Turn on music. Sit comfortably and close your eyes, relax and imagine walking down the street. Before you – the nine-house. You go into the entrance of the house, climb the stairs to the first floor and enter the elevator, which is the person who offended you. Elevator closes and you Coming up. Imagine that his resentment for the man you hold in your hands, but it hurt – in the form of a worm.
See what this worm – large or small, thick or thin. What it the color, shape. Elevator rises to the top floor, you give the worm my abuser, or leave it on the elevator and get out. You go down the stairs, and with each step you feel better. Here you have already descended on the first floor, a few more steps, and you come out of entrance. On the street the sun is shining, you can easily breathe, you feel good and calm Answer the questions: What kind of worm you saw? Describe its color, size and shape. Did you give it to the abuser, or leave the elevator? Did you feel relief after came out of the elevator.
Exercise 2: Technique dissipation of anger. Helps to restore emotional equilibrium, to extinguish the fire and stimulates chemical changes inside the body, leading to the emergence of feelings of love and an end to the adrenaline rush. Technology: Turn on music. Put one hand on the heart area, another – on the solar plexus and turn to light and clean energy, which should reassure you.