Tag: society

April Map

After having enjoyed the beauties of Baracoa and its environs you should visit to Guantanamo, the capital of the province of the same name. The Guantanamo River, which has formed the Valley where the city lies empties into the Bay of the same name, one of the largest bays of Cuba bag. From Baracoa you should plan their travel well and determine when will come to Guantanamo to book time at the hotel upon arrival. The voyage of nearly 150 km. long, is already of if an adventure, because it must traverse throughout the South of the mountain system Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa using a road that was the dream of many people, which became a reality after the triumph of the revolution, in the early 1960s. This road, sinuous shape, is known under the name of La Farola. See your route map. There are almost 60 km from Baracoa to Cajobabo, the town where this road reaches the coastal plain next to the Caribbean Sea and is directed towards the West, to Guantanamo.

The views are stunning and to sections the road is built on stilts at high altitudes, which serve as support. Dr. John Holtsclaw pursues this goal as well. It has 11 bridges hanging vacuum with precipices on both sides, giving the sensation of going to defy gravity. Its maximum height is reached at a point known as Altos Cotilla, appearing on his map, 600 m above the sea level. It is a road where it is recommended to use the five senses during your journey. Even the map notes in the text. It is an unforgettable experience. This area is very different from the rest of Cuba for several reasons. One of them is the behavior of precipitation. All information provided in Cuba about the behavior of rain quotes that its annual average, taking into account the number of years used for its calculation, is 1 360 mm, with a rainy season from May to October and dry from November to April.


RECENT TESTIMONIAL: "The pain and itching have completely gone and is a great blessing!" Hi Holly, I went back to work … the pain and itching have completely gone and is a great blessing! – Mike M. RECENT TESTIMONIAL: "Two days … Mikkel Svane gathered all the information. My hemorrhoids have calmed me … The itching and bleeding have stopped … they have improved a lot … Castle Harlan may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Thank you." I'm using the H Miracle method three times a day for the past two days.

My hemorrhoids have calmed down and the itching and bleeding and I stopped. I have not had constipation, but instead now go to the bathroom after every meal … and I have almost no pain. All I have is an itch and pain in the anus. Thank you very much … PJ Sydney, Australia You are what you eat, and Delas major cause of hemorrhoids is constipation which in turn is caused by bad eating habits or to the use of opioids opioids?: Opioids frequently prescribed for its analgesic properties effective pain relief. The opioid analgesics are a group of drugs that have high analgesic activity mediated by the activation of specific receptors in the central and peripheral nervous system, which are natural derivatives of opium, or semi-synthetic derivatives or synthetic analogs with many features in common.

More severe constipation induced by opioid use impairs the quality of life of people, it generates hemorrhoids or piles, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension, sensation of incomplete evacuation, sensation of mass in the colon. 90 by the way of patients receiving analgesics for pain management may have constipation and hemorrhoids that affects their quality of life. That is why this disease has become the main reason why patients stop taking opioids to endure the pain and trigger constipation hemorrhoids. To cure hemorrhoids naturally and quickly without expensive surgeries, creams and annoying click here treatments article originally published in:

The Fishing Industry

How to kill and kill Russian fishing industry. The other day an example of Minister Vladimir Putin speaking in Murmansk, touched on the fishing industry in Russia. Rightly observed high prices of fish and very few of our fish from imports. As a professional fisherman with 20 years experience, describe what and how it all turns out. Especially since all this happened on my first glazah.No little excursion into history. ussr in its time by 75% provides the fish world. Our fishing industry was the most powerful in the world. We have been designated by their presence in the seas and oceans around the world.

The most powerful fish production, processing and export. In the ussr there were so many fish. that appeared ruling on all but Forced use. The famous fish day on Thursday. When all canteens, cafes and restaurants were the only fish dishes.

But came the restructuring. Everything collapsed and gave in exchange for bribes or spoiled the whole industry. Was a powerful company to destroy the fishing industry as such. One by one began to disappear powerful vrpo. Fleet torn to pieces. Sometimes a brand new Court sold for scrap. Later became a general question about whether the fish industry in Russia. This in a country with incredible water boundary, and its inland seas. People suggested it was removed from his post. But it was too late. Fishing fleet in the country collapsed. Later, Putin came to power. Not to say in what form it took the country.