Tag: noticias-actualidad

Social Party Democrat

A. M. L doubts about Greece, fear of contagion and the reduction of the debt by the rating rating triggered uncertainty these days. Austerity plans, or renovations of Government, nor the electoral advances seem to soothe the markets of the countries on the periphery of the euro. Volatility in the stock markets, risk premiums that rise and fall without control, incessant rumors rescue uncertainty is the word that best sums up, especially in recent days, the economic situation of the peripheral eurozone countries. Doubts regarding the second rescue to Greece, fear of a contagion of the crisis affecting that country and the reduction of the debt by the rating rating have destabilized, even more if possible, international markets and risk premiums, the price premium that require investors to buy the debt of a country against German bonds have soaredregarded as the safest in Europe. Wishes out of such instability they have led to numerous reforms, changes of Government and even electoral advances, something that comes a long time suing the main opposition party in Spain. However, despite the insistence of the popular and the shadow of a possible ransom, the Executive still does not contemplate a foretaste of the expected general elections March 2012.

Internationally, or austerity plans renovations of Government, nor the good intentions of those countries that its executives have been renewed seem to have stabilized the international markets. This is shown by the experience of Ireland, whose debt was lowered this Tuesday at the level of the bonds junk by Moody s Agency, after having premiered a coalition between conservative and labour party Executive and have recently implemented its adjustment programme. The power of the rating does not seem to have improved the economic situation in Portugal after the resignation of its former Prime Minister, Jose Socrates, and the election of his successor, the leader of the Social Party Democrat (PSD), Pedro Passos Coelho.

Miguel Sebastian

Only three brands have joined the Renove Plan of tires: Pirelli, GT Radial, and Nankang. Michelin, the biggest seller in Spain, remains outside. Workshops directly apply a discount of 80 euros per change of four wheels until the 4.8 million euros in aid. The Federation of Metal businessmen (FEDEME) speaks of minimum impact, complete failure and derisory aid the Ministry of industry has opened the period since this Friday to access the aid collected in the Renove Plan of tires, acceded to that only three brands: Pirelli, GT Radial, and Nankang, contributing five product ranges. As reported by this ministerial department, period of access to aid will be extended from tomorrow, June 10, until next December 15, or at the time that the 4.8 million euros with which has been endowed with this initiative are exhausted.

Requirements tyres that will benefit from the aid are those who meet the requirements of energy efficiency, noise emission and safety (wet grip) marked by the IDAE (Institute diversification and energy saving). Workshops to those who attend the users directly apply a discount of 80 euros by the change of the four wheels. Buyer will directly benefit from the discount on the purchase invoice. They may receive these supports only natural persons. Also, the vehicle must be property of the beneficiary, enrolled in Spain and current in the payment of road tax.

A maximum of 60,000 vehicles the Renove Plan of tires includes the renewal of up to a maximum of 240,000 tires, equivalent to 60,000 vehicles, the sector has considered very small, since the Spanish market’s revival of this component moves 18 million units annually. In this way, the Federation of Metal businessmen (Fedeme) has qualified the Renove Plan of tires as a complete failure to include derisory aid and has made it clear that the damage already It is made, taking into account the paralysis caused in sales following the announcement of the incentives. The Manager of Fedeme, Carlos Jacinto, explained that the sector will continue to have the same problems as until now and expected that this plan has a minimal impact, since it caused the cessation of sales of tires with the announcement and now even boasts the majority of manufacturers and ranges. I am not concerned about criticism, I love the Minister of industry, Miguel Sebastian, said criticism of the proposal relating to tyres not only not worried that she loves, since with them gets talk topic and come to the citizen. I like criticisms of tyres. And I like because it speaks of them, which is exactly what we wanted I speak, as bulbs one or two years ago. Therefore, criticisms not only don’t we are concerned about, but that we love, he said. For the Department of Miguel Sebastian, the implementation of this measure will generate energy savings estimated at 1.86 tonnes oil equivalent per year (ktep/year). Michelin, outside of the program the main manufacturer and seller of tires in Spain, Michelin, not acceded to this program on the grounds that there is no equal conditions and produces confusion among consumers, waiting for the adoption of the European labelling, that independently certify the efficiency of every tyre from November 2012. Source of the news: industry opened the period for access to aid of EUR 80 for the trade-in of tires