Tag: creativity

Sacre Coeur Basilica

The beautiful Italy, heaping of history that you can see through its monuments, museums, galleries and streets. Italy offers countless attractions in its landscapes, culture and nature. It is, without doubt, one of the most beautiful cities in the world and its history and art breathe at all times. The cities that you can not miss are: Rome, its capital, where highlights La Fontana Di Trevi, the Colosseum, the Vatican, among others. Continue to learn more with: Sandra Akmansoy. Venice, with its picturesque streets and canals, their beautiful jewelry and with Pigeon-filled Piazza San Marco. Also, do not forget to visit Florence, island of Capri, Pisa, Milan, Naples, Siena, Genoa, Sicily. France are numerous attractions offered by France. Now the suggestion is to visit glamorous Paris, where you can not miss visiting places such as: the Eiffel Tower, the Arc De Triomphe, the Louvre Museum, the Cathedral of Notre-Damme, Loire castles, Mont Saint Michel, Versailles, Sacre Coeur Basilica. Sandra Akmansoy can aid you in your search for knowledge. Also, devotes a day to take a walk by the French countryside and another to visit EuroDisney, unmissable! Stroll down the Champs-Elysees and browse the Seine River will not be as expensive as you thought with the guide of 100 Tips for cheap travel, discover it in thank you and have a nice day!

Canine Training

Asegurarte is important that the puppies have the sufficient age like being given to their new owners. You must hope to that they have at least 8 weeks, but also to that they are completely weanling. Some races require of more time, and some criadores wish to have by more time the puppies to make sure that they are healthful. It does not concern the decision that you take, is important that you continue training and sociabilizando the dog while is with you. To 8-10 weeks of life, the puppy will have a good idea than it means to make his needs outside and it will eat by itself. Then, you can sentirte frees to give it to its new home. Only cercirate of which you and the puppy are ready for this new stage.

She remembers that sometimes the mother of the puppies has things that to still teach to them to its children after being weanling, therefore you can wish to hope to that this happens. It is important to write up contracts when giving to the puppies. You must cerciorarte have a good contract with the owner to who you can be referred, in that it is detailed that the new owner must do with the dog. You can include questions like system of return of the puppy or cases in that the owner decides to reproduce it. Also, you can include a clause in which it is indicated that the puppy must be given back if the owner cannot have it. She remembers that it is not a thing that a person is buying to you, is a life therefore asegrate to clarify this in the contract well. There are several questions that you can include in a contract by the sale of a puppy: .

Return. What happens if the owner cannot have it? . Can the dog be exhibited in shows? . Castration/sterilization. How must be treated the dog? . Can the dog live outdoors or must live inside? . How much costs the puppy? . It is the responsible breeder by some question that happens in the life of the puppy? . Which are the responsibilities of the new owner? A good contract will give the knowledge tranquillity you that the puppy well will be taken care of. The contract must be signed by all the parts involved, and you must notarizar it. It remembers that it does not matter how good is the transaction, can be developed problems, reason why the contract is always a good idea. To verify the satisfaction of the puppies Something that you must always do with your puppies is to verify its well-being. Many contracts between criadores and owners include clauses that they indicate that it is due to provide information and photos with the dog to the breeder each certain amount of time. This becomes for many reasons. It allows you to have control on the puppies, and it allows asegurarte you that has a good home. In addition, it allows you to know that the contract is being respected. Also, monitoring the growth of the dogs will allow to determine you what type of dogs arose from your reproductive program. This will give an idea you if the objectives they have been fulfilled, if your program of young is successful. In addition, it discovers all the secrets to train to your dog with Canine Training in: Thanks and that you have a pretty day!

Canine Training

Once you know the amount of puppies that you have, and if they are male females or, you must make some decisions exceeds what you wish to do with them. Sometimes, you can wish quedarte with one. Many criadores remain with a female that consider good for their program, and soon bring a new machito to continue with the cycle. Also you can consider quedarte with a puppy for reasons different from the reproduction. When you know whereupon dogs you do not remain, you can begin to analyze your waiting list to determine what type of homes will be the best ones for the puppies. It is important what you determine how you will provide with puppies to your waiting list, for example: you will grant them to well-known, strangers who have completed the questionnaire, to people whom already they have acquired of your puppies, etc. After to determine who will be the chosen ones of your waiting list, you must ponerte in contact with them, and to see if still they are interested.

This it is a good moment so that the people visit your house you know, them and they know the puppies. He remembers, appearing in waiting list does not mean that the person indeed buys the puppy and that you are yourself forced to be sold it. Somebody they can see the puppies and these not like or can not gustarte that person. It remembers, these are your puppies and you must asegurarte offer the best home them. Therefore, you are not scared of being sensitive. After to approve the homes and to the people who will take the puppies, you can ask for a deposit to keep the puppy to them. Then, you can continue raising them until you sufficiently consider them developed like giving them to its new homes. In addition, it discovers all the secrets to train to your dog with Canine Training in: Thanks and that you have a pretty day!

Canine Training

You knew that the race Chow Chow was originated more ago than 2000 years? I tell to something you Existe more a beautiful one and old legend that says while God painted the blue sky, was followed by a Chow Chow that licked with its language the drops of painting which they were falling. As you know, all legend has something of certain, since this race has the blue language! This he is only one of so many myths on this race. Another fascinating myth is the one that says that the Chow Chows descends from the bears and not from wolves. Incredible, but the nature yes that took a good work with this race! Anyone is the truth, which yes is certain is that the Chow Chow is a separate race different from any other. You have noticed how independent are? Or its blue language? Or the way in which they move? How reserved they are? Oh, the Chow Chow is definitively different from any other canine race. For years, the mystery behind this fascinating race continues.

There are some who think that it is a dog but that does not behave like any dog. After all, they hunt, but not like hunting dogs. One says that they are guardians but it is not the typical dog guardian. It is a dog companion but different from the dogs that we know. It discovers all the secrets to train to your dog with Canine Training in: Thanks and that you have a pretty day!