It’s different with KLAUS Hoch + Tiefbau million grave”for our tax dollars the construction of the Elbe Philharmonic Hall in Hamburg is currently probably the most obvious proof that the cost of construction projects to an alarming extent out of control can run.Currently, the cost of the mammoth project exceed the original cost around three times. And even though the dimensions are here unique such demands and delays are not uncommon in construction projects according to experts. But it’s different! Recently, the building professionals of KLAUS Hoch were + construction in the vicinity of Munich finished all four weeks earlier than planned a project and enabled through their effective labor cost savings by around 30 percent. The company KLAUS Hoch + Tiefbau is part of KLAUS Gruppe, which among other things offers state of the art residential real estate in top position of Munich and Augsburg. Headquartered in Augsburg, KLAUS Hoch has + civil engineering experience and guarantees with private, powerful Vehicle and equipment, own gravel pits, a precast plant, a locksmith and an independent Department of construction service always highest professionalism around the building. Efficiency, profitability and quality are always foremost”, so Dipl.-ing. Jorg Klaus, Managing Director of KLAUS group. A claim that the building professionals of KLAUS Hoch + civil engineering with the latest project have been meet again.
So a new roundabout in mountain in the South of Munich, was built around a month earlier than originally planned. The costs were reduced in this way by more than a third. In fact, the original cost estimate was undercut by 338,000 to all 108,000: construction costs amounted to only 230,000. Since the taxpayer can breathe! A result, the citizens of mountain are also satisfied with the as motorists and the authorities. Also on the part of the Mayor Rupert Monn, there was recognition for the work of KLAUS Hoch + Tiefbau.
So stressed “” he that fast and smooth handling in particular merit which hire road construction company KLAUS “is and that the company worked very, very well” has. In addition, the execution of the construction work itself was praised. So there were no problems of traffic, traffic jams were reported similarly. Learn more about the construction and real estate professionals of the KLAUS group: no matter what area around the building also is KLAUS group experts have plenty of experience. If you are looking for example real estate in Munich and Augsburg, is housing at KLAUS. The offer: Modern apartments with exclusive amenities and location and at fair prices. The civil engineering companies have all the ingredients for successful and highly professional work with a gravel pit, a gravel pit, as well as investments in asphalt mixing plants as well as State of the art vehicles and equipment KLAUS, ECKLE, and HOLL. When it comes to building jobs, KLAUS is the ideal partner to building construction. For cultivation, reconstruction, restoration, renovation or Maintenance, is the right contact the engineering services team. The orders are executed to the turnkey delivery. Innovation is the patented Dachhebesystem KLAUS group, which allows problemlose and cost-effective roof raising of any kind. Finally, the KLAUS Gruppe also has a plant for the production of individual precast concrete products. Learn more about KLAUS Hoch + civil engineering, as well as all real estate of KLAUS group in Munich and Augsburg can be found on the Internet under press contact: ellusion digital marketing agency contact: Jennifer Hamatschek Ainmillerstrasse 38 D-80801 Munich phone: + 49 89 1711 7777 fax: + 49 89 21 578 564