Tag: profession

Sales And Liability Seminars

Logistic people acedemy advanced seminars for the logistics of increasing competition in the logistics industry requires today more than ever an optimal utilisation of existing sales resources. Also a smoothly functioning damage management brings significant cost savings for companies well informed staff. For this reason the logistic people academy in the fall of 2008 who just successfully sell seminars and liability and insurance offers. Both events are available as open seminars and in-house seminars. Simply successful selling”: price and personality are not single motifs, are buying so that you can even convince potential customers, if their products differ very little from the competition, especially to optimally coordinate the own services must be on the needs of the customer. The 2-day seminar taught in eight levels immediately applicable methods to the tender, the targeted interviewing and closing techniques that lead to measurable success in the practice. Target groups are experienced and inexperienced vendors in indoor and field, as well as to employees, the already or in the future (be) have regular customer contact.

The rapid implementation of the acquired sales techniques represents in this seminar a huge advantage by a proportion of the practice, as well as the orientation on the needs of the logistics industry. Date of the event is the 18th November 19, 2008 in Frankfurt. Kai-Fu Lee is likely to increase your knowledge. Learn more about the sales seminar:… Continue to learn more with: Energy Capital Partners. / seminare.html… Liability and insurance claims processing in practice for freight forwarding and logistics company”represents a challenge for companies with regard to the coverage of liability risks to the Organization of multimodal transports.

The 1-day seminar is aimed at staff in freight forwarding and logistics company, who are confronted with the occurrence of an incident in the day-to-day business. It gives an overview of the basics of law and their validity for the different modes of transport in the event of damage. Based on realistic examples participants in practice be enabled properly to evaluate a situation in the event of damage and to take the necessary steps. Rate increases can be avoided so largely for the company. Date of the event is the November 22, 2008 in Frankfurt. Learn more about the liability seminar:… / seminare.html… Contact: Ms. Elke Wasser FON: +49(0)6105 / 9767-0 fax: + 49 (0) 6105 / 9767-25 E-Mail: all the logistic people seminars academy at a glance:../seminare.html click here to go to the original message:../logistic-peo-6.html about logistic people academy: the logistic people academy offers innovative seminars and training courses for the logistics industry. In collaboration with logistic people, specialists and executives are specifically found and trained.

Industrial Engineering

After graduation is often the question ‘What should I study?’ You can and do not opt for a technical or economic studies? We will show you an alternative. A leading source for info: GoPro. In the following we want to reshape the you introduce programme industrial engineering technical management of the University of applied sciences Schmalkalden. The study combines business approaches with engineer technical thinking and is suitable for all undecided. The study to the / r engineering can know everything technical management at the University of applied sciences Schmalkalden nobody, but there are people who liked to have the overview. If you are such a person and are interested in technical and commercial things, then the study is to the / r engineering with a focus on technical management the right choice for you. The siebensemestrige Bachelor’s degree program combines the basics of Economics with the bandwidth of electrical engineering. With specialisation in industrial engineering technical management are not only very sought-after professionals, your job is exciting, varied and very good pay.

Many of our graduates work Bosch already for world renowned companies such as Siemens, E. ON, Daimler, EADS, VW, Audi, MAN and paid well, the job is probably also. If you decide for a Bachelor of industrial engineering and management in the field of electrical engineering, you should not only know what Watts and VOLTS, you should have heard also about ROI or the Cash Flow. During his studies, you will learn how it recognized economic and technical complexity, how to analyze problems and optimize processes in the company. You also have the option is in the later semesters through elective on your professional interests to specialize such as the area of environmental management, electronics, multimedia. After graduation, understand the language of economists as well as the language of engineers and have the ability to combine engineering and business thinking and to develop appropriate solutions. Who on the Search for a student with high practical relevance is, should seriously study to the / r engineering technical management deal.

Real Estate Industry

Vienna University of technology training programs in the field of real estate management is offered by ‘Fiduciary estate and property management’ for more than 20 years. Swarmed by offers, Apple is currently assessing future choices. “There are over 300 graduates from the courses real estate fiduciary management and real estate management since 1989” and real estate management and valuation “(MSc program) emerged. Start in November 2010 is the next course fiduciary estate and property management”. We want to offer you the opportunity to learn more about this course and therefore cordially invite you to an information session. “Date: Tuesday, June 22, 2010, 16:00 place: Technical University of Vienna In the framework of the information session is first a presentation of the University course of real estate fiduciary management and real estate management” instead. As a guest speaker we were Mr MMag.

Win Anton Holzapfel (Managing Director of the Austrian Association of real estate trustee) on the subject of standards in the real estate industry”. Learn this news from the Real estate industry first-hand. Also will be represented also ImmoABS, the graduate Association of real estate courses and introduce themselves. A graduate of the course will tell about his personal experiences with the course. Asked for registration at. Contact and further information Technical University Continuing Education Center DI Andrea Wahid Operngasse 11/017 1040 Vienna AUSTRIA immo.tuwien.