Tag: x 360

FIFA World Cup

Congratulations to all the fans of the Spanish team for their triumph in the World Cup and in general to all the Latin American teams for their excellent performance during this Cup. Credit: Peter Asaro-2011. (In this world will speak Spanish) I just watch the game and I started thinking in teaching that leaves us with the Spanish team. After losing the first match to the Swiss team many thought that the Spanish team already not could recover from that blow and that it would be deleted as always (in the world). But they did not give up and entered a stage of training more mental than physical, as his wise coach who had the physical conditions and the talent needed to accomplish this and all I needed was really concentrating and take out all those skills that had saved. They began the challenge with optimism and determination but suffered a defeat at the beginning. Here we have a very large lessons: first you must also start your challenge with optimism and determination.

You have that prepare yourself with intensity (there is no doubt that all computers came with lot of preparation for the World Cup) If you suffer a defeat you can not renounce the goal, it is simply a fall and not a defeat, you have to get up and keep fighting until you succeed. When thou risest, continues to believe that if you can. Continuous training (physically and mentally) Spain over 90 years I hope to achieve the Cup and never lost hope, you can not lose hope nor. They played with passion and you have to put much passion to everything that you do to help you achieve knock down all barriers that inevitably will come. Independent of whatever your goal is, lose weight, start your business, quit, etc can always use the teachings of this world. I wish you the best of the world and don’t always find learning in everything that you do or see. I’m sure that there’s much more to learn from this Cup, which other learning can take out World Cup?

Third Industrial Revolution

Coaching with systemic perspective for the third Industrial Revolution the possibility of sharing power among billions of people marks the beginning of a new era in which we could attend the steady erosion of traditional and hierarchical organization and management modes, and the adoption in a broad sense of distributive networks characterized by massive collaboration. Jeremy Rifkin systemic Prospeccion of renewable energies the second Industrial Revolution is touching its end. The internal combustion engine powered by petroleum was the attraction of capital and the reinforcement of the process of economic and social growth from half of the last century, which had as limits the current global crises. Fortunately the renewable energies are arriving in time to mitigate the anthropic impact produced over the past two hundred years by fossil fuels, that we can symbolically represented by the following chemical equation: C + O2 = energy + CO2 where carbon reacts with oxygen and produce energy more anthropogenic carbon dioxide. The production of renewable energy revolution begins to converge with the revolution of information and communications technologies. This convergence marks the beginning of the third Industrial Revolution constitute a process of economic and social effects that can compensate for the current crises and be their enhancers in the coming years.

First stage production of the different types of renewable energies, who already receive the name of distributive, solar, wind, hydraulic, biomass, geothermal and tidal power form the first stage of the third Industrial Revolution. Although it still represents a small percentage of global production are experiencing rapid growth. You are investing billions of public and private capital intended to research, development and market penetration. In this scenario, Governments, employers and the population in general will seek the way to reduce the carbon footprint and will try to be more efficient and independent from the energy point of view. Second scenario while renewable energies are everywhere, unlike coal, oil and uranium which are highly concentrated, and that new technologies will enable us, more and more, get them more cheaply and efficiently, need infrastructure to store them.