Tag: machinery-industry

Mining Machinery Industry

As for the mining machinery enterprises, they are the ones to serve for the mineral resources companies. Therefore, the mining machinery enterprises and the nonferrous metals industry enterprises such as coal, iron ore, zinc and other nonferrous metals are in the same industry chain. From the perspective of industry chain, the boom of the mineral resources is closely related with mining machinery. The boom of mineral resources will inspire more industrial capital to expand the exploration, increasing the demand for mining equipment (jaw breakers, belt conveyor). Toshiba recognizes the significance of this. On the other hand, the expansion of mineral scale will also increase the demand for mining equipment.Viewing from the coal industry, coal is the main energy in our country, which is an essential material basis for the development of economy and society and plays an important role in China s energy structure.

Entering the 21st century, coal industry developed rapidly. The coal industry is one of the important basic industries and the coal production is the first in the world. At present, the coal industry in our country has the capacity to design, construct and manage ten million tons of open pit coal mine and medium-sized mines. The construction of large scale base and modern large scale coal mines provides a good opportunity for the development of mining machinery industry. Mining machinery enterprises should seize the opportunity of and deepening the reform to accelerate the industry restructuring as the main pace of combination, merger, restructuring and joint-stock reform of mining machinery manufacturing enterprises under the guidance of the national policy, setting up the large-scale mining equipment group that regards the mining machinery manufacturing enterprises Bodysuit, coal production enterprises take a share and the research institutes participate to form a enterprise entity with manufacturing and development capabilities, engineering sets capacity and innovation capability. Building the enterprise into a mining construction enterprise group with modern market competitiveness and risk-resisting ability, striving to provide the mines with complete set of equipment to reduce the risk and make a positive contribution to the development of China s coal industry.

Building Machinery Industry

The first half of the year, to respond to the complex economic situation building materials machinery industry took its efforts to accelerate the pace of industry restructuring. The industry has maintained a rapid development whole. It reveals the following characteristics: 1. Production and marketing of high-speed growth: Building material machinery industry in the first half had an increase of more than 30% of the total industrial output value and sales value. 2 Unequal development of the sub-sectors: Building materials machinery sub-sector, the rapid development in the first half of the concrete machinery products, has contributed to the rapid development of the industry. Wall materials machinery, ceramic machinery and stone machinery are still in a rather optimistic situation and situation is relatively good industry, cement and the glass machinery are face with downward pressure.

Some basic knowledge of cement grinding will be mentioned here. Cement grinding is not only the last process in the cement equipmentmanufacturing process but also the most power consumption process. Its main function is to grind cement clinker(gelling agent, performance) pipes tuning) to appropriate particle size (fineness, surface area), form a certain particle size distribution, increase the hydration area and accelerate the hydration rate to meet the requirements of cement slurry condensation and sclerosis. 3 Export delivery value of the sharp rebound: The first half of the year, enterprises increase to explore the international market, accelerate the pace of going out. The industry exports have resumed its growth, and export delivery value of year-on-year increase of 100%.

4 High receivables to be gain: From January to May, the industry trade receivables up to 10.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 45% increase compared to the same period last year increased by 8 percentage points. The pressure of building materials and machinery enterprise funds advance loan recovery difficult. In addition, the financial costs of rapid growth, 1-year-on-year increase of 20.1% in May, including interest expense year-on-year increase of 30.9%. Development vitality of stronger during the first half of the state-owned enterprises, state-owned holding enterprises in building material machinery industry output value up 67.2% year-on-year, showed strong development vitality.