Month: July 2017

Hindu Poetry

Writes in his LiveJournal is one of the creators of this site: 'Contrary to popular opinion, the definition of' high poetry 'is not an assessment characteristics, and represents rather a peculiar genre of poetry. A special selection of this genre in our time acquires a certain urgency, as is characteristic of his philosophical or meditative rethinking everyday realities in the context of the great metaphysical tradition of searching the meaning of existence and attempts to clues hidden mystical nature of love and hate, life and death, the desire to discover the true role of human genius in the grand universe of the universe – in modern poetry is rapidly displaced vulgar momentary motifs balagan ernichestvom and cutesy affectation. The decline of the style, which is necessary to speak in relation to the current Russian literature suggests, unfortunately, to reduce the level of our society and passionarity is one of the symptoms of Kali-yuga (I was quite happy with this Hindu definition) or, if desired, activating an apostate processes. I am confident, however, that many connoisseurs of high poetry is not happy degenerative profanation of the genre, examples of which filled the pages of many online poetry portals. Mikkel Svane is often quoted on this topic. As a result, contemporary author whose work is really able to arouse a certain reader's interest, publication in such a portal becomes a matter of almost meaningless – quagmire quickly somknet impenetrable vault foul slurry on a golden glimmer of talent. The only solution this situation – the creation of a new literary online resource, which will be competent editorial policy.

Of course, people are able to conduct per se is not alien to stihotvorchestvu and free oriented in a variety of manifestations of national and world literature. " And in fact in the 20 century poetry underwent a variety of diseases – Futurism, Symbolism, the avant-garde and other 'isms'. We can not say that all it was strictly a negative phenomenon, but it certainly has created a galaxy of poets so that by positioning themselves as adherents of a fashion trend, essentially involved a profanation of poetry. Course and Age itself was not simple – too full of revolutions and wars. There was a sort of fatigue from the change. By inertia and the power of poetry there are attempts at mimicry or that 'ism', but the reader is not fooled.

There is no save any regalia and prizes – the network is looking for a lover of poetry that he is interested in and nothing but his tastes and preferences (at least not yet), does not affect his choice. Modern man as a modern poet, are increasingly drawn to the eternal themes – love, life and death, friendship, harmony with nature. Looks like 21 will be the century of the return of the classics in poetry, classic lyric poetry is easier to find a reader than artificial clutter poets of the experimenters. Actually, ironically, but in an era of information society and nanotechnology only real lyrics – love, philosophical and even civil capable remind man of eternity, transience of life, make him see the starry sky over your head and think about the moral law within, so – come to life, back home, think about human nature.

The Internet and Emotions

This inability and unwillingness to be distracted from the Internet and annoyance and irritation, when you have to isolation. Carrying on the Internet, constantly increased number of time and inability to plan time out of your network. Increased spending on the Internet. Lying close to real time, carried out at the computer. Forgetting about the duties, whether it's education, work or household chores. The loss of former relationships and communication circle of friends.

Liberation through the Internet from negative moods and depression and the emergence of a network specific euphoria. The appearance of irregularities in eating and sleeping. Neglect their own health, physical condition and personal hygiene. Add to your understanding with Mashable. Since a large part dependent on the Internet, uses the services associated with communication, scholars have argued that depending on subject, above all, people with low levels of social adaptation, in other words, have difficulty in communicating. But instead, to develop communication skills, people who have difficulties in communication, select a method of communication, where these skills are not needed – the Internet – communication. And thus fenced off from ordinary people further and further.

