Tag: catering & hospitality

Internet Booking

Online reservation for room reservations and bookings of all-inclusive offers Commission-free according to various studies, the guest prefer directly on the website of the hotel Bay. In contrast to various portal sites, the guest when booking online estimates the direct contact and the current and comprehensive information about the hotel on the Hotel Web site. The ability to instantly check the availability and book directly is important during the online booking process. Pay for the hotelier, who has already made investments to create their own website and undertaken various marketing strategies, the number of visitors your website wants to increase, no commissions for bookings on their own website. The online booking system developed by Infonautics GmbH allows Commission free bookings on their own website. Guests can check quickly and easily for a desired date and promptly room bookings as also bookings of packages (E.g. ski packages, Spa week, last minute deals, etc.) with To make the credit card details.

Then, the online booking system automatically triggers a reservation confirmation to the guest, as well as a display of booking at the hotel. Clear statistics show the entered room reservations in detail. The low-cost online reservation system integrates easily via link in an already existing website. The entire administration and management of the data takes place online. There are therefore no installations on site needed.

The booking mask are adapted to the design of the existing Hotel Web site and are English, French and Italian in the languages German, available. About INFONAUTICS GmbH: The 1995 founded INFONAUTICS GmbH implemented innovative and reliable solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises. A real time backup program for the current backup during the work, as well as more innovative include additional software products developed by INFONAUTICS GmbH including a survey software to conduct analyses of satisfaction of customers and employees, Software tools that facilitate everyday office life. For more information see. How to contact with INFONAUTICS GmbH Anita Wirz, management Eichholzweg 16 CH – 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. + 41 41 7431001 fax + 41 41 7431002 Internet:

Hotel Industry

Hotel checks of the MSM Group reflect the experience of the customer check-in check-in through check-out: the customer really is King? Hotel checks of the MSM Group reflect the customer experience, reveal strengths and weaknesses and bring a performance in day-to-day operations. In the world’s expanding networks of hotel chains, European providers wrestle with their non-European competitors for market share. Promising trends and tools to help enterprises and suggests a recovery already. Now, it says, to establish the own brand, to retain the customers and increasing customer satisfaction. How that can go quickly and effectively, the new GUEST CHECKS show the MSM group.

Customer perception the MSM GUEST CHECKs are a smart investment for sustainable success. In contrast to the classical experts used so far in the industry audits, check the guest provides a compressed customer experience. Checks will be the guest of anonymous test guests, raise awareness of the customer perspective and provide concise answers to all relevant questions. Because the test guest has not the glasses of the hotel staff. He describes his experiences without the result into perspective or nice to talk. Checks give a real-time picture of customer perception regular guest.

They provide confirmation or uncover defects and allow a timely countermeasures of hotel management. 10 times cheaper, inviting works the front desk, the service staff is friendly and accessible? Correspond to the services of the hotel’s own quality standards? Where can the company improve effectively? Questions that regularly each month answer the guest checks of the MSM group. The MSM GUEST CHECKS are a smart investment, because you refer to me briefly and concisely, as well as continuously our day-to-day business from guest perspective. And by the way, the checks are much more cost effective than the classic professionals of auditing,”Hendrik Eggert, owner of the Munster-based ring hotel”Landhaus Eggert”confirmed. MSM of expert audits in addition to the guest offers the MSM group of expert audits, checks from a customer perspective in each of the services check which professionals in the industry. Get more background information with materials from isearch.

Director Association

According to the current study have already three quarters to feel the shortage of the company significantly. Who wants to stand on the market also in the future, must radically change its processes. The battle for the best employee has only just begun. A continuous decrease of professionals uses soon. Stress and long working hours are not attractive in the competition to employees. There are above all fewer chefs. A number of measures to meet the deficiency causes high costs. The good news: there are well-functioning production systems, which in the long run even less expensive than the conventional strategies.

Not only the stress is reduced, but also the costs. The quality assurance is stabilized. In an individualized program, gives you expertise and trained staff. According to a recent study of GMOs and the University of applied sciences Munich, the shortage is already noticeable at 75% of the companies in the industry, it has only just begun the battle for the best employees. The Employer image polishing is no longer sufficient, even higher wages no longer attracts many workers.

Consider an internal adjustment of structures and processes, according to the same study, at least half of the restaurateurs and hoteliers than absolutely necessary. A continuous decrease of professionals uses soon. A survey of the IZA (Institute for the study of labor), will succeed macroeconomic considered up until 2015 the range of specialists and managers at the present level to keep. Thereby, the development in the hospitality industry is even more dramatic, because the competition for employees in the other sectors due to the good economic situation grows. Stress and long working hours are not attractive in the competition to employees. There are above all fewer chefs. The industry of any good lobby enjoys due to long working hours and often exhausting and stressful work.