Month: April 2014

Industrial Machinery

Depending on the work produced during the construction and repair of the vessel, the range of operating pressures in the range 500 – 2500 bar. Especially effective is the use of such facilities in the production of the following activities: washing of the body vessels and ships for repair and docking. Stripping from 'light' layers and barnacles Degreasing body before painting cleaning the body from old coatings and corrosion of fuel tanks Cleaning Cleaning of ballast tanks before applying a new coating. It should be noted that hydroprocessing of the surface is relatively easy to allow a class of surface cleanliness wa 2,5 according to the standard iso 8501-4 (similar to sa 3,0 on the iso 8501-1). What is a good ship repair indicator.

With a few more productive than blasting equipment, high pressure water machines have much to gain in weight and size characteristics, and thus have many other advantages: Repair – A significant reduction (98%) of waste production – Effective removal of salts from the surface and cracks of the hull – no dust and waste can simultaneously carry out other work, such as protective coating – Ability to handle the underwater part of the ship – Wide range of attachments can handle the surface of any shape – Ability to use hydroabrasive tips to improve efficiency of operations – Ability to largely automate the production of works in the shipbuilding and ship repair. Shipbuilding apparent advantage of high-pressure in the shipbuilding and ship repair is opportunity waterjet surface treatment. The use of special nozzles hydroabrasive can achieve the required purity grade mounting surface with a much lower level of operating pressure, than when working with water only. On the other hand, hydroabrasive method can not only increase productivity but also to get good adhesion properties of the machined surface. Waterjet machining also characterized by complete absence of dust in the production of artworks.

Maranho Industrialization

The Maranho arrived at the decade of 1960 with a very restricted industrialization, counting only on some plants of wiring and weaving, having as raw material the cotton. It enters the years of 1960 and 1970 its economy gains impulse through investments in the sectors of farming and the vegetal and mineral extrativismo, stimulated for the tax incentives of the Supervision of the development of the Amaznia (SUDAM) and the supervision of northeast development (SUDENE), with great projects of creation of cattle, plantation of soy and rice and iron ore extration, as the project great Carajs (PGC), bringing wealth, but also increasing agrarian concentration, thus causing, enormous ambient problems. The implantation of the siderurgical industries in the city of Aailndia is on to the program Great Carajs, one of the biggest programs of economic development of Brazil, that has as objective the mineral exploration of the known region as Carajs, geographically located in the South of the state of Par, with the installation of the industries of the iron-gusa in the city, end of the decade of eighty, induced one for a favorable endowment of natural resources, including if the ore of iron, main insumo in the production of iron-gusa, proceeding from the province mineral of Carajs through the just-constructed railroad Carajs. Gusa, as it is called, is the intermediate form for which it practically passes all the iron used in the production of the steel, gotten from the ore fusing of iron in high ovens, where mineral coal (coke) or vegetable is used as reducing agents and power plants. The guseiro polar region of Aailndia works to take care of two markets: the intern (gusa importation), located in the south of the country, and the external one (gusa exportation), distributed between Europe, Asia and United States. With the conditions you propitiate for the act of receiving of the industries of the iron-gusa, the city was visited by innumerable entrepreneurs, owners of siderurgical of the independent type, proceeding from the state of Minas Gerais, one of the states where first if they had installed the iron-gusa industries in the country..

Schmokerns Industry

Media competition and modified read/consumer habits are forcing publishers and bookstores to act before of a dramatic downsizing “the book industry warn the two industry consultants Arnd Roszinsky Terjung (BUCHCONSULT) and Dr. Andreas Meyer (VERLAGSCONSULT) in the current issue of the magazine BuchMarkt (Edition January 2010, p. 28-40).” Titled 2020 determining readers “they have grappled with the development prospects for the industry in the next decade. If it is not possible to prepare books so that they have an attractive from the perspective of the reader added value compared to electronic media, a similar downsizing as the music industry of the book industry is imminent, so one of the key statements. In the area of functional “literature so are books such title where you quickly and clearly want to find a single piece of information, the electronic media already at a disadvantage.” This is abundantly clear on the example of navigation devices, which in a few years the classic Orientation map or Atlas completely to the edge have urged. Functional literature in print form (Advisor “”) need a new content and optical quality, if she would continue to find buyers. More serious the effect of carrying out the daily use of electronic media on the reading behavior as a whole according to the experts. It difficult more and more readers to read an extensive text, because modern communication by email, Twitter, SMS etc. always stronger on the side “fix read. Mental multitasking, as recent investigations show however is by no means strengthens the ability to fast switch, but leads to mediocre concentration and mediocre success. On the other hand, dealing with fictional literature whether electronically or printed product is second to none in their intellectual and emotional effect. Exactly this use of Schmokerns “threaten to the luxury of a cultural elite because electronic media more and more to the” Convince information point landing, without creating overview, insight, or enjoy going. Deceleration of reading “to be the appropriate therapy. The real danger for the book industry, as the conclusion of the analysis is not the substitution of printed products by electronic products, but the conditioning of reading behavior by electronic products and Internet services. Arnd Roszinsky Terjung service/downloads /.

