Month: May 2014

Stand Design

The problem of effective design – to attract specific target groups of visitors and persuade in the language of visual communication, what your particular company – the partner that they need, not just to attract a large number of random visitors! That is exactly what occurs exhibition design, it is a visual embodiment of the concept of the firm, and this holds true even when we are not talking about complex and expensive designs, but only about a poster on the wall and a table with a decomposition of the samples. All firms participating in exhibitions, or by other means, form the design of its stand. The problem is that they do not always think about it. Stand Design can be simple or complex, professional or amateurish. But it is present in every stand regardless of the wishes of companies – exhibitors! Many think that the exhibition design – a kind of high art or secret technology using 3D modeling and other know-how.

In Actually, exhibition design – is primarily a tool to enhance participation in exhibitions. Exhibition design – is the development of functional qualities stand, with the important components Good design is the visual, aesthetic appreciation of the stand, ensuring the formation of the required image of the company – the exhibitor in terms of perception of visitors. Exhibition design is fully combines three areas: architectural, interior and graphic design. Everyone, even the smallest stand is both architectural design and interior, designed in accordance with the taste of it.

How To Watch HD Movies On A Computer

HD video on a large screen allows you to see that image will be more clear than when watching the same dvd. The fact that the use of hd video ‘image’ contains five times more points. This provides a more detailed and distinct image on the screen. hd video has two main options for permits: HD720 (1280×720 pixels) and HD1080 (1920×1080), which is several times higher than the resolution of classic dvd movies. These permissions can be either interlaced or progressive scan. Scan type is indicated at the end of labeling: ‘i’ or ‘P’, for example, 1080p.

If you decide to watch hd video, or perhaps make a movie of the photos in hd format, you must understand exactly what devices support this type of video. If there is a sticker on your tv Full hd, which means that the device supports all resolutions up to 1080p. Watch hd video can also be on televisions and projectors with optional hd Ready, but as a rule, these devices may slightly reduce the type of image or reduce the resolution (for example, 1080p playback both 1080i and so on). Conventional TVs that have no function hd Ready, play hd video as an ordinary dvd and reduce the resolution. Now the market av equipment represents a large number of disks with high definition video. Became affordable independent record hd video.HD

German Piano Industry

STEINWAY in the history of the German piano industry after piano construction began in the 18th century with the hammer wings by Christofori, its development in Europe found eager collaborators. Especially in Germany, and later in England many improvements to mechanics and Konstrukton were brought forward. There were E.g. Gottfried Silbermann in the 18th century and Johann Andreas Stein in the second half of the 18th century for piano construction art of outstanding importance. The musical instrument, whose full, loud and clear sound we can today enjoy the permanent improvements on piano – hammer heads, the Repititionsfahigkeit of piano mechanics, the cast iron frame and its construction made the fortepiano. All these inventions, the name STEINWAY & SONS has a great importance.

Especially in the area of the construction, the ingenious piano maker brought some groundbreaking patents on the market of the Steinway family. Today are the iron cast iron frame, the bass string crossover and the duplex scale which still today considered crucial developments Piano construction history. Many of the structures are preserved today in the wings models of STEINWAY & SONS. Thus the typical quality of the STEINWAY Grand Piano has been preserved and can still be admired today. The precision of this wing and pianos, the selection of the finest materials is unparalleled in the modern piano construction. Even after many decades, partly after more than 100 years, with their wealth of sound, these wings know to convince.

