Tag: media & communication

Federal Government Opts For Internet Platforms

Gutersloh/Bonn government opts for Internet platforms – classic rationalization process in procurement and sales are usually based in the so-called Pareto principle: Eighty percent of the entire result be achieved with twenty per cent of the total. The 80:20 rule was discovered by the Italian Economist Vilfredo Pareto and applied almost in all economic issues. With a concentration on the best customers or suppliers, you can therefore optimize the cost-benefit ratio so the common doctrine. However, digital business models allow the exact opposite: when the cost of a transaction to zero tends, it could be profitable to use also small – and Kleinstkunden with niche products. Wired editor-in-Chief Chris Anderson coined it”the term Long Tail. This applies to the example, the electronic order processing with the much smaller quantities than in the past lucrative make, so the conviction of Jan Westerbarkey, Managing Director Westa-group, which specializes in the production of flexible pipes. “He sees advantages not only for his own company, but also for customers: saved transaction costs to the customer, of course, be passed or invested in additional customer service”, Walter writes in a name post for the Swiss magazine in GDI IMPULS. The cross-company electronic link of information systems include the entire supply chain.

We know what is needed in the trade, and our suppliers to know what demand for us”. From a requested orders, become an obligation. As soon as the camp of his mid-sized company below a given threshold for aluminium strip, all potential suppliers are automatically set on product specifications, bandwidth for quantity and delivery time in knowledge. All competitors have the necessary information to make a bid. As a standard for automating Walter opts for electronic data Interchange (EDI).

The procurement process will often not integrated into the remaining purchasing process, Udo Nadolski, Managing Director of the Dusseldorf IT consulting firm Harvey Nash know. At the same time, an immense cost pressures laste on the buyers and departments. Through a targeted analysis and optimization of all processes and standards of a company are possible”enormous cost reductions, confirmed the Harvey Nash Chief. Therefore, the Federal Government also relies on Internet-based ordering and delivery processes. The awarding platform of the Federal e-procurement ‘ and order platform Department of the Federal Government ‘ standardised communication and legal certainty provide high availability. With our electronic purchasing systems we have cutting-edge interfaces between public authorities and industry”, explains Klaus-Peter Tiedtke, Director of the Procurement Office of the Ministry of the Interior. The processes involved in the purchase of the Swiss Confederation are streamlined, conserve resources and minimize costs for all concerned. A message from NeueNachricht. NeueNachricht is responsible for the content. Editorial NeueNachricht Gunnar Sohn Ettighoffer road 26a 53123 Bonn Tel: 0228 6204474 mobile: 0177 620 44 74 E-Mail: URL:

Perfect Language Computer

Industry representatives reveal their expert knowledge of Stuttgart/Dusseldorf / Berlin, December 2008 – in the communication between company and voice dialog systems has gained in the past few years meaning their customers. But not all applications are mature, often nothing but frustration and the feeling remains with the user, to speak with a stupid machine. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Michael Dell. Bad voice applications often have defects that resolve would have been consistently avoiding the known pitfalls with comparatively little effort”, so Bernhard Steimel, spokesman for the industry initiative voice business in Dusseldorf. Since 2007, the Fraunhofer Institute for work and organisation for the voice business initiative works together with leading experts of the German-speaking trade scene at an industry standard of quality for voice applications. In a first step, the experts have together identified criteria, measures and procedures for the collection of quality and optimization of voice applications and described.

The Results of the first phase of the project quality criteria for voice applications in the study guide – “is published. The developed quality criteria and dimensions and procedure for the collection and optimization of Applikationsqualitat provide a unique overview of current best-practice approaches. On the basis of this preparatory work, a guide is now created outlining specific development processes in the style of a cookbook for typical calibration practice examples illustrate. A pleasant voice, reliable speech recognition and a dash of clarity in the language menu already exists the perfect man-machine dialogue. So just the reality in some cases not is though, but knows Jorn Kreutel, Chief Technology Officer at SemanticEdg in Berlin,: Although each language application project brings individual requirements, but still there are many similarities between the different applications. We have developed the cookbook to manufacturing through a series of prototypical applications that Expert knowledge of the most innovative industry representatives to represent as a guide for users and providers”. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Peter Asaro . The language dialog professionals are engaged to be the the entire spectrum of the voice application information and information services, reminder and alarm services to systems for authentication.

Especially in the use of information services, companies should rely on good ergonomics. Short dialogues and a clear structure are the most important criteria for the design of an information service. Many callers expect a clear answer to your question from a voice response system in a short time. Experts advise initiative in a mixed”, the caller control the dialog with your own questions, rather than stubbornly working off a menu tree. Unclear information, which must identify system keywords and specifically ask for. But be careful: users set the system too sensitive, recognize language the words is very safe, but constantly asks or cancels the dialog. The incoming caller could thereby easily create the impression that he’s talking to a stupid machine. The guide provides a framework which should facilitate choices for the right technology and the right user interface design and support the systematic testing of application over the entire life cycle especially newcomers. As a company, which from the outset has put on the use of speech recognition and tracking of course linguistic approaches, we see us the responsibility to make a contribution to the consolidation and further development of the industry as a whole”so Kreutel continue. Quality standards, based on the user experience, could contribute to a large extent.

