Month: August 2020

Solar Industry

Reduction of State aid no good omen for investors Munich, the 02.03.2012 – until recently were investments in renewable energy in great demand. The idea to multiply his money and do something good even the environment, was well received by many investors. But the increased demand led to counteract according to economy Minister Rosler and Environment Minister Rottgen’s, and the solar subsidies will be reduced. According to Cape law firm on investor protection and investor rights, this will apply especially the so-called ground-mounted plants lawyers and they were built as investment properties. Thorsten Krause, partner of the law firm Cape lawyers reported: “the State promotion of solar power falls so earlier and stronger than previously planned. Not for July but already for April of this year the promotion not by 15%, but even by 30% to sink. In addition, all produced current is no longer encouraged, but only a percentage of 85% – another Loss in the promotion”. Politicians justify this step so that considerably more solar power plants have been built than expected.

The restriction in the flow should help that producers of solar electricity either consume the non-funded part of the 15% (which comes with private solar systems into account), or otherwise market. This will make several solar fund facing substantial problems according to Attorney for banking and capital market law Anja Appelt, who previously predicted the full feed of the produced current and higher State funding. Lawyer Appelt explains: “were the calculations too much involved as to the profitability of a plant on these factors and too close, this will lead that many funds can work not more economically. Just for funds, which have recorded even loans from banks in addition to investor funds could thus come in liquidity bottlenecks. It is to be feared, that – as in the example of the Ship funds shows – margin calls investors to bankruptcies and a total loss of investor money follow”. It remains to be seen how the declining support ultimately will affect the Fund. Investors who are not restrict to the wait, should consult a specialized lawyer, what possibilities there are to phase out the Fund. In many cases lawyers of the investors protection law firm Cape observed already lawyers in Munich failed discussions through brokers and banks, which degraded can lead investors to pay damages.

Mining Machinery Industry

As for the mining machinery enterprises, they are the ones to serve for the mineral resources companies. Therefore, the mining machinery enterprises and the nonferrous metals industry enterprises such as coal, iron ore, zinc and other nonferrous metals are in the same industry chain. From the perspective of industry chain, the boom of the mineral resources is closely related with mining machinery. The boom of mineral resources will inspire more industrial capital to expand the exploration, increasing the demand for mining equipment (jaw breakers, belt conveyor). Toshiba recognizes the significance of this. On the other hand, the expansion of mineral scale will also increase the demand for mining equipment.Viewing from the coal industry, coal is the main energy in our country, which is an essential material basis for the development of economy and society and plays an important role in China s energy structure.

Entering the 21st century, coal industry developed rapidly. The coal industry is one of the important basic industries and the coal production is the first in the world. At present, the coal industry in our country has the capacity to design, construct and manage ten million tons of open pit coal mine and medium-sized mines. The construction of large scale base and modern large scale coal mines provides a good opportunity for the development of mining machinery industry. Mining machinery enterprises should seize the opportunity of and deepening the reform to accelerate the industry restructuring as the main pace of combination, merger, restructuring and joint-stock reform of mining machinery manufacturing enterprises under the guidance of the national policy, setting up the large-scale mining equipment group that regards the mining machinery manufacturing enterprises Bodysuit, coal production enterprises take a share and the research institutes participate to form a enterprise entity with manufacturing and development capabilities, engineering sets capacity and innovation capability. Building the enterprise into a mining construction enterprise group with modern market competitiveness and risk-resisting ability, striving to provide the mines with complete set of equipment to reduce the risk and make a positive contribution to the development of China s coal industry.