Tag: finance

Talents and Skills

And of course, not for free. Only engaged in what reveals your talents, you can get big and really high-quality earnings. Assignment: Think about what you can do better than others. What would you like to do if you have enough money. Secondly, now on Earth population of about 6,5 billion people. And everyone needs something.

Therefore, consider carefully what their unique service you can offer them. For example, you are well versed in computers. Excellent. I know hundreds of people who going soon to buy a car, but absolutely nothing about cars. And they will gladly pay you a couple of hundred dollars for something that you pick the right car for them, find a dealer who offer this model to the most suitable price, can arrange a car and tell us about the specifics of care is for this brand machines. To date in Russia and Ukraine each year purchased about 100,000 new cars. About half of the buyers get a car for the first time in my life.

Even if your services will be interested only 10% of potential customers, then after simple calculations we obtain $ 500,000 a year in servicing 5000 clients. Of course, serve 5000 clients to one person is practically impossible, but even 1000 people will bring you an income of 100000 dollars a year. And do not worry if you do not understand the cars. Necessarily a more detailed analysis, you will find a lot of talent, which used to be afraid to admit. You can have a good cook, knit beautiful sweaters, you know all about healthy lifestyles, to be able to grow beautiful flowers. And most likely you have not one, but several unique abilities that will help you to earn good money. So share this knowledge with others. Make it a quality and professionalism. Put their hearts into their work, and thanks satisfied customers will be expressed exactly that amount of money that you need. Assignment: Think about what services you would be able to charge other people. Maybe you can come up with several options. Believe me, sum of $ 5000 a month is quite realistic and achievable. Of course, there is little likelihood that wage and work you will ever be able to earn $ 5-10000. But you'll be saddled with such responsibility, that the money was not will bring you absolutely no fun. I once frequent contact with general managers of various enterprises that were not the owners. At the same time to earn decent money, and among its subordinates evoked awe and respect. They are clearly proud of his position. But I also had a few times to see how the director talked with these business owners. During these conversations, and our confident satisfied a person turned into a pathetic and ridiculous people who curry favor with the master, were afraid to say superfluous word, and were willing to do anything to them was not fired and thus are not deprived of the already familiar and comfortable status in society. And I do not urge to throw your work today and start his own business. I just want to show you the options of how you can become successful and prosperous, and thus earn any desired amount of money. And the choice is yours.