Carefully prepared STEINWAY Grand Piano, with new string reference, revised wing mechanics and hours of Feinstarbeit regulated used STEINWAY Grand Piano you only rarely found in Germany. A Klavierhaus committed to this quality and passion, is the Pianohaus Zechlin in Ahrensburg near Hamburg. Here you will find the largest selection of used STEINWAY Grand Piano in Germany. Each STEINWAY Grand Piano on his art of anders, but every man for himself a masterpiece. Contact: Pianohaus Zechlin large str. 6a 22926 Ahrensburg

New Industrial Flash Storage Solutions

New drives bring higher transfer rates, easier setup and reliability – all to comparable prices Taipei, Taiwan – iNNODISK, the industry’s leading manufacturer and supplier of solutions for embedded Flash and DRAM memory products, DRAM technologies, has officially launched today a new series of SATA-III products. Innodisks extensive range of SATA-III-memory products for industrial applications includes immediately 2.5 inch SSDs, SATADOM, SATA slim mSATA and CFast – available in a wide range of designs and interfaces. With SATA III Innodisks storage solutions offer sequential transfer rates of 500 MB / s read and 340 MB/s write, so double the speed of SATA II, and thus enough for almost every conceivable field of embedded system solutions. With the upgrade, iNNODISK once more on the own strength in the areas of research and development, which opens up the possibility, support for even wider temperature ranges relies on SATA III. custom firmware, to integrate data protection during blackouts and other advanced features. With these features, iNNODISK hitting a new chapter in the market for industrial PC solutions. That the write and read speed almost doubled, the 2.5 inch SSDs with SATA III not only reduce by means of Energiesparmechanismen and sleep modes, also the energy demand and thus the operating costs.

Together with the upgrade to SATA III, also Innodisks proprietary monitoring tool has received an update for the monitoring of the status of the drive. The version of iSMART 3.1 enables ‘One Touch’-mode can be a time-saving device and care, in which significant functions, such as about the read-only, which manages quick format and the Energiesparmechanismen by means of a simple button press. All drives in a system can be monitored via iSMART 3.1. In addition, the latest version of iSMART can help users to visualize the wear level status of the SSD in a clear graphical output. Value-added features such as iSMART transform a product in the ideal storage solution. Other features include ATA security solutions that reliably protect sensitive data, as well as the TRIM command that the life expectancy of drives by avoiding unnecessary writes increases.

Not to mention that iNNODISK has expanded the permissible temperature range:-20 c to + 85 C. The SATA-III portfolio by iNNODISK is now available in the trade. The price range is SATA-II products at a similar level as in Innodisks. INNODISK iNNODISK was founded in 2005 in Taiwan and maintains a European branch with field service technicians in the Netherlands. The company has become the industry’s leading manufacturer of Flash storage solutions and DRAM Modules for industrial applications and for embedded systems. The company focuses on enterprise solutions, industry solutions, used in the aviation and aerospace industries, as well as in the usage area of the defense industry. With his wealth of experience and unrivalled Know about the storage industry, iNNODISK has published a wealth of products, which feature excellent quality, outstanding performance, a great value for money and the highest possible reliability.

Security Industry

Security Association released results of internal survey Berlin, 17.07.2013 the German IT Security Association (TeleTrusT) has interviewed participants its IT security specialist events among other things afterwards, which national daily newspapers and online media are preferred for the daily information. The ranking of most frequent mentions, without other: 1 Suddeutsche Zeitung 2nd FAZ 3. The world or 4. Handelsblatt or 5. The mirror or 6. The time and A political preference location can not derive from the results, but the claim on critical political reflection of IT security topics, what is further likely have pronounced in the course of the discussion of Prism. Asked was also the preferred trade media. In the fullness of the mentions “Marko” (SecuMedia) and industry information service emerged most the IT Security Magazine, the diversity of the media is more broadly diversified than in the newspapers here depending on the needs and interests. On the question of the “it-sa” (Nuremberg) and the “RSA Conference” (U.S. Edition in San Francisco) are named after preferred trade fairs by far most frequently, as well as the “Infosecurity” in London. Also here many more individual entries of special events took place according to the professional orientation of the respondents. As the objective of sustained, increased interest (for “IT security made in Germany”) are the survey results according to the 1 D-A-CH region 2 remaining European Union 3 United States. As expectations towards the German policy respondents expressed majority: SME support – targeted development of reference projects – research funding – creating necessary legal framework for security critical infrastructure – implementing the e-Government Act – simplification of approval procedures for IT security products (export) – development of the theme of security as a strategic field for the German export industry. The anonymous, open, written survey questionnaires took place in the period from May to July 2013 held and included approximately 400 participants on IT security specialist events by TeleTrusT. TeleTrusT security Federation The German IT Security Association (TeleTrusT) is a network of excellence, which includes domestic and foreign members from science, industry and administration, as well as thematically related partner organisations. TeleTrusT offers forums for experts, organized events or event participation and comments on current questions of security. TeleTrusT is the “TeleTrusT European Bridge CA” (ECWM; PKI-Vertrauensverbund), the expert certificate “TeleTrusT information security professional” (T.I.S.P.) as well as the quality mark “IT security made in Germany”. Headquarters of the Association is Berlin.