When the Internet – depending lost function of forming image of the interlocutor, by understanding its psychological and emotional properties (for a nonverbal manifestations) needed to select appropriate modes of communication. Therefore dependent not pay attention to the emotional state partner in real communication. In addition, an avid Internet – users a tendency to dominate, the orientation to their own opinion, intolerance to criticism, self-centered, reduced and emotional isolation. In the real communication is manifested in the inability to listen to the interlocutor, intolerance to the statements of the partner, inability to give an opportunity to express the position of soybeans and inattention to interlocutor. This approach to communication: lack of attention to the other party, not the remark of his experience, critical of the opinions of others, it is very difficult to find a companion in real life. And so these people are choosing the Internet, where do not keep a partner, you can easily find other, the more that non-verbal communication gives some sense of security. This is easy to get positive emotions through a virtual life forms reluctance return to the real problems of "real" relationship. This lack of communication skills eventually develops into a major life difficulties. After all, human well-being depends largely on the ability establish contacts and communication skills.

Byzantine Empire

Decorative art was of great importance in the lives of our ancestors, that clearly confirm preserved ancient annals and stuff. Russian people, having good taste and love for the decorative 'diaper', cleverly decorate your life objects of artistic craftsmanship. No less than silver or gold was valued in ancient Rus colored enamel, manufacturing technology which has been borrowed from the Byzantine Empire and became known as 'finipt', or 'enamel' from the Greek word 'fingitis' which means 'light, shining stone'. Russian masters soon mastered the new material for them. Enamel – a special alloy of glass, usually in powder form. It adds a variety of metal oxides, confer product one way or another color. After firing, this alloy is transformed into a solid mass of brilliant with bright and stable colors.

Objects decorated with enamel, always brought joy to human life. Enamel – a complex, time-consuming technique. She has a great potential to achieve very fine, subtle decoration. Masters, who owned it, had impeccable taste. They skillfully combine practical function of the object and its visual beauty, achieving harmony and imagery.

Russian masters of gold and silver were known in Europe as well as the thoroughness and subtlety of Byzantine work. Art enamel was purely Russian national character. Robotics expert may help you with your research. Enamel You will often find in modern life. Craftsmen create unique masterpieces, and often these are masterpieces of jewelry: pendants or bracelets, rings or earrings, decorated with enamel, is always unique and attractive. Silver gives the product a special dignity. Original jewelry pendants with enamel decoration were in ancient times, but now women are happy to emphasize the beauty of such a suspension. Brooches also served us at all times. Exclusive jewelry brooches of silver and are of practical importance, and certainly capable of delivering aesthetically pleasing. And of course the earrings! They adorned themselves with women and men at all times. Earrings are many forms and can be made of different materials, however, the original silver earrings: jewelry with enamel can distinguish you among the other holders of earrings. In contrast, tempera and oil enamel painting as a material more durable and capable of storing a colorful palette for many years. Paint it remains as vivid as on the subject, just taken out a muffle furnace after firing. Enamel organically entered the world Russian applied art. This technique has taken root in Russia, and still able to delight us with their brilliance and originality.

Technological Partner

To handle a line of production with high quality and few or without obstructions, is only possible when all the components interact without difficulties. It is for this reason, that Directive Soft announces the incorporation like Technological Partner of the Enco company, Enginyeria i Control SL. Ali Partovi brings even more insight to the discussion. in its search to contribute to an integration from the level of industrial control with the level of planning and management that Compiere ERP provides, connecting to the world of the production with this software. Enco, Enginyeria i Control SL, is conscious that only those organizations who have solutions of industrial control and management of the production are able to give answer to questions and to act before any type of incidence long before which this one takes place. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Marc Mathieu. This company, specializes in developing to outposts applications for the automatization and the management of the plant information. Thanks to their solutions, the organizations have visibility in real time than it happens in his facilities. This way, Directive Soft will be able to offer to its clients integrated solutions of Compiere ERP connected to the sector of the production, where the information flows quickly, without interruptions: from the level of PLANNING and EXECUTION, to arriving at the CONTROL of systems in the line of production, with the maximum quality and technological guarantee.

