Tag: Software

Software BayanICQ

com! Today, I want to introduce you to a wonderful ICQ client – BayanICQ. Description: BayanICQ – multi client for smart phones with the operating system – Symbian9. Now he supports such protocols computer communication: ICQ, Jabber protocol, and partly Mail.ru Agent. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Marc Mathieu and gain more knowledge.. As can be seen, for a program for smartphones – it is very functional and already is the main competitor to the famous instant messengers QIP PDA and Smaper. Functionality of the program: it is so rich, and that everything you name it. If you have a vested interest, please visit the official site, and there it devotes a whole branch site. By the author – Alexander Barobin, a talented programmer who volunteer (Free program), created a powerful functional package. Project was not a year old, but the ‘Bayan’ know almost all the chatter.

The program is a great site / forum – barobin.com (administrator of the resource – Yanzhul Anton), with by which, BayanICQ became much more popular, and adding new, innovative ideas. Convenience of the program – he borrowed by a customer, it becomes clear why he was so much loved his fans. Convenience, not comparable with any other client under symbian (do not forget, described my personal opinion), sounds, emoticons, user Friendly interface, in general the professional tool for communication. And most important, is the fact that the total output list contacts, allows you to communicate with all the interlocutors at the same time, that is, a dynamic menu of contacts, a number of advantages in comparison with competitors in the Internet segment. Conclusion: BayanICQ – a professional set Software for Symbian 9, allowing to communicate in the most comfortable conditions, while satisfying all the latest requirements for such customers. I would like to express my gratitude to Alexander Barobinu and Yanzhul Anton proroditelyam this wonderful program. I recommend you try this miracle of software engineering, as the saying goes: better to see once than hear a hundred times.

Metabase Backup Assisted Iis

IIS 6.0 Administrative backup. The metabase is a hierarchical structure to store the configuration settings for IIS. It performs the same function as the system registry on Windows, but it is specific to IIS. The metabase configuration and scheme for Microsoft IIS 4.0 and Microsoft IIS 5.0 is stored in a binary file, which is not easy to read and edit. IIS 6.0 instead of a single binary file (MetBase.bin) is a plain text XML-formatted files, named as MetBase.xml and MSSchema.xml. These files are stored on your computer in the folder% SystemRoot% System32Inetsrv (note that C: Windows as a rule, the root system). Only users in the group 'Administrators can view and modify these files. IIS administrators can create backup copy of the file using IIS Manager or software scripts.

Backup files – copies of the metabase configuration file (MetBase.xml) and matching metabase schema file (MSSchema.xml). This article describes how you can easily create a backup metabase, so you can recover administrative settings. Creating an administrative backup the IIS 6.0 metabase NOTE: You must have administrator privileges to perform this task. There is no need to stop the IIS. 1. Others including Mikkel Svane, offer their opinions as well. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services. 2. Right-click on the name of your computer in IIS Manager, select All Tasks, and then click Backup / Restore Configuration.

3. Click Create Backup in the dialog box Configuration Backup / Restore, and then type a name for the archive. NOTE: If you want to create a secure backup, select the Encrypt backup using password in the dialog box Configuration Backup, type a password into the Password, and enter the same password in Confirm password.

Adobe Flash Player

The most striking advantage of using Flex – it's incredible popularity of Adobe Flash Player. Adobe has said that 90% of Internet users today have installed any version of Flash Player. Reaching such a large market means that developers can reach almost every customer, than with any another operating system. Vs. If you want to develop more flash effects on the site, the training may take considerable time and effort. As you know, now more than 90% of users have installed on their computers Flash Player, to browse SWF files. You should be aware that their views can slow or even halt the performance of older computers.

You should not forget that when you develop a site based on Flex. Flex vs. Flash. Is there a difference between Flex and Flash? Flex provides the ability to create SWF files that can be viewed in Adobe Flash Player in any browser. Just that Flash was created for animators and illustrators, so they were able to implement any ideas for the Web Space, Flex was designed with the same goals. But Flex can be called a "big brother Flash. This is the same technology, but it allows you to create more complex applications that can create software engineers, not designers.