Security Industry

Security Association released results of internal survey Berlin, 17.07.2013 the German IT Security Association (TeleTrusT) has interviewed participants its IT security specialist events among other things afterwards, which national daily newspapers and online media are preferred for the daily information. The ranking of most frequent mentions, without other: 1 Suddeutsche Zeitung 2nd FAZ 3. The world or welt.de 4. Handelsblatt or handelsblatt.de 5. The mirror or spiegel.de 6. The time and zeit.de. A political preference location can not derive from the results, but the claim on critical political reflection of IT security topics, what is further likely have pronounced in the course of the discussion of Prism. Asked was also the preferred trade media. In the fullness of the mentions “Marko” (SecuMedia) and industry information service emerged most the IT Security Magazine heise.de, the diversity of the media is more broadly diversified than in the newspapers here depending on the needs and interests. On the question of the “it-sa” (Nuremberg) and the “RSA Conference” (U.S. Edition in San Francisco) are named after preferred trade fairs by far most frequently, as well as the “Infosecurity” in London. Also here many more individual entries of special events took place according to the professional orientation of the respondents. As the objective of sustained, increased interest (for “IT security made in Germany”) are the survey results according to the 1 D-A-CH region 2 remaining European Union 3 United States. As expectations towards the German policy respondents expressed majority: SME support – targeted development of reference projects – research funding – creating necessary legal framework for security critical infrastructure – implementing the e-Government Act – simplification of approval procedures for IT security products (export) – development of the theme of security as a strategic field for the German export industry. The anonymous, open, written survey questionnaires took place in the period from May to July 2013 held and included approximately 400 participants on IT security specialist events by TeleTrusT. TeleTrusT security Federation The German IT Security Association (TeleTrusT) is a network of excellence, which includes domestic and foreign members from science, industry and administration, as well as thematically related partner organisations. TeleTrusT offers forums for experts, organized events or event participation and comments on current questions of security. TeleTrusT is the “TeleTrusT European Bridge CA” (ECWM; PKI-Vertrauensverbund), the expert certificate “TeleTrusT information security professional” (T.I.S.P.) as well as the quality mark “IT security made in Germany”. Headquarters of the Association is Berlin.

Security Industry

Security Association released results of internal survey Berlin, 17.07.2013 the German IT Security Association (TeleTrusT) has interviewed participants its IT security specialist events among other things afterwards, which national daily newspapers and online media are preferred for the daily information. The ranking of most frequent mentions, without other: 1 Suddeutsche Zeitung 2nd FAZ 3. The world or welt.de 4. Handelsblatt or handelsblatt.de 5. The mirror or spiegel.de 6.

The time and zeit.de. A political preference location can not derive from the results, but the claim on critical political reflection of IT security topics, what is further likely have pronounced in the course of the discussion of Prism. Asked was also the preferred trade media. In the fullness of the mentions “Marko” (SecuMedia) and industry information service emerged most the IT Security Magazine heise.de, the diversity of the media is more broadly diversified than in the newspapers here depending on the needs and interests. On the question of the “it-sa” (Nuremberg) and the “RSA Conference” (U.S. Edition in San Francisco) are named after preferred trade fairs by far most frequently, as well as the “Infosecurity” in London. Also here many more individual entries of special events took place according to the professional orientation of the respondents.

As the objective of sustained, increased interest (for “IT security made in Germany”) are the survey results according to the 1 D-A-CH region 2 remaining European Union 3 United States. As expectations towards the German policy respondents expressed majority: SME support – targeted development of reference projects – research funding – creating necessary legal framework for security critical infrastructure – implementing the e-Government Act – simplification of approval procedures for IT security products (export) – development of the theme of security as a strategic field for the German export industry. The anonymous, open, written survey questionnaires took place in the period from May to July 2013 held and included approximately 400 participants on IT security specialist events by TeleTrusT. TeleTrusT security Federation The German IT Security Association (TeleTrusT) is a network of excellence, which includes domestic and foreign members from science, industry and administration, as well as thematically related partner organisations. TeleTrusT offers forums for experts, organized events or event participation and comments on current questions of security. TeleTrusT is the “TeleTrusT European Bridge CA” (ECWM; PKI-Vertrauensverbund), the expert certificate “TeleTrusT information security professional” (T.I.S.P.) as well as the quality mark “IT security made in Germany”.