Tag: books & magazines

Write Guides On The Subject Of EBook And EBooks Sell

EBook shows Advisor write an own eBook how to write your own eBook and sell profitably online and for sale on the Internet with profit is for many a tempting opportunity in his guide how to write your own eBook and sell describes Harald Weber, author of several eBooks on the subject of Internet marketing, tips and strategies, how to write an eBook and sold over the Internet. The reader learns how to approach writing an e-book, ranging from finding a profitable theme, market research, and to create in the PDF format and marketing his own eBooks. An extra chapter concerned itself with the topic of how to write an online Verkausbrief and how apply successfully on the Internet his eBook. Here, the reader practical know-how learns that the author uses every day even in the marketing of his own eBooks. “An eBook writing, just because you write an eBook and want to publish, make little sense.” Also you can lose more money with some eBooks than earn”, says Harald Weber. Much more important than writing itself, is that the marketing and sales. Many simply write an eBook, without however previously to find answers on these 4 key issues: such a market exists for my theme? These people have an urgent problem they want to solve, and they are also willing to spend money for it? Do I have to offer a viable solution for these people with my eBook? With what promotional strategies I have known my eBook in my target group? “Can be achieved with almost any eBook topic success, if you can respond to each of the 3 questions with”Yes”and marketed his eBook with professional advertising strategies”, so the opinion of Harald Weber. The Advisor how to write your own eBook and sell intended for authors who will long cherish the desire to write an own eBook, but need maybe still the a tip or two to take the thing finally Harald Weber in attack all future eBook

Schmokerns Industry

Media competition and modified read/consumer habits are forcing publishers and bookstores to act before of a dramatic downsizing “the book industry warn the two industry consultants Arnd Roszinsky Terjung (BUCHCONSULT) and Dr. Andreas Meyer (VERLAGSCONSULT) in the current issue of the magazine BuchMarkt (Edition January 2010, p. 28-40).” Titled 2020 determining readers “they have grappled with the development prospects for the industry in the next decade. If it is not possible to prepare books so that they have an attractive from the perspective of the reader added value compared to electronic media, a similar downsizing as the music industry of the book industry is imminent, so one of the key statements. In the area of functional “literature so are books such title where you quickly and clearly want to find a single piece of information, the electronic media already at a disadvantage.” This is abundantly clear on the example of navigation devices, which in a few years the classic Orientation map or Atlas completely to the edge have urged. Functional literature in print form (Advisor “”) need a new content and optical quality, if she would continue to find buyers. More serious the effect of carrying out the daily use of electronic media on the reading behavior as a whole according to the experts. It difficult more and more readers to read an extensive text, because modern communication by email, Twitter, SMS etc. always stronger on the side “fix read. Mental multitasking, as recent investigations show however is by no means strengthens the ability to fast switch, but leads to mediocre concentration and mediocre success. On the other hand, dealing with fictional literature whether electronically or printed product is second to none in their intellectual and emotional effect. Exactly this use of Schmokerns “threaten to the luxury of a cultural elite because electronic media more and more to the” Convince information point landing, without creating overview, insight, or enjoy going. Deceleration of reading “to be the appropriate therapy. The real danger for the book industry, as the conclusion of the analysis is not the substitution of printed products by electronic products, but the conditioning of reading behavior by electronic products and Internet services. Arnd Roszinsky Terjung service/downloads /.