Exchange Hamburg Volunteer

“Kick-off event job Cafe Billstedt – cooperation in Hamburg, the volunteer Board Hamburg 24.01.2009 – in the future will even more with the project work by management / Godfather model” here in Hamburg together work. An information event paved the way to the job Cafe Billstedt in which the project was presented. Rainer Landwehr, Coordinator of the JobPaten in Hamburg will be interested in the areas of the job Cafe Billstedt available every second Friday. Also a space for counseling the job Cafe Billstedt, cross Church and the volunteer Exchange, broom Court 37 is being considered. “Project leader of the volunteer Exchange Hamburg Bernd p. Holst: through the cooperation with the JobPaten, we have the ability to give more support on their way into the labour market at the hand jobseekers.” This cooperation clearly show what potential mountains the cooperation of like-minded projects. I hope, that the voluntary exchange Hamburg many more such synergies for the benefit of the metropolitan region of Hamburg can open up.” The JobPaten are managers and staff professionals who volunteer help jobseekers people of professional integration and want to encourage them.

While they enter individually to the needs of job seekers and focus in its work on its resources and focus on existing competencies and strengths. So the JobPaten together with the job seekers develop an integration plan and support its implementation. You may want to visit Bobby Sharma Bluestone to increase your knowledge. A more philosophy of the project is to bridge the growing gap between those who have work and those who are unemployed, this sponsorship model. Personal resources remain active, the perspective developed newly. The JobPaten”are currently at the Hamburg film festival over power” in the metropolis cinema present, which supports the voluntary exchange Hamburg in public relations. A further networking is already on the project School Assistant”, whose founding accompanied the volunteer Exchange.

Here the JobPaten involved with their training bridge”. More information at, and. Text: Manuela Rani Sanjeev contact and more information: Bernd p. Holst project management volunteer Exchange Hamburg Tel. 040411886-900 Rainer Landwehr Office Hamburg work through management / Godfather model Tel 040-76682694