Tag: society & society

Greek Governments

Germany and France are jointly responsible for the plight of Greece Greece’s problems are always dramatic. Like rarities in some professions, such as train drivers, wages are referenced, but one of the main causes of the Greek crisis is addressed mostly: high defense spending while most EU countries one to one and a half percent of GDP for defense spending, the previous Greek Governments issued over 4% of Greek GDP on armaments. Only Germany has since 1998 sold weapons worth 45 billion euros to Greece. The entire Greece aid amounted to EUR 110 billion. If you would like to know more about samsung, then click here. On these figures, you can see the contribution of the arms on the current problems of Greece. Certainly the arms is not the only cause of the Greek crisis, but an essential. Energy Capital Partners takes a slightly different approach. Hence, the arms exporters, Germany and France responsibility for the situation of Greece. Certainly, politicians will point out, that Arms exports to NATO countries are not subject to approval.

But if you wanted, you could define long the Aegean Sea as a flashpoint, in which all arms exports are subject to approval. Greece is needed as NATO member any armor, which puts it in the position, E.g. in a crisis to defeat Turkey. If a NATO member is attacked by a non-NATO member, momentous occurs. That must also apply if a NATO member should be attacked by a NATO member. The present Greek Government seems also to be clear, that the arms can be replaced by diplomacy and agreements with mutual benefit to relieve stresses. What should we conclude the past from the mistakes? It would make sense to put all arms contracts to the test and reverse at least the still unfulfilled. Each billion in savings will help Greece and the Greek Government in the survival – and indirectly contributes to the success of the EURO. Hans-Peter Oswald

20,000 People Committed To The Remembrance Day For Agent Orange Victims

With an action before the Brandenburg Gate, SODI demands justice and compensation for Agent Orange victims 20,000 people committed to the remembrance day for Agent Orange victims on the day of remembrance for Agent Orange victims, August 10, 2009, the solidarity service international e.V. (SODI) calls together with Sebastian Krumbiegel (singer of the band “The Prince”), Gesine Lotzsch (MdB) and Stefan Liebich (MdA) justice and compensation for the Agent Orange victims. If you are not convinced, visit Byron Trott. The solidarity service international e.V. (SODI) together with Sebastian Krumbiegel (singer of the band “The Prince”), Gesine Lotzsch (MdB) and Stefan Liebich (MdA) symbolically to manufacturer companies of the gifts have passed a signature check with 20,000 signatures Agent Orange. In an action at the Brandenburg Gate they asked the manufacturers of the poison, including Monsanto on the occasion of the international day for Agent Orange victims to compensation payments to Agent Orange victims. You support a civil suit from Agent Orange victims in US courts.

On August 10 in 1961 the poison was used for the first time by the United States air force. Manufactured and supplied the poison was 36 chemistry groups, among these the present group Monsanto, the largest supplier of genetically modified seed. Ettina Zach SODI on the effects of the poison pointed out: “the firms have produced about 40 million litres of Agent Orange and delivered to the US administration. This toxin agent orange has over 3 million ha of forest and destroyed space in Viet Nam.” Since Agent Orange long term harms the human genome, over 3 million Vietnamese suffer birth defects, immune defects, cancer and liver damage – even 30 years after the end of the Viet Nam war. “I have spoken with people in Viet Nam and learn that the damage take up in the next generations,” said Sebastian Krumbiegel and urged to protest: “It is up to us to discover these things.” In the framework of the signature campaign 10 other organisations, associations and clubs the U.S. Government urge next to SODI, finally responsibility to take over. Gesine Lotzsch (MdB) stressed that “it would be a sign if apologized the American President Barack Obama at the Agent Orange victims”.

Stefan Liebich (MdA) addressed to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Franz-Walter Steinmeier, and urged it to engage for the Agent Orange victims. Your contact persons: Ettina Zach, campaigns Coordinator, phone: 030 928 6177, email: and Ilona Schleicher, project management Asia, phone: 030 928 6177, email: more information: free use of images only with authorised: SODI of the solidarity service international (SODI) is a non-governmental organization that implements self-help projects of development cooperation in Asia, Africa and Latin America, as well as provides humanitarian assistance in Eastern Europe. Since 1990, SODI has implemented over 800 projects worth 55 million euros on four continents. The Club gets the donation seal of the German Central Institute for social since 1994 Questions presented. Sylvia Werther