Tag: history

Property Czech Republic

The sales of properties in the Czech Republic even if the crisis is not decreased. Real estate prices in the Czech Republic fell for the whole crisis period is not more than 10%, and even then only on the secondary real estate economy class. Buy real estate in the Czech Republic remains of affluent people, unless the alien is not willing to use mortgage lending Czech banks. Property Czech Republic, bought and decorated to a foreigner does not give the right to receive long-term visa, but is an integral part of the acquisition of the necessary long-term visa with a residence permit. Alina de Almeida is actively involved in the matter. It is own personal registration at its address in Prague or other Czech cities, has a serious chance of getting a residence permit in the Czech Republic. Rent or buy housing in the Czech Republic, every foreigner chooses personally, but the contribution of real estate in the Czech Republic is a good investment of free capital.

Live in their own home near Prague, have an apartment in Prague and the apartment in the Czech mountains is considered prestigious and very convenient distance in the Czech Republic so small that they can travel all over the country for several hours. Now in the Czech Republic, the law allowed to buy any property in private ownership of foreign natural persons to approach the adoption of a law that allowed to buy land of the Czech Republic to foreign nationals. The number of bike trails and ski areas in the Czech Republic is represented in this volume that attendance at all is not possible in a lifetime.

Rio Grande Do Sul

One year later, in 1515, Juan Daz de Sols, Spanish navigator and finder of the River of the Silver, gave the name of bay of ' ' perdidos' ' to waters between the island where today it is the city of Florianpolis and the continent. It sailed in the region, when one of caravelas was broken up of excessively the e, when coming close themselves to the island, in the south bay, it was shipwrecked. Eleven survivors of this expedition well had been received by the indians carijs whose lands went of Canania, in the coast of So Paulo to the Lagoon of the Ducks, in the Rio Grande Do Sul, with them having initiated intense miscegenation. They lived of hunting, fishes and varied culture of maize, potato, cassava and peanuts. Click altavista to learn more. They were exmios teceles of nets, mats and hampers, and worked objects in rock. These indians kept contact with the guaranis of the interior of the state of the Paran and region of Paraguay, and for keeping intense through the route of the Peabiru media, whose destination was the region of Potosi, in the empire Inca, despertaram interest of the foreigners in the search of the silver and the gold.

They occupied the littoral region and they had as limit for the interior the bushes inhabited for botocudos called enemy indians or guanana. In 1526, Sebastio Caboto published the referring maps to its expedition, in which it nominated Island of ' ' port of the Patos' ' , but the name of Santa Catarina alone appears in 1529, in the map of the world of Diego Ribeiro. The catarinense coast until Lagoon and two teros of the one of the Paran had formed the captainship of Santana, donated the Pero Lopes de Sousa. In the start of century XVIII the lands had been bought by the Portuguese Crown, but some Spanish, unsatisfied expeditions, had been in the state, however two years later, had headed for Paraguay under threat of aboriginal attacks.