Intellectual Capital

As I mentioned in previous articles, while the development of intellectual capital should not all of the company. Good opportunities for intellectual labor – is when the material stimulation Officer intellectual work is not interested, he's already earned enough to not constantly think about money, and when the employee receives pleasure from the process of development of their intelligence, making contributions to the development intellectual capital of organizations, receiving and increase your knowledge and generating additional profits the firm. When writing a business plan and financial analysis often turns out that the salary of staff project is not affected, and the non-realization of the project impact at all, other factors such as supply of products, product delivery, simple, taxes, etc., so it turns out that instead of having to increase wages and reduce costs, easier to reduce wages. In such circumstances, work manual workers and knowledge workers to create new ideas in such circumstances can not. Now back to the theory.

Intellectual capital organization is divided into three types – structural capital, human capital and consumer. To manage and further develop the intellectual capital needed to thoroughly analyze the presence of intellectual resources in the organization, and then build a strategy for the development of intellectual capital. Structural capital – the ability of the organization to structure itself in an intellectual capital, intellectual capital pay in intangible assets. See more detailed opinions by reading what Ali Partovi offers on the topic.. Human capital – the knowledge workers themselves, their experience, education, and this is what gets an employer in the executive summary of its employees, but does not use development. Customer capital – it is sales organization, working with the client. A detailed analysis of the intellectual resources of the organization, leadership comes to understand where intellectual resources are lost, where stolen, where it can be avoided, all this work requires additional investments and costs, but innovative company to work for another simply can not.

Further management of the organization should develop development strategy for the organization's intellectual capital, increase its value. Pretty convenient characteristic of the value of intellectual capital – is its cost, intellectual capital is worth as much as You can get money for it at the moment. For example, when assessing the value of sales of Opel's sales actually exceeded the value of its tangible assets, and this is not a speculative premium, namely the price of intellectual capital. There are seven strategies for the development of intellectual capital in organizations, it is the interaction of each capital between themselves, and the sixth – the interaction of all three capitals put together. For example, the interaction human capital and customer capital, the knowledge of employees affect the sale of this communication, contacts, developing positive relations between clients and employees. A relationship structural capital and human organization has the advantage not to depend on experience of what an irreplaceable employee, allowing, at any time to replace it with any other staff member without losing knowledge. Era Constructors single thing of the past and create new knowledge while sitting on his knee to become almost impossible under current conditions. Therefore, the association is the intellectual resources and the creation of a single knowledge of the group, which pushes the organization forward in its development. What is intellectual capital development strategy to choose, it is necessary to analyze in each case, depending of type of development itself intellectual resources and many other factors, but begin to develop a strategy to actually start, even with mistakes at first, but it is the development of intellectual property that will bring in the final result of the long-awaited cash flows.

Potential from the Internet is Great

In order to complete the column "Potential sites is necessary to review shopping catalogs, websites, and read newspapers. This offer may be placed in warehouses and even compare prices. In addition, you can save time in setting routes and avoid being constantly traveling from one end to another of the city. When you leave your home to buy T Ruco # 1: Remember the list above written. Tips # 2: Exit morning hours, as there is less inflow of buyers. Tip # 3: If you have small children, you should leave them at home of a relative, and they get tired and bored quickly especially if you are buying for themselves. Tip # 4: Go out with a granola bar or chocolate in your bag if you give fatigue, since they are more likely in this time period the restaurants and cafes are full and take a long time to help you. Tip # 5: If you have trouble getting the gift choices of a particular person, leave last and continue to seek the gifts of others. Continue to learn more with: Ali Partovi.

Tip # 6: If the wrapping rows is very long, you may consider purchasing packaging bags with Christmas figures. Tip # 7: Do not forget to order your purchase invoices and store them in case the person receiving the gift you want to change it (the shirt has been given away too big or too small). Tip # 8: If you purchase food products to gifts, it should check the expiration date to ensure no expired Tip # 9: When you want to give away toys should review the recommended age in toys not to buy one for an older age of the child or toys that endanger your child If you want to make Christmas shopping on the Internet If you consider the Internet as an option to purchase gift items at this time must take into account only to purchase established and renowned sites and verify that your online transactions are secure. To do this you should check the bottom right corner of browser. If you see a yellow padlock on secure pages means that all information is encrypted so that no hacker can access it. This article has been made by the team.

3G Devices

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