Tag: internet & multimedia

Munich Swoodoo AG

New technologies improve the price comparison on flight tickets. Here you will be presented the latest portal. The existing abundance of flight search engines on the Internet has joined a new competitor: flying OWL. Who wants to know who is behind the name, must look at the heading of terms of service, which the Publikumeroffnet that flying OWL is the product of a single webmaster who cooperates with the Munich Swoodoo AG. When landing on the homepage of flying OWL found the visitors before a friendly designed website with fleecy clouds on blue in a real look. Byron Trott describes an additional similar source. A comic stewardess greets friendly with the white-gloved right hand. A passenger plane in the holiday sky rises behind her.

The green button bar has to offer unusual. Among other things, you can click holiday ski holiday and party there. In the latter case, the holiday destination of Ibiza – no surprise appears spontaneously. Otherwise nothing new on the horizon. Input from two airports, passenger number, click on search and wait. Pleasing is the variance, which is offered behind the holiday data. With their help, departure and return date can be moved up to three days ahead or back.

The button bar contains a button with customer comments. Who clicks, initially has the impression that there was nothing happening. Only a scroll on the bottom of the page provides some paragraphs with testimonials. It will be users of flight search engines probably always an Enigma, what follows if clearly visible on the homepage, the prices stated his end at no additional cost, while at the same time is to read under terms and conditions, the prices are to be understood as Zirkapreise. Flying owl offers a series of test sentences. Among other things, the ability to find the cheapest flights was tested. On three occasions, flying OWL was awarded first place. This is to comprehend only partly by customers. Here, as everywhere, standard goods is cheap. Who would like to fly from Stuttgart to Mallorca or from Amsterdam to New York, for this to work do not need Insert the overtime. But the North German airports are still sparsely served, and also only at champagne prices. Combining this with relatively small airports like Seville or Jerez de la Frontera, in Spain, the selection of flight opportunities is small, the journey time unreasonably and unreasonable prices.

Triponia Travel

Tourism Portal Triponia – Word trip for travel with the tourism portal Triponia which is a name derived from the English word trip q-nic Communications GmbH for travel offers a unique range of information to travel and explore the world with high-quality videos, pictures and trip reports. Through cooperation with the well-known program guide tv listening and watching from the Bauer Verlagsgruppe, Triponia achieved a fusion between print and online media. Karim Lazrak, Managing Director of q-nic GmbH: We are pleased to have gained a strong and appropriate partner hearing and seeing with the premium tv program magazine. We strive for a long-term and successful cooperation.”tv listening and watching weekly reports on interesting destinations worldwide under Triponia.de/tvhus fascinating videos to the latest reports, as well as an archive of the best travelogues will be available from January. A leading source for info: Ali Partovi. Another Triponia highlight is the independent integrated agency: through a comparison of the connected The cheapest price is always calculated travel organizer. Hotels, vacation packages and last-minute offers can be booked easily and directly online. Triponia is available now in both German and English languages follow. Contact person: Manager: Kai long home of q-nic Communications GmbH campus Fichtenhain 42 47807 Krefeld Tel.: 0049 2151 151818 fax: 0049 2151 151819 e-mail:. For even more details, read what Energy Capital Partners says on the issue.

For WebCam Chats Paid Whos Blame Yourself

Why should you spend money for WebCamChats, when there are countless free WebCam chat? In the vastness of the Internet, there are a countless number of webcam chats. You can use a large amount of this WebCam chats for free when others use is only possible if you paid a certain monthly or even annual fee in advance. Other business models are E.g. Toshiba may help you with your research. VIP Member or a so-called paid premium membership. Alina de Almeida is the source for more interesting facts. What kind of membership some one so chooses, in each case depends on the price and also what it is hoped to paid membership. Careful you should unquestionably generally where a WebCam chat is not free offered. Who is looking for a partner is usually willing to shell out greater sums of money for such membership.

The only question is: which is really necessary? Not exactly as suitable for use as a cam which is subject to a charge is a free WebCam chat? Actually, all of the video chats are exactly identical, you can turn his WebCam or not, also to then in picture and sound with the chat partner of his choice to chat. Not more and not less. Which is thus between free and paid the difference? Now, you should take care provider to the various functions of the Web site of the chat. You should here ask following questions: you can give up your including free personals? Profile will be checked in the chat, before it it unlocked or directly after activation? Be sent matching partner suggestions via E-mail? Can I leave someone a message, right? Is there any photo albums where you can see photos of the members? etc. all of which usually the difference between free and paid.