To better see the difference, you can spend close analogy with the construction of the house. Building a house in Flash. You hire molars, roofers, builders, etc., give them simple tools and say "build me house ". Perhaps they do, but construction takes time and a good home is unlikely to succeed because you will not have a crane or a bulldozer. Building a house in Flex. You hire the same people, but also get the 3 cranes, bulldozers and four Five construction workers who do not have to pay. The house looks the same, but it is built faster and better, and besides, you get a bigger set of functions that you would not have received from the builders with simple tools. The future of Adobe Flex. Today's Internet has gone far ahead in the main this is due to the development of RIA applications that quickly reach the right audiences. This suggests that the future of the Internet and will not stand still. Power Flex, supported by the resources Adobe, can become the basis for future development of the global network. To view the original article you can visit the company Scope of Ai Tu. For further information about Adobe Flex.

Microsoft File

For example, the file x86_Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package configuration change will remove the built-in games, but at the same time free up some precious space on your hard disk. Some components can be selected settings. For example, Internet Explorer'u allowed to set the level of filtering. I think it is worth recalling superfluous caution when creating a new answer file. Although Microsoft err by entering a menu of seven items of the equation evaluate Insert Pass: windowsPE, offlineServicing, package (s), specialize, auditSystem, auditUser and oobeSystem. Choosing the fourth line, you get a label in the panel UserData answer file in the properties which you can specify the license key of the operating system. If you do not remember randomly drawn Registration number, use the tool – for example, TuneUp Utility.

In the same menu, do not forget to set the mode WillShowUI never. And so on. Filling lines speak for themselves, such as Organization and Full Name, should not cause some difficulties. It is better to let immediately divide hard drive! sawing pancakes manipulation is done on a 'like two fingers on the asphalt. " Insert a new disc in Disc Configuration menu and set the necessary options (CreatePatitionsModifyPartitions). As you have guessed, allows the user to change the type of file system, the size of the new local disk and the name of a single capital letter. You can also fill a utility that will be installed along with Windows. Create a folder soft (which then must be placed in the directory of the future distribution) and it throws all the necessary programs and supplements.

Registration Action

– Calculation of planned and actual cost of the finished product. * Monitoring: – Monitoring the demand for raw materials, consumables materials and equipment. – Control and payroll for the execution orders teams or individual performers. – Control of exceeding the planned cost or cost of raw materials. * Analysis: – Analysis of performance tasks on production and intermediate inputs. – Calculation and projected production and raw materials, taking into account the estimated cash balances at the output. – Forecast your costs based on projected prices for raw materials.

– Dynamic analysis of output, consumption of raw materials, production costs. * Planning: – Formation of the production schedule. – Calculation of requirements equipment, materials and supplies. – Planning for the direct and indirect costs, including the departments of enterprises. Stocks and purchases. * Accounting: – Inventory reserves – products, raw materials, products, materials, means of production. In different gauges – the units, packaging, weight, volume and displacement.

At several stores, places to address storage subsystem in warehouse logistics. – Consideration of stored production facilities for parties in the sections of suppliers sections accounting, manufacturers, countries of origin. – Maintain database of suppliers, agents, procurement and customer contact points. – Registration Action for Cooperation with suppliers or intermediaries. – Registration, storage in including in electronic form contracts with customers (suppliers, customers, providers). – Accounting for purchases and sales in the context of suppliers, product lines, orders nomenclature. – Making all the accompanying documentation (receipt / expenditure bill, documents the movement between warehouses and inventory write-off acts, and so on).

Excellent Clientserver Chat

MyChat – a product of Network Software Solutions. Version 4.0 – the latest and, one might say, the most perfect. The product was fully tested and stress tests. MyChat works as a local network or via the Internet. Chat interface is translated into three languages – Russian, Ukrainian and English. Hopefully in the future this list will grow.

Members MyChat speak well about the product and say that it is fast, consumes little memory and traffic (works perfectly even via GPRS connection!) and has broad capabilities for setting up and integrated into an operating system. And now in more detail about the product MyChat 4.0. The main features of this software, you can mark it reliability, stable operation, the ability to control the work of both the server and the client, confidentiality of communication, ease of use and settings. I think many organizations are faced with inability to control all the talk of their employees if they use programs such as ICQ, Skype, MSN Messenger and others. We are in no way belittle the quality of these products, but they will not allow you to manage all conversations, which are maintained in the network. With MyChat this problem is completely solved.

Everything will be controlled. Chat perfectly combines a pleasant and ergonomic interface for the user, and interesting technical solutions that will please administrators and IT staff of organizations and household networks. Alerts You can create as a text message and send it to users, indicating the time of this alert.