Tag: medicine & surgery

Jonas White Mountain

Tips for better quality of life in the allergy time of Tubingen, may, 2013. In recent years, hay fever has become a widespread disease. In Germany, now about one in five suffers from it. Dismissed by many as a harmless niggles”hay fever means a glaring impairment of their quality of life that will impact not only on the social life, but often also on the physical performance and productivity for many of those affected. Hay fever is an overreaction of the immune system to certain, harmless for others pollen. The body of allergy-sufferers treated these as pathogens and tries to fight them with antibodies.

This, including histamine is released in the mucous membranes, leading to reactions such as sneezing, itching, red and verquollenen eyes or even shortness of breath. Andy Florance is often quoted as being for or against this. Who however at an early stage makes above, can handle most of the symptoms. To deepen your understanding PUF is the source. The research group of Dr. Feil has collected some points in her blog, that you should keep in mind the Hay fever season more or less relaxed to enjoy. Through three steps to a better quality of life to prevent the symptoms of Hay, it requires a targeted reduction in histamine. Calcium and zinc can cause this, because these nutrients reduce histamine decide the release of itching. Manganese also can help reduce the itching, because this trace element promotes a faster removal of histamine. Nuts, sesame seeds and broccoli contain these ingredients.

In addition to these foods allergy should take added the mentioned nutrients through additional nutrient supplements to, to further reduce histamine production. Because the symptoms of allergies are nothing more than inflammation of the body, affected should specifically reduce this inflammation. Both gamma-linolenic acid and Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory and thereby lowering the itching. While the Omega-3 fatty acids mainly into fish and feed linseed oil, gamma-linolenic acid is particularly in Borage seed oil, evening primrose oil or hemp nut seeds before. The research group of Dr. Feil recommends fish (particularly herring and mackerel) therefore 3 x a week to eat, as well as to giving feed linseed and hemp nuts salad every day. Whatever the mucous membranes affected are pulled in allergic reactions. Therefore, a strengthening of the mucous membranes can help to reduce hay fever symptoms such as sneezing and nasal flow, but also mucus and itching. Stabilizing magnesium and probiotic lacto – and Bifido bacteria affect the mucous membranes. More information on hay fever see: medical/heuschnupfen.html research group Dr. Feil research group Dr. Feil has made it to the target, to pass on their knowledge about the influence of diet on our bodies for the benefit of all. Today 17 experts including specialists, biologists, nutritionists, sports scientists and athletes find latest research results, discuss and evaluate internally and, moreover, induce your own Studies and post-marketing by. All information, which will give further in blogs, studies and books on the platform, based on the latest scientific knowledge. Subscribers (free of charge) Feil information knowledge base for a targeted nutrition management in competitive sports, how to activate their self-healing powers, as well as tips for motivation and good habits by Dr. including balancing and complementing medical advice. A user forum also offers the possibility to ask questions directly to the experts.

GPBB Troponin

New troponin tests compared with new GPBB cardiac Essen, September 2009 – short before the Congress of the European society of Cardiology (ESC) in Barcelona, was a study of a new generation of Troponin tests to detect heart attacks for attention. Initial situation: very many suspected cases, only a few confirm troponin tests are used worldwide for more than ten years by doctors for the diagnosis of heart attacks. Crucial drawback of known to be very time-critical treatment of heart attack is very late detection of the attack at troponin. First, many patients in the emergency room with so-called breast pain, the classic symptom of heart attack, be hospitalized, of which only a small proportion actually has a heart attack. The doctors are so constantly faced with the question, who should be treated quickly and extensively, and in which patients it is necessary at first or not at all.

Previous troponin test systems typically need to at the beginning of the classic symptom Approximately four to six hours pass chest pain (chest pain onset), until a diagnosis with the classic troponin is possible. The clock, which determines how much tissue in the heart is finally irretrievably lost, so dies ticking but from the onset of this pain. However, the high specificity of the heart, which could assure that any positive value of Troponin in cardiac patients documented an actually affected patients spoke for the relatively long needed time for troponin measurement. The new generation of faster, more sensitive troponin tests: Only faster or better? The new generation promises a faster diagnosis. The former period up to the first test results was as mentioned between four and six hours and can be reduced with the new, more sensitive markers for three hours. The reduction in time but also has drawbacks. The new troponin tests partially leads to problems in the accuracy of the diagnosis and reduce the value of existing, high specificity as a result.

KU64 Goes South Africa

the dental specialists of KU64 in Berlin have teamed up Foundation with the non-profit Laureate to help the weakest in our world community. Specifically: are four handler teams from KU64 in the period from the 18th until 28 January 2009 about three hundred children in South Africa provide dental and teach them playful effective methods for oral hygiene. The name of the project, which funded Foundation and is initiated by the laureate: . Four dentists and six assistants of KU64 would create a place Foundation and the Westcoast-kids team in Paternoster on the West coast of South Africa together with the laureate, where disadvantaged children can grow up healthy and safe. This common concern is one of many child aid projects, which concretely and effectively to improve the lives of needy children in South Africa.

These include comprehensive projects in the fields of education, the improvement of living conditions and of course health in this case dental health, which can prevent many infections. The KU64 team and the Foundation take care of the lost and forgotten children, through the cracks of the large aid agencies must fall and growing up in a dreary misery in the long term and are trapped in wretched circumstances.

