Month: December 2010

Ten Commandments

A lot of women and men come to the consultation, indignant, angry, hopeless, because your partner does not love them as they want, need or want. Then the abuse so that compliance is inserted into the very heart of the relationship … Abuse is a matter of nuances, ranging from time management, to how to make love, to express themselves, to do things a certain Thus, the application of interest and manner of speaking, like dressing up and maintain a good attitude towards various social groups, where the couple interacts. The reality is that the questions and answers are found elsewhere in the wickedness or goodness of my partner, but as for me I admit, that is, every circumstance of abuse, inequity, that I feel are going through above what I want, need or want, call it, partner, children, friends, then surely I am a person who allows the abuse. Yes actually I am a person who permit and it is because I have not found other ways of relating, and told me I needed to be and consents. But today, it is important to go back in time and see and realize, yes in a mome nt of child or adolescent, I had to take, today, I have the ability to reflect and know, still, when I abused emotionally, physically or psychologically, it was a time, a moment, but today is different, I can now do things differently …

But no more, requires Back to our worries and anxieties, our meetings and misunderstandings, our pain and heartache, but also what if we experience fully. Keep an abusive relationship is like not caring about ourselves, but after all,,, what is living, living for the other, that neither see me, or care, then, only in this sense, the questions remain open : do I want for myself and my partner? How do you want? In what ways need to be loved or you Yeah none of these conditions happen in my life partner, questions spread like stones in the pond: I want a partner, what I want, but above all: What am I willing to give and accept or not, for this suc eda? If you are interested in issues of this column and, if not write me too. We offer workshops and courses anywhere in the world … thanks for reading, my mission is the quality of emotional life … Contact: on With the acquisition of it, has three free consultations via e – mail and if bolrtin nuestto you enter will receive free electronic material. The Ten Commandments of married life ..

Ergonomic Issues

One of the ads was crossed out what I have described above and which read: Personal and company store rationalization, we require urgently. Interested in a suit filed in Los Sauces 123 San Isidro, during office hours. Preference will be given to exploring issues that dominate. UD Tell me if this notice was not like for people with management studies. What does UD? Let's see. Rationalization is a process which aims at the optimization of the organization, systematization, which are designed for: forms, operating manuals, organization charts, etc., enabling everyone to work with speed, fluency, knowledge of what their task, following guidelines of the company. Rationalization is the same as saying Organization and Methods.

The main reason for the existence of a section or department in a company METHODS is the rationalization and simplification of the work performed by its employees. This is her territory, of its activity. Ensure that the work that each worker or employee of the company made in the best manner and under the best conditions this will lead directly to various issues such as: Improve the status and disposition of the job make more rational study that job how the worker performs his job. Observe the movements and steps for improvement. Eliminate those that are useless, inaccurate and cause loss of time. Streamline their work process Mix working methods of different operators performing the same job.

Be described as ergonomic issues. Analyze and measure working time. Establish process times. Education and training for operators to improve their way of working.

Be Alert to New Products

In this sense, floral works such as Red Chestnut Bud Chestnut, Walnut, provide the ability to print an additional impetus to the work of Florida provided an entry into a state of alert products was a perception more refined, making sense of experience and contacts to achieve favorable subtle balance, clarity, efficiency, health. This influences the time to bring a body back to health. What can be said of healing and healing processes which suggest that the mind influences the body? Is this real? Does it really work these practices? Can not be denied that positive thinking, comforting words and statements lit benign influence on the body. However, such benefits from well-meaning mental practices are temporary and are not without limitations. There is no evidence that the approach to healing “mind-body” really work per se and in all cases that are a good and sincere intentions. However, neither denying the fact that benefits are achieved in many cases. According to recent discussions leading to healing is not merely body-mind mechanism but influenced by some kind of power over mind which will then influence your system.