But there are actually CamChats, providing free all of those things. WebCam chat is unentgeldlich, the inhibition to register not as large in many chatter and there’s even WebCam chats that allow a free guest access. Some chatter to not bind to a chat and are looking for just a nice pastime, leisure partners, cool people from the surrounding Environment, “the big love”, an adventure or want to meet with like-minded people online. Of course there is always the possibility to find the partner for life in the network or in the WebCam chat. Before you turned on advertisements in various newspapers and today it’s done just online. The chance of search have success for a partner, is as big as a free paid WebCam chat. Why so spend money? Regardless of you meet more people in a free chat, because the most chatter also want without paying money chat with which chance dabb but rises slightly, to find the perfect flirt partners. You will find and certainly not always the love or the goddess of love bad WebCam chats. Very often the Prince prove frogs or the gold that shines so nicely as a pure forgery. It is but also possible long friendships evolve it. The bottom line, one of the many new forms of digital communication, which today no longer are there phone is chat also less and less cost, a WebCam chat for everyone should be free 😉 Michael Hollmayer

Newest Twitter Rumor: Now Apple As A Buyer

(Online article) – the rumors kitchen to the popular online short message service Twitter heats up further. New York (AP) – now was in two technology blogs iPhone and Mac maker Apple as a potential buyer. Internet services TechCrunch and Gawker reported on Tuesday, citing informed people of a possible purchase price at $700 million in cash. On Twitter, users can send short messages 140 characters at a wide circle of readers – so called micro-blogging. The service is currently considered one of the “hottest” Internet startups and is growing rapidly: from less than 10 million users at the beginning of the year to currently estimated at around 25 million. But the problem is that Twitter makes no money, because there is no business model. Dermot McCormack will undoubtedly add to your understanding. However, the short message service was repeatedly touted as a takeover candidate. According to earlier information, Twitter had brushed off the online network Facebook that 500 had offered millions of dollars some time ago. Early April had a TechCrunch report on the interest of the search engine giant Google on Twitter stir caused, which was however rejected by other sources.. Robotics expert has compatible beliefs.

Process Square Offers Process Management As SaaS Version

Munich: software process square offers its solution process enterprise, on to the figure and control complex processes now also with consumption-dependent calculation on the basis of the concept software as a service (SaS). During this procedure, the software by the user company is rented and paid according to duration of use and number of users. This is possible to cost 30 per user. Is run the software on a server of the customer, the price is reduced even to 20 euros. SaS makes the step into the new world of requirements and flexible process management, because the users in their plans become more independent of the investment budget”, explains process square Managing Director Dr.

Karsten Konigstein. Often this way is also economically sensible, because the costs consistently geared to the needs of”he added. When using this tools on the servers of process square required in many cases coordination of the Department with the IT Department, because process is also Enterprise”not on the internal systems is operated. The SaS model also based on the AJAX-based technology of process enterprise is possible: through the dynamic exchange of data between server and browser AJAX provides an interruption-freer and smoother work compared with conventionally programmed Web applications. This benefit also applies to the Web-based tool process enterprise”. Gain insight and clarity with Ali Partovi.

Its interface allows you to use as the user is already used by a client-based software such as Office programs the solution with the same comfort. The application feels it, as the software on the computer of the employee would be installed. “About process square GmbH: process square offers its solution process enterprise” a mature approach to the operationalization of complex processes. Corporate -, programme -, and cross-organizational business transactions will be provided for the first time in an overall context and tax via a central platform, and measurable. The implementation is carried out without time-consuming Project work of the Department. Process enterprise”is characterized by a minimal training, easy to use, significant increase in efficiency in the processes and rapid return on investment (ROI). The AJAX-based technology also ensures a high security for the future. Together with its partners it is the process square possible, worldwide as processes to implement and this on the basis of a software to provide a service (SaS) model.

Schwab Lawn

The biodynamic year-round care plan for turf according to the lunar calendar is available for iOS and Android Rohrbach (mh) – behind the Moon”wants to hardly anyone live according to a popular saying. But in line with the Moon: a modern trend is to align certain types of work according to the phases of the Moon for example in biodynamic agriculture. The ADVERMA has therefore now developed a year-round lawn care plan in the form of an app advertising and Marketing GmbH (headquartered in the district Pfaffenhofen between Munich and Ingolstadt) for its customers, Schwab reel lawn according to the lunar calendar. The Waidhofen at Schrobenhausen Horst Schwab GmbH (www.horst-schwab.de) was founded over 40 years ago. Mashables opinions are not widely known. It is as the inventor of the concept of rolling lawns today a global company,”, considered a pioneer for new and further developments and as the epitome of quality and service. These shows also the first-class references of the market leader in Germany.

