Tag: construction and repair

The Light And Colors Of Your Office

The actual office is hard to imagine without a computer and other equipment required for doing business. When do you plan to repair the office, regardless of whether a renovation of the facade of the building, or roof repair, must immediately deal with some points. A job which involves the use of a computer, it is advisable to place such a way that natural light falls on it from the side, mostly on the left. Still need exclude the possibility of direct illumination of the computer screen the source of natural light, and the very same window should not get in the zone of direct observation of the employee. Well choose the direction of the windows on the north or northeast. On windows it is desirable to install curtain rods with adjustable blinds or curtains, allowing them to close completely. Lighting of offices should be combined and, as an extra often use fluorescent lamps.

This is due to the fact that such coverage does not tire the eyes and the lamp does not heat the air in the room. Eyes employee must be protected from direct exposure to light. To improve the lighting in the workplace employee can be install a desktop lighting. It should be noted that the lighting on the desktop is desirable to arrange such a way that it did not change during the workday. Click Mashable to learn more. To reduce eye strain should be rational use of lighting and color of office surfaces and walls. Color solution vliyaetdeystvuet office staff and the feeling of his mood, and this fact was proven scientifically. The best choice of color must match the mood, which is needed to create a meaningful and effective work during the day. More info: Bobby Sharma Bluestone. Yellow – the color of good mood and has a calming effect on the employee.

Purple and red – act on the nervous system stimulant, contribute to fatigue and reduced efficiency, may increase blood pressure, increased heart rate and breathing speed up. Green and blue – calm and improve efficiency and enhance auditory sensitivity. With the use of color, you can also adjust the proportions of the room. The walls in bright and cool shades – pale blue and bluish-green, like retreat. Warm colors – red, orange, yellow, like bring the painted surfaces. Visually raise the ceiling to help the vertical bars, and horizontal, on the contrary, lower altitude. Socially mature people, as well as with well-established views on life preferring the calm tones. The younger generation often prefer bold, sometimes flashy, bright, and unconventional color scheme. In conclusion, I would like to add that, by choosing color palette for the repair of office, need to focus on those workers who will stay on the job permanently.