Tag: coal

Mining Machinery Industry

As for the mining machinery enterprises, they are the ones to serve for the mineral resources companies. Therefore, the mining machinery enterprises and the nonferrous metals industry enterprises such as coal, iron ore, zinc and other nonferrous metals are in the same industry chain. From the perspective of industry chain, the boom of the mineral resources is closely related with mining machinery. The boom of mineral resources will inspire more industrial capital to expand the exploration, increasing the demand for mining equipment (jaw breakers, belt conveyor). Toshiba recognizes the significance of this. On the other hand, the expansion of mineral scale will also increase the demand for mining equipment.Viewing from the coal industry, coal is the main energy in our country, which is an essential material basis for the development of economy and society and plays an important role in China s energy structure.

Entering the 21st century, coal industry developed rapidly. The coal industry is one of the important basic industries and the coal production is the first in the world. At present, the coal industry in our country has the capacity to design, construct and manage ten million tons of open pit coal mine and medium-sized mines. The construction of large scale base and modern large scale coal mines provides a good opportunity for the development of mining machinery industry. Mining machinery enterprises should seize the opportunity of and deepening the reform to accelerate the industry restructuring as the main pace of combination, merger, restructuring and joint-stock reform of mining machinery manufacturing enterprises under the guidance of the national policy, setting up the large-scale mining equipment group that regards the mining machinery manufacturing enterprises Bodysuit, coal production enterprises take a share and the research institutes participate to form a enterprise entity with manufacturing and development capabilities, engineering sets capacity and innovation capability. Building the enterprise into a mining construction enterprise group with modern market competitiveness and risk-resisting ability, striving to provide the mines with complete set of equipment to reduce the risk and make a positive contribution to the development of China s coal industry.

Hongxing Mining Equipment Co

Advanced crusher helps transform coal Coal industry Governor a major position in China s energy structure; It determines the building ideas toward the development of large coal mines, so construct large opencast coal mine will be the focus of China s energy construction projects. The state s supporting to mining resources bring a good market opportunity for the major mining machinery enterprises, so many domestic crusher equipment manufacturers are striving to get a cake in the mine construction, Hongxing Mining Equipment Co., Ltd. and come to the fore with the salts relying on its excellent products, such as mobile crushing station. The level of mechanization of coal mining enterprises in the southern region is relatively low, but from the overall point of view, the large-scale mechanized mining equipment mining machinery will be more widely used. Enhance the level of technical equipment of mining machinery will promote China s coal mine enterprises to continuously improve the level of modernization, merger and reorganization, as well as continue to strengthen production safety. The crusher equipment re-take the peak will make China s coal resources be more market-oriented, rather than confined in the provinces, which is more conducive to the merger and reorganization of coal enterprises to achieve greater development. as the leader in the mining equipment industry, Hongixng through technological innovation first complete the implementation of energy-saving and emission reduction, provide high performance and low power consumption crusher equipment to promote the production and environmental protection of the coal enterprises. Expert analysis, not only the international financial market vicissitudes, the domestic market is also facing pressure on monetary tightening, the economic situation at home and abroad directamente impact on the import and export of goods.

In accordance with the trend of the traditional market, the construction machinery industry market sales for November and December will decline, but the rate will not be too large, it still continues to push up overall sales for 10 years. Hongxing Mining Equipment Co., Ltd. believe, if we fully applied high technology to our own machinery manufacturing and upgrading, we will catch up with the pace of merger and reorganization of coal enterprises and provide solid backing for mining machinery industry and mine construction transformation.