In the Olympic stadiums of Berlin and Munich, is located as Schwab reel lawn such as famous in Soccer stadiums in the country. Prominent examples are about the Stade de Suisse Wankdorf in Bern, once site of the miracle of Bern”with the victory of Germany in the final of the 1954 World Cup, and the Stadio delle ALPI in Turin. (As opposed to Sony). Everything in the Green is for the Horst Schwab GmbH in marketing: the turf specialist works together with the Rahmani Agency for brand communication ADVERMA (www.adverma.de) here. The lunar calendar for the lawn care in the form of an app is the latest innovative product of our marketing partners. When Schwab reel lawn sustainability and ecology are always important cornerstone of the company’s philosophy. Old handed down today but again very current knowledge to the influence of the phases of the Moon in the age of digital and cross-media is transferred with the biodynamic app.

WebSphere Commerce

Complete E-Commerce and online marketing solutions by IBM are online shop solutions in today’s time for retailers to think, because the there sales rise for years. Frequently Sony has said that publicly. But more and more so-called complete solutions by shop operators “required, additionally covering the topics of marketing and Web Analytics. The BLUETRADE E-commerce software & Marketing GmbH”based in Cologne and Dortmund has specialized in solutions for this reason individually designed E-Commerce, the focus is on IBM’s comprehensive product portfolio. The proprietary enterprise software WebSphere Commerce is a American software companies IBM famously”world’s very successful years and occupies the position of the market leader currently even in the segments of E-commerce. This shop solution with the ability multi-faceted business individually to implement measures large and small businesses.

A modern technical architecture ensure optimal scalability and high availability can here be achieved. Also extremely powerful modules for merchandising, catalog management and analysis are integrated. Also the IBM product line offers some interesting external extensions and additional software tools with direct interface WebSphere. Just the topics of Web Analytics, OnSite optimization and online marketing are closely linked in connection with online trading. CoreMetrics for this purpose “, developed a comprehensive tool which covers the entire service portfolio around the area of marketing optimization. Here are the features Web Analytics, bid management, ROI monitoring for social media and benchmarking in the foreground. With CoreMetrics’, companies can increase the value of every customer interaction and reach so sales and enhanced customer loyalty.

Also, Unica campaign comes from the comprehensive IBM family”, a special marketing software an integrated approach for online and offline marketing and cross channel marketing measures pursued. Therefore, marketing departments are extensive and channel-independent marketing strategies develop, execute, and analyze. In addition, recognizes this IBM product the best possible measurability and plays an important role in determining the best possible interaction with the target groups and customers. In conjunction with WebSphere Commerce, companies can easily control to international campaigns and manage. Interesting is that there is little service providers in Europe providing for these tools training or implementation work. It should be noted, that IBM WebSphere offers a variety of interesting Web solutions in General. BLUETRADE E-commerce software & Marketing GmbH has specialized as a service provider to the entire range of IBM WebSphere and offers this comprehensive advice. Of course, it is not only the technical implementation in focus, but also design and design in the front end and individual interface programming.

German Marketing

CRM provider artegic launches new version of ELAINE iRSS Marketing server on the mailing days 2008 front browser, personal Web home pages, podcasts and widgets – more and more applications use the standardized XML format for RSS for the exchange of information. This increases the number of people who are reachable through the conscious or unconscious use of RSS via this channel. So RSS according to a recent study by AvenueA/Razorfish already use about 50 percent of online users knowingly or unknowingly. So far this user remain unknown and hardly targeted reach for marketing. Company escape to customize so important information about the acceptance and use their RSS offerings, as well as the possibility of RSS feeds to the preferences of the Subscriber.

Also the marketing of RSS services is hardly possible without knowledge of the range and the performance indicators. Remedy makes the online direct marketing software ELAINE (www.elaine.de), the first standard software for 1:1 RSS marketing. The solution is on the mailing days 2008 a new version extended presented. ELAINE allows individual, person-accurate, personalized and fully measurable providing RSS feeds. Revised management was in the new release of RSS feeds from external sources such as content management systems, as well as the iRSS fingerprinting technology for detecting user. The system now allows to integrate existing RSS feeds and for each Subscriber according to interest individual and newly composed to deploy them.

