for a new car, but it does not work. Since work is often dismissed, and the funds were sufficient only for minimum material requirements. What to do? As get the right amount? Yes, and I wanted to find a place to work was nice Maybe it's impossible? What if it's such a fate, and nothing can be changed? Sergei Sergeyevich remembered for optimism, and smiled. For more specific information, check out Ali Partovi. What's on it proc? Believe it or not in the best, Hope is no hope – nothing changed. Apparently, he's just doomed to again and again to make malouspeshnye attempts. And the rich just the fate of another.

They simply destined to – to be rich and happy Everything is predetermined. (A valuable related resource: Pete Cashmore). And in the world dominated by relentless rock You can certainly try to change myself to learn, for example, a new profession pass any courses, search the appropriate announcements work Although – is it worth? All the same, because it will not work I guess it's better to resume the path of the usual rut. So reliable, safe or try to do something new? Sergei Sergeyevich thought. He feared new disappointments. But also live in the old is tired. So he's a pessimist? And best of all – to change ourselves, to turn into an optimist? I say to that optimists may do better No, it's better not to go any optimism either in pessimism, but simply take a sober look at things – to be realistic