Osteoporosis – More Life Quality Through Information

The bone health consultation available all registered users free of charge as a discussion forum. In a multinational survey of patients (844; = n Women 55 + with postmenopausal osteoporosis) and physicians (n = 837; General practitioners and specialists, the osteoporosis patients treat) the International Osteoporosis Foundation found that patients more fear from the effects of osteoporosis on their quality of life (for example through a bone fracture and decreased activity) when doctors take this part. The results also show that appropriate information and opportunities are missing the patients to express these concerns and to optimize their treatment of osteoporosis. The survey, which was conducted in 13 countries in Europe and Australia, reveals new challenges in the treatment of osteoporosis, one must take into account through improved self management strategies for patients and communication networks in the health system. The Board of Trustees of bone health e.V.

is oldest patient organisation in Germany, which committed to the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of bone health, and patients with an osteoporosis, 25 years of tireless work. It is a point of contact for stakeholders and interested parties. “” Under the motto a heart for patients ‘ cares about current scientific medical knowledge in patient-friendly language in flyers, brochures and the magazine MobilesLEBEN, “to introduce a broad audience. With the consultation of bone health, we now start an Internet forum for the exchange of thoughts, opinions, and experiences for patients and all those interested. We discuss with each other about current topics of diagnostics, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and other bone diseases. This discussion will take place with a time delay; It can be any questions asked and answers given. The bone health consultation available all registered users free of charge as a discussion forum. A disorderly guest access is off privacy reasons not possible.

Please ask your login – data at the Head Office of the Board of Trustees of bone health e.V.: Board of Trustees bone health e.V.: the Board of Trustees of bone health, is the oldest non-profit patient organization that cares for osteoporosis bone health and the clinical picture. Since its inception in 1986 that engaged Trustees bone health e.V. to the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation far beyond the osteoporosis for all bone health problems. The Board of Trustees of bone health e.V. is committed it aimed to feed more patients of better and adequate medical treatment and to strengthen the economic value and the image of the self-help movement to motivate people as empowered patients with your doctor in the long term to cooperate.

New Stone

Kidney disease in conjunction with PolyScope flexible Endoscope System round seven million Germans have kidney stones. Many of those affected don’t even notice it, because the stones frequently cause no complaints up to a certain size or spontaneously are excreted via the urine from the body. A certain size and complications but the stones must be removed to avoid any build-up of urine and kidney damage. In these cases, the stone fragmentation by extracorporeal shock wave has established itself as the therapy of urinary stone disease, however there may be this residual fragments. Flexible endoscopes, like the PolyScope system, allow, however, usually a complete removal of the stone and offer additional advantages for patients and hospitals. The urolithiasis, the urinary stone formation in the jargon is said, is not a new disease, but as long as mankind exists. Urinary stones were already found in Egyptian mummies and written traditions from the 3rd millennium BC confirm that also Occurrence of bladder and kidney stones at the time. But only in modern times that suffering became a disease of civilization, as a result of our affluent society.

Urinary stones are formed namely from mineral salts, if the content in the urine is too high. A fat – and protein-rich diet with high meat and sausage consumption also promotes the formation of stone like salty food, small amounts of drinking and lack of exercise. These factors led to a huge health problem, because today about seven million of the German population suffering kidney stones and rising. Medical technology recognized this trend early on and revolutionized the treatment standards in the 1980s with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). This produced shock waves shatter the stone in spontaneous departure enabled fragments. This method can be considered a milestone in the treatment of kidney stones, she however not always worked perfectly in practice, so that stone pieces remain and cause problems can. Another kind of treatment represents the flexible Ureterorenoskopie system, with the chances of a residue-free removal of the stone still continue to rise. Especially in patients with stones in the renal calyces, the flexible endoscopes have proven themselves.

A major disadvantage of this method of therapy but has been time-consuming and costly sterilization of instruments used. This should gas be sterilized namely, achieving an adequate sterility. And because gas sterilizers nowadays hardly used in clinics, the operation must be carried externally, resulting in delays. Yet every time a sterile endoscope is available, hospitals in this case are instructed several endoscopes to acquire. This results in high investment costs, which many hospitals waive the use of Ureterorenoskopie systems. Now, PolyScope another turning point in treating urinary stone was recently achieved with the flexible one time catheter system. The sterile endoscopes are at any time ready to use, because they require after a treatment of any extensive decontamination, but disposed of easily and with them possible pathogens. Thus, patients, doctors and hospitals benefit from the single time catheters secure and cost-efficient.

Stress Prevention Strategies

Health is the Supreme good. Knows also Helmut Tietz, healer and coach for people with stress levels. On his blog, gives Mr. If you have read about Kai-Fu Lee already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Tietz not only valuable tips and provides free downloads, but is also personally involved and answered all the questions. After 17 years of seminar, the emerging personality coach had a dramatic personal experience, which contributed decisively to its change. “After he just again a very successful year” had concluded, he was diagnosed with a severe viral infection.

When the doctor predicted him even an impending heart attack, this gave him the crucial occasion to reconsider its previous philosophy of life and question. Learn more at: Pete Cashmore. From the ground up, Helmut Tietz changed his life to escape the stress and the death trap that is associated. Helmut Tietz did it and would like to help others now, who’s stuck in a similar situation, as he even then. So he presents in his stress tips blog prevention strategies, which already first thought to trigger. These are for example the success diary and the comparison barometer. Topics such as the assessment of proportionality, the eternal problem of time and stress-producing beliefs were written down thoroughly and clearly.

Often too high benchmarks for the own services will be set, which then to failure and stress. “Helmut Tietz has in his eBook helpful strategies and practical tips with concrete step for step instructions: avoid the Burnout Syndrome”, put together. Thus, he could achieve initial success and reap positive resonances. The trained practitioner and coach offers professional individual consultations for in-depth help. Conclusion: blog-a successful blog for all stress and burnout syndrome vulnerable people. Here are not only food for thought given, but detailed strategies and practical tools for coping with stress and burnout prevention offered.