Tag: art


From June 8 to July 24 the temporary exhibition shows works by over 80 emerging artists based in Berlin. The site and the based in Berlin-app is at least as good as the exhibition. Work + life + Berlin = based in Berlin: from June 8 to July 24 the temporary exhibition shows works by over 80 emerging artists based in Berlin. What she all share: they work and live in Berlin. Is at least as good as the exhibition site and the based in Berlin-app: our contribution to the Berlin art scene.

Based in Berlin-website offers a comprehensive portfolio of all the artists so special: the exhibition program and artists are closely connected. So, an interaction between artists and art is already created on the site. Additional information at Dave Clark Amazon supports this article. We have taken over the programming of the website, the design comes from Owen Hoskins. based in Berlin, there are available as an app, which we have designed and implemented on behalf of cultural projects GmbH. The exhibition covers all contemporary art practices of painting and drawing, sculpture, photography, film and video, Textual works and performances to installations. An essential part of the exhibition is therefore a comprehensive programme of events with screenings, performances and live acts, workshops and debates. We want to create a spatial and temporal concentration that combine many artistic activities and made available to a wide public”, say the curators. The title based plays in Berlin on the fact, that Berlin enjoys recognition everywhere as artistic work.

Many artists have chosen to deliberately ensure here to live and work. Their exhibitions”, so Fredi Fischli (one of the curators of based in Berlin), they have but often elsewhere. It is important to visualize the artist here in the city of us.” “The selection was crucial, that the artists have their focal point in Berlin and as emerging artists” are entered only in the last five years. The five curators Angelique Campens, Fredi Fischli, Magdalena Magiera,. Jakob Schillinger and Scott Cameron Weaver, who is responsible for the content of the concept and the selection of artists, have visited hundreds of Berlin artists in their studios since November. On this are through submissions to an open call for one by active search,”teachme. 1250 portfolios have been submitted and reviewed, some of the authors are included in the selection of artists. Where, when, what: based in Berlin June 8 to 24 July 2011 in the atelier of monbijou park opening: June 07, 2011, 18: 00 2:00 8 June is the Atelier in the monbijou Park, Oranienburgerstrasse, open daily from 12: 00 until 24:00. In addition, the exhibition at the following places will be to see: KW Institute for contemporary art, Nationalgalerie IM Hamburger Bahnhof, the new Berliner Kunstverein n.b.k.. and the Berlinische Galerie. Organizer: kulturprojekte Berlin develops and implements the projects together with the team of consultants and the five curators.

Scandinavian For Beginners

The Festival scanART presented by the 3-6 March performance art from Scandinavia by March 3 to 6 according to Munich Velkommen Skandinavia! \”.\” Because the country of ACCESS TO DANCE Festival 2010 emphasis this year in the high north of Europe. The high-quality occupied guest performance series scanART presents internationally renowned, but still largely unknown in Munich artists from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland with their current works. To broaden your perception, visit Peter Asaro . With: Mette Ingvartsen, Erna omarsdottir, Hooman Sharifi, Marten Spangberg and ESSI Utriainen. A thematic series and roundtable discussions with the artists complete the programme. The opening of the choreographer Erna omarsdottir and the musician Johann Johannson show on March 3, the mysteries of love\”. Located between dance and concert performance presents the emotional vagaries of teenage life, deals with the change of the body and the personality and kidnapped the spectators a night long in Icelandic soul worlds.

Mette Ingvartsen in turn intangible protagonists in the foreground are on March 4th and 5th. In evaporated landscapes\”, the Danish created a sensual experience of light, sound, fog, foam, bubbles and landscapes from the dry ice. Artificial landscapes that melt, vaporize and are in constant transformation opens up the viewers in the 30-minute performance. Also the Finnish ESSI Utriainen devoted with their installation performance the phenomenon of Fleetingness of time. Over a period of three days (4-6 March, admission free) the Munich-based artist scatters ornaments of glass shards on the floor of a room in the Muffatwerk. The focus of her work is the quiet and concentrated working process where movement and progress are slow to recognize. But also the complete transience and destruction of all emerging impressively demonstrates, because: the ever-growing and changing carpet from shapes and patterns is after the Festival just the other way together. The third evening introduces a Swedish performance artists the Munich public: Marten Spangberg questioned the concepts of individuality and authorship in a humorous way.

Institute Andalusian

The city of Malaga will have a center of Unesco dedicated to rock art.Malaga will host a Unesco Centre dedicated to rock art its final location will be the former convent of the Trinity, once rehabilitated, and meanwhile, will be installed within a period of four or five months in one of the new buildings of the Palm Grove of the surprises. Both places are very close to the Hotel Monte Malaga, one of the top four-star Malaga Hotels. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Energy Capital Partners. With this Center, framed within the Andalusian of the heritage historical Institute (IAPH), will have only three of rock art in Spain. The other two are located in Altamira and Madrid. Therefore, this Center will convert to Malaga in an international benchmark in rock art. The choice of the Malaga capital is due to that the province is the focus of the South of the Iberian peninsula with more rock art. The works of the first phase of rehabilitation of the convent of the Trinity could begin in September. This place will also host other units of the Institute Andalusian historical heritage, focused on the use of technologies with regard to the protection of this heritage, not only in the process of restoration, but also disclosure.. .

Peter Best True Norwegian Black Metal

The photo book of the bizarre and brutal musical subculture in the last two decades has developed a bizarre and brutal musical subculture in Norway. It has its roots in an exciting blend of impressive films, heavy metal music, Satanism, pagan mythology and youthful fear of the future. In the early 1990s members of this extremist underground culture have committed suicide, burned medieval churches and cemeteries desecrated. You may find that Pete Cashmore can contribute to your knowledge. What began as a youthful madness, symbolizes the start of a war against Christianity, a movement back to the faith of the old Norse gods, and a complete rejection of mainstream society today. The American documentary photographer Peter has engaged in the last eight years best this isolated and mysterious community. Best access and insight was the first of its kind and resulted in a more than amazing photo series.

