Tag: Business

Effective Contact Center

On optimizing the contact center recently received much attention, but the "shadow" is outbound telephone calls. In general, this theme is undeservedly ignored, and yet in the western markets, many contact centers operate only in this direction Unfortunately, in the domestic market, the number of incoming and outgoing "calls" even comparable. At the same time, more and more examples of effective use of integration CRM-systems and contact center outbound telephone calls the most popular modes of outgoing outgoing calls in the contact center of today are the Preview and Predictive. These modes are well supported solutions from leading manufacturers contact centers in the world and to some extent used in the "trendy" designs a la crm + contact center." True Preview mode uses the second case, the most popular in connection with a simpler mechanism for implementation. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Zendesk. Often instead of an outgoing call switching contact center in Preview mode, issue an ordinary auto dialing, which is installed on the pbx.

Embodiments of the outgoing call switching in the contact center fairly well described in the post CRM-blog Alexander Shevtsov "Outgoing telephone calls in the contact center, so I will not dwell on this issue in detail I think that today, in the first place is to decide when to use the contact center for Outgoing call switching mode is Preview, but when Predictive. It is not something Alina de Almeida would like to discuss. After frequent examples where outsourcing company, is trying to sell their services for outbound call switching without any sort of automated tools, and customer overpaying for your time "operator call center" without any reason. At the same time can not be viewed as a competitive advantage support contact center Predictive mode for outgoing calls on a small database of contacts. Outbound telephone calls in Preview mode should be used with a small number of operators contact center for a "discrete" stocks (canvassing). As confirmed by the practice, in this case (for provided a good training staff) effectiveness of call center operators can be 2-3 times higher than in the same group of agents without automation. Outbound telephone calls in the most expedient mode Predictive for mass of outgoing calls of a large group of clients at present in the contact center (or units involved in canvassing) 10 or more operators. For example, the regime has repeatedly argued Predictive efficiency in offices Collection.

Software Complex

Many businessmen in Russia in need of self-education in their short free time. Business schools, courses, workshops – not for everyone, not very many entrepreneurs have enough time to such training. What to do? Remains the option of self-education, a sort of business-educational program in which teaching often occurs on the basis of their own trial and error. Today, almost every entrepreneur has a personal computer and access to Internet. In a network in search of necessary information and answers to your questions entrepreneurial activities people attend an infinite number of Internet resources. But if this is convenient? How, when and in what form it may be helpful to educate ourselves? What a way to self most simple and effective for the manager, the owner of the business, partner, entrepreneur? Nowadays, it is easier compact support information programs for personal computers has come up with nothing. Moreover, that the effective component of the carrier as concise and informative, assembled and expanded on the themes and easy to find and digest. Software Complex "Business School" – weighty proof of that! pc "Business School" – is accurate answers to any questions the construction business.

This is a convenient, functional user interface, change the theme registration, indexing, searching and saving found in favorites. This is necessary legislation, consultations with lawyers, document samples, specificity, management, accounting and auditing in a simple and affordable form. It's more than 150 time-tested running their business ideas with details and calculations of economic efficiency. It's more than 200 books in various fields and aspects of entrepreneurship. This legal Installation from cd more than 40 programs for small and medium-sized businesses. These are the tools of more than 400 business websites and portals specially selected Internet links. Software Complex "Business School" – this is very practical and reliable – in any time you can look at this clever pantry and do not include the salaries of staff of consultants and advisers. Software Complex "Business School" on the cd – this is the best information and educational solutions for beginner and already held an entrepreneur.

Intellectual Capital

As I mentioned in previous articles, while the development of intellectual capital should not all of the company. Good opportunities for intellectual labor – is when the material stimulation Officer intellectual work is not interested, he's already earned enough to not constantly think about money, and when the employee receives pleasure from the process of development of their intelligence, making contributions to the development intellectual capital of organizations, receiving and increase your knowledge and generating additional profits the firm. When writing a business plan and financial analysis often turns out that the salary of staff project is not affected, and the non-realization of the project impact at all, other factors such as supply of products, product delivery, simple, taxes, etc., so it turns out that instead of having to increase wages and reduce costs, easier to reduce wages. In such circumstances, work manual workers and knowledge workers to create new ideas in such circumstances can not. Now back to the theory.

Intellectual capital organization is divided into three types – structural capital, human capital and consumer. To manage and further develop the intellectual capital needed to thoroughly analyze the presence of intellectual resources in the organization, and then build a strategy for the development of intellectual capital. Structural capital – the ability of the organization to structure itself in an intellectual capital, intellectual capital pay in intangible assets. See more detailed opinions by reading what Ali Partovi offers on the topic.. Human capital – the knowledge workers themselves, their experience, education, and this is what gets an employer in the executive summary of its employees, but does not use development. Customer capital – it is sales organization, working with the client. A detailed analysis of the intellectual resources of the organization, leadership comes to understand where intellectual resources are lost, where stolen, where it can be avoided, all this work requires additional investments and costs, but innovative company to work for another simply can not.

Further management of the organization should develop development strategy for the organization's intellectual capital, increase its value. Pretty convenient characteristic of the value of intellectual capital – is its cost, intellectual capital is worth as much as You can get money for it at the moment. For example, when assessing the value of sales of Opel's sales actually exceeded the value of its tangible assets, and this is not a speculative premium, namely the price of intellectual capital. There are seven strategies for the development of intellectual capital in organizations, it is the interaction of each capital between themselves, and the sixth – the interaction of all three capitals put together. For example, the interaction human capital and customer capital, the knowledge of employees affect the sale of this communication, contacts, developing positive relations between clients and employees. A relationship structural capital and human organization has the advantage not to depend on experience of what an irreplaceable employee, allowing, at any time to replace it with any other staff member without losing knowledge. Era Constructors single thing of the past and create new knowledge while sitting on his knee to become almost impossible under current conditions. Therefore, the association is the intellectual resources and the creation of a single knowledge of the group, which pushes the organization forward in its development. What is intellectual capital development strategy to choose, it is necessary to analyze in each case, depending of type of development itself intellectual resources and many other factors, but begin to develop a strategy to actually start, even with mistakes at first, but it is the development of intellectual property that will bring in the final result of the long-awaited cash flows.