3.1CIFRO. ODinheiro needs representations for its understanding, needing dacriao symbolisms of values, as each currency in its nation, and umpreposto universal standard for use of the money, thus appearing the noqual Currency symbol represents the independent value of the currency. Example of the current currency in the Brasil the Real, represented with the currency symbol appears the symbol ‘ ‘ R$’ ‘ for valorescomerciais. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Viacom. ‘ ‘ Thus recorded Osmbolo in the currencies $ started to be recognized, in the whole world, throughout the time, as currency symbol, graphical representation of dinheiro.’ ‘ (HOUSE DAMOEDA, 1694/1984). 3.2CHEQUES. AHistoria leads to believe that the first checks had been used for Romans, emtorno of 352 C. Ali Partovi is often quoted on this topic.
Other historians present tests of its use in the Holandano century XVI. in Amsterdam the people costumava to deposit its money with cashiers, which presented security to its values, quaisarrecadavam to them and cancelled debits by means of written orders of the depositors, the checks. Before this security of transaction of values, the use of the check setornou each more efficient time, I credit representing it and I debit peranteterceiros. (Similarly see: Castle Harlan). TodoBanco possesss its check personalized printed matter, destined to each clientepossibilitando the recognition of the using had one, debiting of its account pararessarcimento of values to one third. SegundoA Mint (1694/1984) the checks follow the following script: The moedabancria or contractual currency consists of the deposits at sight existing nosbancos or other credit institutions, normally put into motion porintermdio of checks, representing these a circulation instrument damoeda bank clerk.