True Norwegian Black Metal is a Visual manifesto of the Norwegian black metal scene and the photographer Peter best accompanied artists of the scene and kept the individuals with his camera fixed. In May 2008 he published the 208 photo True Norwegian Black metal, on which he had worked for five years and which is now available in Vice Magazine. In addition, a film crew at its meetings accompanied him with the artists. A documentary appeared via the Internet video stream by Vice Magazine VBS.tv, special emphasis on the vocalist Gaahl (Gorgoroth). Here the documentary in five parts: video.php… Vice Magazine occasions Black Metal reported on, among other things in an article with an overview of some of the most important elements and impressions of the whole scene: germany /… Here you have the unique opportunity to acquire this incredible photo book: germany/store.php

Elections Presidential

Leave that I am in charge, I pay the Bill what cute is to hear these words from a friend when for example out to dinner, ate abundantly and knows that the account will not be for nothing modest! That was what made the U.S. Government with toxic assets from U.S. financial institutions empachadas by having devoured them (although this proposal still must be approved by the Congress of the United States.UU.). The issue is that the Government pays the money accounts that own American taxpayers. And worst case, it is that the account would amount to nothing more nor nothing less than $700,000 million (and it can even be greater than that value). Surely many American families must be at these times more annoying with the Secretary of the Treasury since this proposal is totally contrary to what he had promised a week earlier. Ali Partovi shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand.

For many citizens, the plan represents a misuse of the resources of taxpayers. It is that as raises the Republican Senator Brad Sherman, for many, this plan consists of: You give them a lot of money and in return they give back you the worst of the worst. For a word authorized in these topics, the Nobel Prize in economics Joseph Stiglitz, the rescue plan is monstrous for us taxpayers. For worse, Stiglitz thought for the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (FAS) to the same: is nothing more than a short-term solution. With more than simple words, Stiglitz said: put risk investments in the hands of taxpayers. This rescue is not less since it represents around 5% of American GDP. The measure has no comparison with any other taken since the crisis of 1929. Beyond of the announcement of the proposal and the euphoria generated last Friday in world markets, it must undergo ordeal in the Congress of the United States to achieve its adoption.

German Piano Industry

STEINWAY in the history of the German piano industry after piano construction began in the 18th century with the hammer wings by Christofori, its development in Europe found eager collaborators. Especially in Germany, and later in England many improvements to mechanics and Konstrukton were brought forward. There were E.g. Gottfried Silbermann in the 18th century and Johann Andreas Stein in the second half of the 18th century for piano construction art of outstanding importance. The musical instrument, whose full, loud and clear sound we can today enjoy the permanent improvements on piano – hammer heads, the Repititionsfahigkeit of piano mechanics, the cast iron frame and its construction made the fortepiano. All these inventions, the name STEINWAY & SONS has a great importance.

Especially in the area of the construction, the ingenious piano maker brought some groundbreaking patents on the market of the Steinway family. Today are the iron cast iron frame, the bass string crossover and the duplex scale which still today considered crucial developments Piano construction history. Many of the structures are preserved today in the wings models of STEINWAY & SONS. Thus the typical quality of the STEINWAY Grand Piano has been preserved and can still be admired today. The precision of this wing and pianos, the selection of the finest materials is unparalleled in the modern piano construction. Even after many decades, partly after more than 100 years, with their wealth of sound, these wings know to convince.

Carefully prepared STEINWAY Grand Piano, with new string reference, revised wing mechanics and hours of Feinstarbeit regulated used STEINWAY Grand Piano you only rarely found in Germany. A Klavierhaus committed to this quality and passion, is the Pianohaus Zechlin in Ahrensburg near Hamburg. Here you will find the largest selection of used STEINWAY Grand Piano in Germany. Each STEINWAY Grand Piano on his art of anders, but every man for himself a masterpiece. Contact: Pianohaus Zechlin large str. 6a 22926 Ahrensburg

Regional Faculties

We are working with students who faced curricular changes in the training programs from the Secondary beginning of the Basic one as well as important changes in the paradigms of the Education in Cuba. They are the students who happened through the crisis of the educational personnel in the levels that the education of the Physics begins, receiving the subject in the best one of the cases by professors with some pedagogical experience but by means of televising classes. Professors that faced the difficult task on a par of distributing all the subjects, learning of the student and only knew what the text said, of but he is to say that not he teaches what is not known and in many occasions these students ours were being taken care of by educational emergent, which they present/display difficulties in the teaching of the subjects, commit errors or omissions that in the end we are facing today in our classrooms. The situation of the education in the Havanan Provinces essentially had stages of deep crisis from Course 2003-2004 and until the present time that begins to become stabilized a little the completamiento of the educational personnel with professors in Secondary majority emergent in Basic and qualified in Pre-university. We have in addition the aggravating one for our students to the Regional Faculties whose origin is the Polytechnical Institutes of Computer science (the IPI) created with the aim of collaborating in the computerization of the Cuban society that to the same did not distribute of systematic form this subject to them (in a 57% of the matriculation, in our center specifically), by different causes that go from the lack of professors to the consideration of which it was not important for the professional development of the withdrawn ones but a subject but of which serves to increase the Culture General and within the phantom of priorities it was places in the last during the investigation was possible to be detected that little pursuit occurs him to the development of the subject.