Director Association

According to the current study have already three quarters to feel the shortage of the company significantly. Who wants to stand on the market also in the future, must radically change its processes. The battle for the best employee has only just begun. A continuous decrease of professionals uses soon. Stress and long working hours are not attractive in the competition to employees. There are above all fewer chefs. A number of measures to meet the deficiency causes high costs. The good news: there are well-functioning production systems, which in the long run even less expensive than the conventional strategies.

Not only the stress is reduced, but also the costs. The quality assurance is stabilized. In an individualized program, gives you expertise and trained staff. According to a recent study of GMOs and the University of applied sciences Munich, the shortage is already noticeable at 75% of the companies in the industry, it has only just begun the battle for the best employees. The Employer image polishing is no longer sufficient, even higher wages no longer attracts many workers.

Consider an internal adjustment of structures and processes, according to the same study, at least half of the restaurateurs and hoteliers than absolutely necessary. A continuous decrease of professionals uses soon. A survey of the IZA (Institute for the study of labor), will succeed macroeconomic considered up until 2015 the range of specialists and managers at the present level to keep. Thereby, the development in the hospitality industry is even more dramatic, because the competition for employees in the other sectors due to the good economic situation grows. Stress and long working hours are not attractive in the competition to employees. There are above all fewer chefs. The industry of any good lobby enjoys due to long working hours and often exhausting and stressful work.

Super Star Hall

Boa Lingua receives in London for the fifth time since 2006 the award as best language travel agency of Western Europe. The language travel specialist BOA Lingua is honoured in London for the fifth time as Best language travel agency of Western Europe. Boa Lingua was awarded Star Award in London for the fifth time with the coveted STM as Best language travel agency of Western Europe. Bryant Walker Smith addresses the importance of the matter here. With the fifth prize, the company as first agency world enters the Super Star Hall of Fame and received a lifetime award. The prize awarded by the prestigious study travel magazine is awarded annually to members of the international language school industry and is regarded as the most prestigious award in the industry. According to Peter Asaro, who has experience with these questions. Thousands of partner schools around the world voted for BOA Lingua. They thus confirmed the long-standing, good relations with the language specialists and expressed their confidence in the quality of the services of the Agency. The award night held over 800 invited guests at the Hilton Hotel in London.

Book early and take advantage now and until the end of October early at BOA Lingua also benefit from cheaper prices 2013 a booking with course beginning arrives 2014 to 31 October 2013, language stay is further agrees to prices by 2013! This offer is valid with a few exceptions, the entire BOA Lingua language school offering. Low prices guaranteed BOA Lingua offers language courses in original currency as a direct provider. In addition, the company guarantees the lowest prices on the Swiss language travel market. For example the same language stay in England, Australia or the United States with another provider is cheaper, BOA Lingua refunded the difference in price. Before the tour starts, a consultation with a professional agency should be made. Already planning a language stay is important for the success of the trip. The more thoroughly you dealt in advance with the destination, the school, the accommodation and the desired language diploma, more the own requirements are also fulfilled. For this reason, BOA Lingua offers personal and free Discussions on. To meet foreign culture and people learn best where they are spoken as a language stay abroad is much more intense than a workout in the Switzerland. It deals namely around the clock with the foreign language: In the classroom, in the leisure or with the host family. Thus, for example, a language stay in the United States, Canada, or England in addition offers the possibility to travel the country, as well as to get to know the culture and the local people.