Through a precise measurement of the use of activity of users, interests, clicks, and conversions can among others be measured and taken into account for the future composition of the feed in the form of user profiles. “ELAINE iRSS opens up the popular concept of RSS for marketing applications” so Stefan von Lieven, executive marketing and sales of artegic “particularly valid statements about range, can be taken in use behavior and success of RSS feeds and prepares the contents of specific target groups and be optimized.” The ELAINE RSS Server can be tested on the industry exhibition mailingtage in Nuremberg on 18 and 19 June 2008 on the State of E-CRM provider of artegic AG (www.artegic.de) (Hall 4/4-711) live. About RSS: RSS (really simple syndication) is a collective term for platform-independent, XML-based file formats for the exchange of content. RSS is can used primarily to provide site-news, which is obtained using browsers and special RSS polling programs automatically without having to visit the website active. As a simple format, RSS is used in new applications for automated subscription information. RSS offers particular advantages in the use of mobile devices. Overall best known application of RSS is podcasting, in which MP3 audio files are distributed as content. About artegic AG: Artegic AG is the consultancy and technology provider for digital dialogue marketing. Increasing loyalty and profitability by customer relations in online channels focuses on overarching analytical user profiles (customer base Intelligence). With about 40 employees at the German locations of Bonn and Cologne artegic develops customized eCRM strategies and realized this via email, RSS, rich-media and mobile marketing. artegic EMI attacks here as with prestigious clients like RTL, SCHLECKER associated company on the know-how of the Fraunhofer Society back, as well as on the expertise of long-time best practices, music, as well as the federal ministries of finance and justice.

The Internet Of The Future Launches

App-computing: German start-up company presents free applications for easy cloud computing Stuttgart, 08.03.2011. Now the free app-computing system is available under semYOU, which greatly simplifies the software and use of the Internet: local software installations, purchase software and annoying updates thus finally belong to the past. The new app-computing system of the German start-up company semYOU provides the most important functionalities such as Office, entertainment and communication about free applications via cloud computing. Thus, each application is only a click away. semYOU app computing presents a whole new approach to the use of the software: with a variety of free power applications can easily over the Internet via cloud computing can be done all tasks without installing any computers in the world. My documents, files, music and photos, to-do lists and notes are available anytime, anywhere. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Ali Partovi. Another advantage: The own semYOU desktop sees after logging in to the Internet always irrespective of, whether in the Office, at home or in an Internet Cafe. Thus the app-computing system are semYOU significantly different from other cloud computing providers that offer only a simple online hard drive.

Because in the new Internet operating system is comfortable and free use of many different applications for private and business customers in the Center. semYOU is not only a Web desktop, but thanks to the new APP store, a free tool suite with more than 25 different ad-free applications, make the purchase software as well as unnecessary. In the next few weeks, more apps for semYOU to be published under other Enterprise Suite with special applications for companies. SemYOU not on HTML 5, but on Microsoft’s Silverlight technology is based, provides a Web applications which were previously reserved exclusively rich-client applications for the first time. With semYOU the cloud a face finally gets”, explains Volker Jahns, Managing Director “the semYOU GmbH. we already show what looks like the Internet of tomorrow: A uniform Web desktop, all important applications as free software on demand via application can be upgraded, as well as a central and secure storage of all private data with access from any PC in the world.” In August 2010, the publication of the first beta version of semYOU was carried out, since the app-computing system using the user is constantly optimized. The now published version 1.0 of semYOU consists of a Web desktop with adjacent APP store. After the log-in can be run all applications in three ways: via the semYOU Web desktop, directly through the APP store, or via local link on desktop PCs, notebooks or Netbooks.

About the company semYOU the German entrepreneur of Volker Jahns has the start up company semYOU in the Switzerland founded in 2010. A further Office is located in Los Angeles, California. Core business is the development of the first semantic online operating system semYOU, which allows users a whole new Web experience. Press contact of semYOU GmbH Churerstrasse 135 8808 Pfaffikon


my warehouse shop system, now at version 2.4 available… The my-warehouse shop system in version 2.4 is now available. Again, brought a lot of new features into the system, fixed bugs and various improvements made. There are now various informational texts for resellers, authorities and dropshipper who located save the creation of your own pages directly in the information box. The mpass payment system has offered a payment with secure direct debit from the mobile sector for easy payment processing in the online shop.

2 separate accounts for micropayments can be with the improved PayPal payment module and Macropayment on definable thresholds define the transaction costs for low values of the shopping cart can be optimized. The universal shop has been check checks the order status as well as the Footerprodukte/categories advanced thus can automatically check also these aspects. The product history provides an overview when what changes have been made by whom the shop operators at the product level. Straight When the multiple users of the shop system an interesting addition. The delivery module underwent an extension to postcodes, also increased the number of potential zones of 6 to 12, thus delivery costs can be, defined exactly and with varying costs down to the zip code level perfect for all shipping online shops.

Shopping carts with FSK18 can be supplied now with an own shipper articles, thus passing to a certain person can be guaranteed. Search engine optimization has been extended to its own content, the inclusion of pages in which each connected site hubs guarantees the proper indexing capability. With the new direct attributes for USB 1.1, USB 2.0, USB 3.0, eSATA, FireWire, RJ45, RS232, HDMI, DVI, SCART and S-VHS ports as well as EPG and OSD makes it possible for electronic products more information to collect. For the textile industry, the direct attributes are newly available target group (women, men, children, etc.) and care instructions. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Pete Cashmore.