Stossun Liquid

HDT meeting reported on June 16, 2010 in Essen procedure, an essential important method is applications and optimization capabilities of the solid/liquid filtration filtration in many industrial processes. Basically is the goal to separate the liquid and the solid phase on the basis of a suspension. The task determines the optimal selection of the filtration process, as well as the constellation of plant engineering. The solid/liquid separation process engineering can have a long history and many experience, although the applications in this area are often connected with new challenges. Especially in the area of product and material production of value of, steadily rising selectivity and throughput requirements for high reliability. The equipment manufacturers and manufacturers of filter media in the make these constantly growing tasks on June 16, 2010 in offered food Symposium industrial solid/liquid filtration”and optimized customer – and application-oriented solutions. In the framework of the Event in particular applications and practical examples will be in addition to the main theoretical foundations in the foreground. Starting in innovations and views in the future, are represented by the State of the art.

The Haus der Technik could this meeting experienced professionals of companies Heimbach filtration, Grace Manufacturing, BHS Sonthofen and Fugafil Saran, Larox, MAHLE Industriefiltration win.


Security in the veterinary field thanks to precise balances not every species can weigh in on each x arbitrary scale. Single animal scales were developed for this reason can be tailored depending on the demand on certain species. Many different animal scales, which are suitable as a single animal scale, are for example the industrial scales by The company specializes in industrial scales not only for the veterinary field and produces since 2001 scales and weighing equipment in the industrial, agricultural and medical field. Just in animal feed and veterinary medicine, the weighing of animals is an important task and connected with various difficulties. The weight range is very wide in the animal world and ranging from a few grams to tons. There is also need of individual solutions and also the size of the animals that are quite different. Another important aspect is the transportability of the balances that need to be taken to an animal.

For pigs, for example, Bosche different single animal scales offered, made of stainless steel or aluminium are made and can be open depending on the need on the sides or even closed. There is a piglet weighing for young animals. All pig scales are of course mobile animal scales. Also for cattle, Bosche has special single animal scales on sale, which might be suitable up to the cops all cattle of the calf. In this way, you can determine the exact weight of the animals. An important prerequisite for the animal feed. The mobile horse scale, on which it is possible to have up to a weight of 1,500 kg weigh horses is very convenient. This may be important especially in a veterinary clinic for the dosage of medications.

Often mobile horse scales but also on the way and offer the way, once accurately weigh your horse horse owners at various locations temporarily. This will offer the feed for horses on equestrian events or at retailers, taken by many owners of horses very much in order. Other, very special animal scales, are the small animal scales for small pets up to 15 kg in weight or the bird scale with integrated seat tube. The use of such scales is a good thing, for example, in zoos or veterinary clinics and also veterinary practice. In smaller animals the wrong dosage of medication is often very risky, because the exact weight is not known. Bosche is also able to special customer wishes and tailored to make special animal scales to weigh specific Zoo animals or animals in veterinary clinics. This also applies to large animals such as giraffes, elephants, hippos and rhinos. But even for fish or turtles and many other species, it is possible to make special animal scales according to customer requirements. By staff advise you, if you have any more questions on this issue. MacEy

The Fishing Industry

How to kill and kill Russian fishing industry. The other day an example of Minister Vladimir Putin speaking in Murmansk, touched on the fishing industry in Russia. Rightly observed high prices of fish and very few of our fish from imports. As a professional fisherman with 20 years experience, describe what and how it all turns out. Especially since all this happened on my first glazah.No little excursion into history. ussr in its time by 75% provides the fish world. Our fishing industry was the most powerful in the world. We have been designated by their presence in the seas and oceans around the world.

The most powerful fish production, processing and export. In the ussr there were so many fish. that appeared ruling on all but Forced use. The famous fish day on Thursday. When all canteens, cafes and restaurants were the only fish dishes.

But came the restructuring. Everything collapsed and gave in exchange for bribes or spoiled the whole industry. Was a powerful company to destroy the fishing industry as such. One by one began to disappear powerful vrpo. Fleet torn to pieces. Sometimes a brand new Court sold for scrap. Later became a general question about whether the fish industry in Russia. This in a country with incredible water boundary, and its inland seas. People suggested it was removed from his post. But it was too late. Fishing fleet in the country collapsed. Later, Putin came to power. Not to say in what form it took the country.

Industry Portals: General Concepts

The idea of industry portals is not new. Their main feature is its specificity, which is also the main advantage in comparison with the portals of a universal character. Indeed, the visitor portal easier to navigate a large number of familiar concepts and terms, than the collapse of the huge (on popular sites) raznotematicheskih pages generic resources, most of which, we note a qualitative search not in principle. Recently there was a tendency even more thematic restriction, up to portals for certain types of equipment for specific makes of vehicles, specific types of household appliances, etc. It seems trend is linked with the growth of Internet users.

In our time, is difficult to imagine a company (any activity) without an e-mail addresses, although a couple of years ago, this happens quite frequently, and in regions just at every step. Today, any, no self-respecting company has a website, and even at this level, at corporate sites, is clearly seen growth line in the direction of semi-type sites. On corporate websites appear collaboration tools with the visitor. This variety of surveys, product catalogs, which can estimate the product, leave a comment, feedback systems, and even registration system control panel to manage their accounts on the company website (for example, to work with dealers). Industry portals of a new generation – are projects that involve close interaction is not the site owner and visitor. This is a place of communication portal users. Features offered by industry portals are quite diverse. It's ratings, advertising materials companies, tendering, a large number of reference Information, topical message boards and much more.