Supporting Emasters Campaign

“The e-masters cooperation invited their supplier partners for the launch of the new campaign ‘intelligently modernize’ which masters cooperation invited their supplier partners for the launch of the new campaign intelligently modernize”, which they can take part in as a driving force. The enormous popularity of 140 participants showed how important is this topic for the electrical sector and thus also for the electrical trade. The MITEGRO Chairman Torsten Heinje welcomed the participants. He particularly stressed that the close cooperation of trade and industry for the future is becoming increasingly important. “Konrad Ramhorst (Managing Director MITEGRO and e-masters) opened the event, in which he called on to identify the signs of the times, then afterwards to act correctly: the market supplies the arguments and e-master the instruments, properly take advantage of these opportunities and to implement.” Gerald Meimbresse, Chairman, who called for cooperation of e-masters, in his presentation on the industry to join: will the clear commitment to the e-masters campaign “for all those involved – whether industrial, trade or craft – by great economic success.” The characters are set on success in the next few years will flow each year billions of euros in the modernization market according to e-masters CEO Jens Gorr, who presented also the background for the new campaign to the decision makers in the electronics industry.

No other cooperation of the electrical sector responds to the rewarding challenges of the future”as quickly and consistently, said Jens Gorr. People invest in their homes, because currently only where the money is good and profitable. You modernise with mind in their own comfort and also secure their pensions.” “Which serves e-masters campaign, the end customer the ways and means of intelligent modernisation” show. The e-masters specialists are equipped with attractive promotional materials, cinema spots, posters, flyers, mailings, brochures, etc., to advertise to their customers. That ultimately also the craft is required, the favourable The profitable to implement market prospects, Furthermore all participants of the e-master agreed event in Kassel. Finally, only the craft has the possibility to take advantage of the opportunities from the positive development.

Security Industry

Security Association released results of internal survey Berlin, 17.07.2013 the German IT Security Association (TeleTrusT) has interviewed participants its IT security specialist events among other things afterwards, which national daily newspapers and online media are preferred for the daily information. The ranking of most frequent mentions, without other: 1 Suddeutsche Zeitung 2nd FAZ 3. The world or 4. Handelsblatt or 5. The mirror or 6.

The time and A political preference location can not derive from the results, but the claim on critical political reflection of IT security topics, what is further likely have pronounced in the course of the discussion of Prism. Asked was also the preferred trade media. In the fullness of the mentions “Marko” (SecuMedia) and industry information service emerged most the IT Security Magazine, the diversity of the media is more broadly diversified than in the newspapers here depending on the needs and interests. On the question of the “it-sa” (Nuremberg) and the “RSA Conference” (U.S. Edition in San Francisco) are named after preferred trade fairs by far most frequently, as well as the “Infosecurity” in London. Also here many more individual entries of special events took place according to the professional orientation of the respondents.

As the objective of sustained, increased interest (for “IT security made in Germany”) are the survey results according to the 1 D-A-CH region 2 remaining European Union 3 United States. As expectations towards the German policy respondents expressed majority: SME support – targeted development of reference projects – research funding – creating necessary legal framework for security critical infrastructure – implementing the e-Government Act – simplification of approval procedures for IT security products (export) – development of the theme of security as a strategic field for the German export industry. The anonymous, open, written survey questionnaires took place in the period from May to July 2013 held and included approximately 400 participants on IT security specialist events by TeleTrusT. TeleTrusT security Federation The German IT Security Association (TeleTrusT) is a network of excellence, which includes domestic and foreign members from science, industry and administration, as well as thematically related partner organisations. TeleTrusT offers forums for experts, organized events or event participation and comments on current questions of security. TeleTrusT is the “TeleTrusT European Bridge CA” (ECWM; PKI-Vertrauensverbund), the expert certificate “TeleTrusT information security professional” (T.I.S.P.) as well as the quality mark “IT security made in Germany”.