There are containers everywhere, in our bathroom, our room, in the kitchen, etc. Containers and bottles always around us, but it is something so common that we no longer realize that they are there, we only see the product from the packaging and we do not think that all products are in a container. Either a glass or plastic container containers pass through different processes which make them able to contain products. Perhaps the most important process in the packaging industry is stamping. It is necessary that to introduce a product in a container, it is sealed properly in order to prevent the growth of microorganisms that affect the quality of the product. What is mentioned above is extremely important in the packaging of foodstuffs, imagine if you open a container of vegetables and find animals! I assure you that you never wanted to consume canned vegetables. The packaging must be extremely hygienic, to prevent the growth of microorganisms but also to make sure the product is perfect when it reaches your hands. The company that performs a product waiting that it arrives at the hands of the consumer as they did. Not only containers for maintaining hygienic products that also are designed to be intact product reaches the consumer, so that the packaging must be of high quality to keep alive at the product. From now on everytime you see a container thinks that it was designed with high-tech and very carefully, is not only a container where you put things. Thank you the packaging industry!