The mind has impacted finely extend beyond that which is devoid of the impact energy. a sa is the mind that can be cured. Life is energy, and all living beings are energy beings. We are often too proud to show our brilliant mind of our knowledge bulky, if people informed, but the healing process not the result of the intellect. Healing can not be achieved through a mind applicant. Medical science is often baffled by miracles happen. Miracles often occur and this leads to wondering if miracles were not the result of an energetic phenomenon, of such phenomena for which there is still no scientific explanation.

At least so far, there is no conclusive proof that miracles can be caused by logical thinking. Miracles are far from being the product of information and closer to be consequences of higher energy charges and feelings love, generosity. Even in the arenas of science, have been high energy influences such as humility and genuine curiosity that prompted the scientists to the most incredible and amazing discoveries. The magnetic field that surrounds the man and all living things by waving his emotional world was no longer a fantasy. Neuroscience, neuropeptides studies are beginning to define the emotions and behavior in general in terms of physical-chemical. Hope starts a molecular event. The hopelessness too. Much can be achieved with these energies, so that should re-orient our concerns, showing more interested in generating these states so sublime just to make our dreams happen. Like learning a new craft, the art of Bach essences work in more people activated more sublime interests and thereby usher in a bright path for humanity. And these things happen. Already Tehillard de Chardin, the great French philosopher had a vision that he call the “non-osfera” and which are usually done speculations about the Internet itself had its birth as a “rough idea.” Tehillard de Chardin said that one day when man and technology conquer oceans and winds and the man begin to seriously explore the energy of love and magnetism that produces energy in all things embellishing, and opening paths of light not received yet. Fortunately, on evidence and evidence that we have entered the dawn of the day.

Holistic Technology

However, learning about science and technology with holistic vision is not intended to discredit the efforts to develop scientific and technological knowledge, if not clear as they enter the emerging sustainable culture of XXI century, pointing limits, benefits and dangers when they are not understood properly. Thus, it is important to know what is the vision of the world because it will determine whether we are in the ability to guide our goals and educational efforts. In short, the human being is more than technological processes as well, education is a process to raise awareness. In this context it is important that we realize we need an ecological education in order to aspire to a sustainable society, one that can guarantee our long-term survival with quality of life.

Unfortunately, in schools today are not educated to preserve the environment, but, paradoxically, to plunder, it realizes that the educational processes used by these schools and education are inadequate to the need for a sustainable society. A diagnosis made by the presidency of the republic said that an alarming aspect of education in Mexico is the poor academic performance, while another is the educational content for practical life in the culture of the students. So, being that education should be assumed as a rewarding experience in everyday life becomes a routine without any real sense. On issues like this, it is clear that students continue preying why have not transformed, do not feel or recognize its connection with nature, no love or respect for it or for animals.

David Uribe

Practically these specialized systems to support vehicle repair workshop and administration have created a new lifestyle for the mechanics. making information easily accessible and eliminating the tedious task of reviewing heavy sheet at a printed manual. No more notes on paper with illegible handwriting. No more misplaced. Now all that information can be transferred to electronic files and can be handled in many programs for different automotive shops. Any shop that has not adopted the use of software, will be shelved. It will become less profitable to work a machine shop in the old way without the equipment and software necessary to properly handle the large number of demanding customers and service vehicles. This type of software makes almost any workshop to increase their income due to increased productivity from the use of such tools. A clear example of this is the franchise repair shops and automotive maintenance software which use practically tell their employees what to do.

This is also a reason why more shops are less ancient and more modern workshops. Before it was possible to sustain the business on recommendations in small areas geographical to maintain the flow of income. Now these small shops have been overtaken as the colonies grow, they can not reach the growing number of customers and vehicles that need service. Only with paper and books to the most talented mechanic will have trouble staying in business. And besides all this, the technology in vehicles is constantly evolving, so there is no way that a mechanic who has a business for 20 years knows everything about every one of the vehicles on the market. The software for automotive repair shops becoming easier to obtain the necessary information, and helps organize the large number of customers and their vehicles.

This amazing tool was developed specifically for that purpose, so it is understandable that more and more and more workshops in the world are adopting.